Are sex offenders attending your child’s school? It’s legal

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —When parents drop their children off at school, they might know who else is in the classroom — but KCRA 3’s investigative team has found your child might be sharing a class with a convicted sex offender. Some parents may never know. These offenders don’t show up on the Megan’s Law website or anywhere on the Internet, and by law, the schools can’t tell you who they are. Full Article

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Thats it.. we should just shut down the public school system..

Oh come on kids will be kids. Society is trying to make sex such a dirty thing . It seems United States is afraid of sex . If you go to Germany it’s way different . I think they have it right, there more concerned about violence than sex , we are more concerned about sex than violence .

I wish every State Senator and Assemblymen would read in-between the lines in this article and enact such laws for everyone.

Nondescript, everyday-looking homes that perform a task — to rehabilitate juvenile sex offenders

The juvenile justice system is set up to rehabilitate because the kids have already been through the court system, but unlike adults convicted of sexual crimes, the idea is to get these children back into society.

The probation department said the best part of that is to make sure they receive an education

The law gives the benefit of the doubt to the kids in these homes.

The idea is to get them rehabilitated, not to continue punishing them.

The law is clear, too, that beyond the superintendent and the principal, no one is allowed to disclose a juvenile’s criminal background.

You do give them some degree of opportunity to learn from their mistakes

I’m laughing because back in the day when i was on probation, i was FORCED to attend high school to finish obtaining my high school diploma as a condition of my probation. My only condition was to ensure that when around minors, i just needed another adult present. I was 20 years old, forced to sit and work with others as young as 14. Today I have my HS diploma and have attended college and a university, something i’m glad I did because it helped convert my lack of confidence into confidence I badly needed, the very point my probation officer wanted to ensure I experienced before she retired.

Hey Parents, they found a new boogeyman, and he’s 15 years old and goes to school with your kid!

May is Television Ratings Sweeps Month.
All these stations do is put the words “Sex Offender” into the headline of any story to scare people into watching.

The juvenile justice system is set up to rehabilitate because the kids have already been through the court system, but unlike adults convicted of sexual crimes, the idea is to get these children back into society.
Huh? I thought we ALL are supposed to be part of society.

This article is a bunch of trash talk promoted by the TV station. I am going to send an Email to the station management. I hope others would help educates these bottom feeders.

“KCRA 3 spent a year tracking vehicles from homes in Elk Grove, Orangevale and Carmichael. The kids in these homes have been convicted of crimes in juvenile court that range from exposing themselves to sexual contact with someone younger than age 14, to rape.”
Seriously??!! So in other words, KCRA stalked minors by following their parents cars around for a year?? This seems very illegal to me. At least it should be! This network should get a Golden Turd award for the most desperate news station and those parents should file lawsuits against the networks since the individuals they admitted to stalking are minors and protected.

It seems “they” have come up with a new way to continue their attack on children.

I was incensed when I saw this BS story. Its as though the media and government can do almost all they can to F over RSOs so now they found fresh new target: children. If you ask me, to out these kids like this is every bit as bad as any kind of sexual assault.

Several times they mention the point of helping them re-enter society and get an education, but seem to just fan the flames of hysteria to prevent these poor kids (who were likely victimized themselves) from having any kind of future.

How unfortunate the Comments section seems to be deactivated for this chicken $hit story.