Janice’s Journal: SB 267 Withdrawn

We did it! We stopped SB 267! The California state legislature will not consider for the remainder of this year any bill that would authorize cities and counties to pass laws that prohibit registered citizens from being present in or near public and private places.

“This great victory is the result of individuals writing letters and making phone calls to state senators as well as testifying before the Senate Public Safety Committee,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “It is also the result of support from like minded organizations including the ACLU, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, Housing California and Alameda County.”

During the Senate Public Safety Committee hearing, there was overwhelming support from those who opposed the bill. The support began with formal testimony from ACLU, Housing California and California RSOL and was followed by informal testimony from like minded organizations and individuals, including registered citizens.

Senator Loni Hancock, chair of the Public Safety Committee, thanked the registered citizens who testified and added, “It takes a lot of courage to speak out due to the stigma of being on the registry.”

Following the testimony, Senators Mark Leno and Loni Hancock stated they could not support SB 267. Leno stated his position was based in large part on recommendations from the California Sex Offender Management Board (CA SOMB). Hancock agreed with Leno and then asked the author of the bill to withdraw it. The author of the bill, Senator Connie Leyva agreed to that request.

Because Senator Leyva withdrew the bill, it cannot be considered in 2015. The bill could, however, be amended and considered in 2016 provided that the amended bill is introduced in January 2016. The Assembly version of the bill, AB 201, was also withdrawn by its author and faces a similar fate.

– Janice Bellucci

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New “Myth” for the top of the site

“Registered Citizens are meek and frightened, don’t vote and will not fight for their rights”

Thank you everyone! It is people like you who see the vindictiveness and the punishment that these laws place on registrants and their families. I was grateful to do my part and will continue to do so until this kind of fear-based thinking is eliminated. Gratitude to Janet for your hard work in ensuring that we all get a fair shake in society.

Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”

We can’t lose unless we stop fighting the “good fight” (no matter how hard or long). We are all winners!

I recently viewed the video and I was very happy to see and hear my district’s representative Mark Leno’s comments in opposition to this bill. I just sent him a thank you e-mail.

This was an amazing win for us. I just want to thank everybody involved. I am a registrant who made the trip up today after years of thinking I could never make a difference. I found that that thinking couldn’t be farther from the truth. Everyday people getting involved can make change happen. If your a registrant get involved your voice will be heard and can be the difference to push things in the direction we are fighting for. We don’t need to live in this fear that has been created for us.

like I usually say on my posts..

Another WIN for RSO (RC)

Great link guest. My god it was great to hear leno talk sense and show the courage to speak up I love the fact that our people are using the reports and making the points that matter. Those reports are the keystones to get the registry overturned completely. The registry is useless and counterproductive and can be proven as such by the reports. Great job.

CONGRATULATIONS CA RSOL !!!!!!!!!!! We are two states east of you, and we can hear the celebration !!!!!

Thank you Janice, Frank, et al; I was thinking of you two and everyone else all day.

Today I was in a park guiding another man through a spiritual process and found it hard to stay focused. A cop kept driving by and I couldn’t help thinking that after today I could possibly go to jail for doing what I was doing; guiding a man through the 12 step process in a park because we had no where else to go; trying to help him to help his self. This win proves that darkness can’t compete with light.

I also want to thank all the registrants and everyone else that wrote letters and made calls. I called every senator on the list twice to voice my opposition to this unconstitutional bill. I was planning on calling a third time, but some of the offices started asking for name and city 🙂 so I thought I had better not press my luck!!!!

If this bill or a similar one rears it’s ugly head in the future I now know that together WE can defeat it and win!!!!

If you can make sure you tell Connie Thanks for withdrawing SB267



Thank you Janice and EVERYONE who showed up and spoke up!!!!

The best time to prepare for the next battle is the day after a victory. We need to do everything that is legal to alert every RC and their family members about CA RSOL so there will be a bigger army, not only to defend us from these Terrorist attacks, also, launch an offensive in this war.

Great News! Thank you to Janice for another victory! And thanks goes to everyone that made the effort to call or write and had friends and family do the same. It proves that the system does work and that common sense can prevail. The city of Carson and others who have refused to budge on this issue need to take great stock of this turn of events. It is now their turn to do the right thing and get rid of their hateful draconian laws.

Its time for everyone to donate to CA RSOL so that even more work can be done.

Thank you again to Janice and Frank for making everyone’s lives better.

I too watched the video and I was so impressed with what he had to say. Suggesting to Leyva to come back with a tier system bill was classic. Hancock is from Alameda County who testified against the bill. Both Hancock and Leno are California Bay Area representatives.

City of CARSON Mayor/Councilman ALBERT ROBLES faces SEXAUL ASSSSUALT allegations:

I always thought he was a little too vocal about the RSO issue. This would explain it.
It seems it was a case of , “Hey! Look over there!”


Amazing victory, Janice and company!! After hearing Leno speak, it’s obvious that the powers to be are understanding the depth of this issue. He totally gets it. Thank you so very much for all that you do!!

Leno’s comment to “come back with a tier bill” is epic. It’s almost a warning shot to anyone else who wants to come up with BS bills to come with something substantial that reflects CASOMB’s reccomendations to help fix the situation. I dread to think what our situation would be if the far right was in charge.

Some believe in luck. I practice Prayer and Action! AV Homeless Veteran… Thanks to all who signed and to those of us California Citizens who: lobby, make, enforce, and obey the LAW!

I have developed a system of influencing that if taken to heart and acted on will make a difference at city, county, state and federal levels.

Forgive me and my lacking towards defining what resources are available to you via your local hair salons and barber shops. These people are directly in touch with voters …they are the boots on the ground.

How can you use their relationships with community to promote our rights in this war? What does a hairstylist and barber value most? Their cutting tools.

If you determine to sharpen their scissors for free stating (XYZ politician) sponsored their scissors to be sharpened…that (XYZ candidate) will be voted for and one thing hairstylist do is talk. If a politician is playing the race card( I mean sex offender card) they now have a problem. Just go to their rival with your sponsorship program.

I will teach you these easy skills and we will take the country back one hair salon and barber shop at a time! Although this is a complementary service hairstylist usually give tips out of appreciation..I averaged $100 a day in tips for all the free work done. Outside of election season I charge $25-$35 per scissor. Good part-time cash for any Registrant out of work.

I am a registrant that use to be a salon owner and hairstylist. The registry will be defeated. Our fight ladies and gentlemen is a patriotic one. We are all soldiers in this war…there are no civilians on the registry. Justice will prevail.

The politician must agree in lieu of payment as follows:
1. Uphold their oath of office especially when it’s unpopular to do so.
2. give a donation of any amount to any organization that supports abused women and/or children. Well, that’s what I requested of my candidate in lieu of me being paid..Good PR in case the secret gets out. Robert 949.872.8768

thank you Janice Bellucci and RSOL for fighting for us! The favor of God is on you!

Janice and the RSOL and the people who testified – THANK YOU for all your work. You’ve made a difference in our life and our families’ lives. We’ve suffered too long and too much from this injustice. Please continue the fight. If not for anything then for justice. To end this suffering. Only you believe in us and our cause. THANK YOU again and again.

My father survived 1939 Berlin because good German citizens saw the wrong in their governments laws. I’m here today because people came together to help each other. He would be happy to people standing up for their rights.

I just wrote President Obama a letter and in it I voiced the concerned of the nation’s community of registered citizens. I also sent the same letter to each of my representatives. I want to be heard, it’s my right as a citizen of this nation and of this world.

I am writing to my Assemblyman (who voted in favor of AB201 in the Local Governance Committee prior to it being withdrawn) and I am including a link to the Senate Public Safety Hearing video) with the suggestion that he learn from Senator Leno. I’m irritated by my Assemblyman’s pandering cowardice!