OH: Pedophiles should not be allowed to mix with minors on college campus (Column)

Every parent’s nightmare is a reality in the classrooms of Cuyahoga Community College.

Literally, as I type this article, blossoming teenage girls and budding teenage boys are schoolmates with adult registered sex offenders who have failed to report Tri-C as their school. Many have stipulations that prohibit unsupervised contact with minors. Full Column

Response: Should former sex offenders be allowed on college campuses? 

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If they are peodophiles, then i guess colledge students need not worry do they? Do these idiot reporters and bloggers even know what a peodophile is? And if someone who must register is breaking the law, then great, charge them and forget it. But are these “monsters” actually hurting anyone IN the school? I seriously doubt it.

What a bunch of wussies. Bullying is okay in schools, but letting somebody re-integrate in society after they’ve served there time is not, apparently.

Here is something to think about: Most colleges are BUSINESSES. They are in it for the money. As such, anyone willing to pay and attend should have a RIGHT TO DO SO.

Also, i couldn’t comment on the page because the page refused to finish loading and was jumping around for a good minute or so, while trying to load. Stupid website developer(s).

What a horrible article – devoid of any verifiable facts and short on logic. This article is nothing but fear-mongering and is intellectually dishonest – and the author is being deservedly excoriated for it in the comments section – very few comments have supported the author’s position.

This is certainly a serious issue! After my legal issue, I went back yo school and obtained both. BS and MBA! Now, we have individuals registering and they are required to notify the school as well! Yet, are we now going to begin performing background checks on people wanting to attend College? Some states are banning registered citizens from beaches ect. Yet, we are now talking about banning them from attending school with adults? What about the girl with a DUI? Or, guy who has gang affiliation? These people need to realize this has been all brought on by the hysteria created by over zealous politicians. Maybe we should ban fraternities? Are we now saying that if you are a registered citizen, we are going to ban you from getting an education?

Writers like this gives us another opportunity to educate.

This is another example of people testing the waters! Why no ban registered citizens from shopping malls? Or, why don’t they require registered citizens from using public restrooms? Gave a separate bathroom for them! Also, she we allow them to fly? What of? Separate seating? Entrance? How about banning them
from movie theaters? What if they take their child to a children’s movie and children are sitting next to them?/even though their conviction wasn’t child related! Just ban them from children’s movies? Separate seating/their tickets cost more because of security? See how silly this all is! Is it? We where banned from parks/beaches/libraries/pools and even movie theaters? Your even banned from restaurants/with children’s playgrounds! You can’t visit Ikea in Carson and shop!

This has to be the most asinine article I’ve read in a very long time.