TX: Texas Voices standing against sex offender residency restrictions

Texas Voices, a group made up of families of people on Texas’ sex offender registry and others who support reform of Texas sex offender statutes, has been quite active this session, and it’s a good thing. As Grits told their indefatigable leader Mary Sue Molnar when the organization began, every other criminal justice reform group and activist in the state, including me, will inevitably sell them out at the Legislature. When someone says of a proposal, “well, we can do that but we have to exclude sex offenders,” reform advocates…

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NV: Volunteer work helps sex offender deal with past, build a future

Clients arrive early at the Las Vegas Senior Food Pantry down on Ninth Street, where Teri De La Torre and her small team of volunteers distribute bread, produce, meat and dry goods to the neighborhood’s low-income elderly. The food bank’s headquarters at the corner of Ninth and Bonneville is as neat and manicured as any of the law offices in the area, but there aren’t many billable hours to be found here. The tiny nonprofit has been known for many years more commonly as Jude 22 after the Bible verse…

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New California Supreme Court surprises analysts early on

When Gov. Jerry Brown’s two latest nominees joined the California Supreme Court in January, legal analysts foresaw the creation of a more liberal majority. … During a closed session last week, Kruger joined the more conservative justices in refusing to revisit a decision that said adults who have consensual oral sex with minors must register as sex offenders — even though registration is not mandatory for adults who have sexual intercourse with people in the same age group. Full Article

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How We Will Take Down Public Registries (RSOL)

Although many of our constituents would love to see some sort of silver bullet to end public sex offender registries once and for all, realistically, this is a long-term war. It will take many more battles across many different fronts to win. Those fronts include our legal system, our legislatures, and the general public. It also includes… ourselves! EVERY battlefront is important, and EVERY soldier is needed The Legal Front We have many legal “soldiers” out there challenging various aspects of public registration, sometimes for individuals, sometimes for entire groups.…

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