FL: Welcome to Pariahville

When you are a registered sex offender in America, you lose the right to choose where you want to live. By law. Your backstory doesnt matter. Nor does the nature of your crime or your excuse. You are exiled from society, and only a few places will welcome you. Like this place in South Florida. The City of Refuge. Jay Kirk reports on life in an American community—yes, that’s definitely the right word—like no other. Full Article

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WOW what a story. It’s like we stepped back in time but were actually in 2015 America. This story conjures up so many different emotions its incredible. All I can say is wow those poor people in Florida wtf is wrong with our society that they think this is ok. I think isis and alqeida have more love for their own people then these politicians and a lot of the citizens in the US have. It’s disgusting but inspiring how these people have found a place to live in a group with love and compassion for each other. CA isn’t far from this happening its scary as hell.

From the article “same laws don’t apply to drug dealers and murderers, and I don’t imagine I’ll ever feel qualified to pass judgment on such things. What does nag me, however, is the way they advocate for themselves as if the discrimination they suffer is really no different than that of an oppressed minority group. I’ve heard Pat start in twice now about how he really gets the plight of the Jews in Nazi Germany because he says he’s seen the sheriff’s office show up in the middle of the night and enter people’s homes without much ceremony. I likewise cringe when I hear him start pushing for membership in the local Rotary Club, as if the next step to respectability is only a matter of savvy networking.”

What makes me cringe is when someone appearingly naively mitigates the comparison to Nazi’s. Does this author even realize that the Nazi oppression of Gypsies, Jews, Homosexuals, Communists all started with the oppression of sex deviants/offenders. SO’s are indeed an oppressed minority. It’s too bad an article can’t be written that supports the truth, like this one, without all the crap needed to be added so that the author does not appear to be pro-offender. Overall, a good article, except for this guy cringing all the time. Most all SO’s received mandatory counseling which makes them more sensitive to issues that those who are not registrants and commit 95+% of all the sex crimes are not focused on. Things like respecting boundaries, things that make registrants have the lowest reoffense rate , with the exception of murderers. A thought, to help reduce the 95+% of sex crimes which are not done by registrants….mandatory sex counseling for everybody, not just registrants. Why should only registrants who have a less than 2% reoffense rate and are more responsible than non-registrants, after 17 years, only get the benefit of these therapies? With Clear Channel and others making money off of sex crimes reporting to up their ratings, and others/politicians scapegoating registrants to build football stadiums on toxic waste dumps, distract the public from their own agenda, bolster their careers, the media and these often-hypocritical politicians/entrepreneurs/profiteers will surely be the last holdouts.