SB 267 – New Hearing Date: Tuesday, May 12

The Senate Public Safety Committee has delayed its consideration of SB 267 by two weeks. The new hearing date for that bill is May 12. No reason has been given for the delay. The Assembly Local Government Committee is still scheduled to hear AB 201 on April 29 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 447 of the State Capitol. Both bills, if passed, would allow cities and counties to pass “presence restrictions” that could prohibit registered citizens from being present in or near both public and private places.

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Well, while such a fight would be time and money consuming, I still think this could be easily challenged using the rationale of the court in the San Diego case of these ordinances being undue interference by the government, arbitrary and bearing no rational relationship to the goal of protecting children,
Not so?

The recent supreme court decisions announced March 2nd settle the matter. Stare decisis. It is now settled law, do not disturb it.

First, I hope everyone keeps the moderation on a professional level! As such, we have the California Sex Offender Committee/excuse me for not knowing the correct title /strongly suggesting a tiered system in California. Then, we have courts ruling against residence restrictions. Then, we have the parole board or those in charge of paroles requesting to be more lenient on residency restrictions! Then, on top of that, it’s almost impossible for a registered citizen to travel throughout California without breaking the law/the laws are too confusing. Let’s hope someone will do the right thing!

This two week delay on the SB267 Hearing date gives each of us time to contact more friends and family and encourage them to speak up as well. Make it easy for them – give them the wording, the addresses & phone numbers, address and stamp the envelopes if you have to! We need their voices. We need enough voices to provide political cover for any legislator willing to question these awful bills.

Folks, PLEASE! Make the phone calls!! It’s easy and only takes a moment AND IT MATTERS!! I just phoned all the committee members for both bills, AB201 and SB267. The fellow at Senator Anderson’s office said he had only received three calls on SB267! Only three!! Here’s my script (adjust it as you like): “Good morning. I’m calling about a Bill that is being considered by the Senate Public Safety Committee on which Senator Anderson sits. The Bill is SB267 regarding local restriction on sex offenders. I am OPPOSED to SB267 because it is impractical and unnecessary.” I used a similar short, to-the-point script for AB201.

FYI, when I called them I asked and, yes, most Senators and Assembly Members DID want to hear from Californians (even those who are not in their District). Many still want a yea vs. nea tally of what the voting public thinks of these Bills.

Welcome to cali-florida my god what chaos this is going to create

The public registry and the danger of being bullied can leave lasting harm to innocent children of registrants.

“It might be a surprise that bullying has such a strong effect, but for kids, fitting in with classmates is extremely important,” Dieter Wolke, lead author of the study and professor of developmental psychology and individual differences at the University of Warwick in the U.K., tells Yahoo Parenting.

“Kids want to be accepted and be a part of their peer group, and being excluded or singled out is very difficult and can have lasting damage,” says Wolke. The study was published in The Lancet Psychiatry and presented Thursday at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting.
Read more:

(This is cross posted for a reason. I want to be sure that it is seen and the message conveyed to whoever. The other related thread has so many posts I think it may not be seen. This is our BIG CHANCE; step up and speak up by making those calls!!!!)

OK; made my calls to all the senators offices and it took less than 15 min. Had a family member call too. My thoughts and prayers will be with Janice et al for the rest of the day, as well as tonight and tomorrow. I urge everyone to call. It’s quick and painless. If anyone reading this thinks they don’t need to call, I’ll remind you that this is for freedom and truth, as well as what is right. I believe WE CAN make a difference!

I want to know why they lined out reside in the amendment.

I only caught the end of the hearing but I THINK this is what I understood happened to 267.

Two-year bill
A bill that is “dead,” “stalled,” “held” or simply “not moved” by the author in the first year of a two-year session and cannot be heard again until the second year of the session. Gener- ally a bill becomes a two-year bill when it fails to meet a legislative deadline, such as a fiscal committee or policy committee deadline. A bill cannot become a two-year bill in the second year of the session, since there is no additional year to which the bill would be carried over.

(cross posted intentionally) I called again yesterday. AND I sent a long email to Assemblyman Marc Steinorth asking him to reconsider his support of this bad Bill. I personalized the email with details of my life 20 years post-offense.

*Fingers Crossed* Very best thoughts to Janice and crew in Sacramento right now fighting for our rights and our freedom!!! *Thank you Janice et al!!*