The most prestigious legal body in America is considering changing the Model Penal Code to criminalize holding your girlfriend’s hand on a date

The American Law Institute is the most important and most prestigious organization of legal scholars and prominent attorneys in the United States. The ALI drafts model laws that become statutes and Restatements of the Law that are widely cited as authority in judicial opinions. Full Article

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What in the actual f**k?!

It is evident that the past racial divisions have been escalated by our government and the race baiting minions that are sent out to fuel those fires. Now it appears that there will be a growing divide between genders with crap like this sprouting up. We all know that this stuff only applies to “Joe Blue Collar” and not to gov’t officials and/or law enforcement.
I suppose the goal is to have all males live like hermits and turn all females into some sort of victim. When will this crap ever stop? (when I die!)

Seriously, as bizarre as this world has become, this appears to be the only practical and safe answer: Abstinence for all.
I would note that rape can also occur within the bonds of marriage, so hubbies & wives beware – no hand-holding without a signed, notarized agreement (required for each occurrence).
I’m not sure I have the patience to wade through all 250+ pages, but I’m wondering if they’ve included a section on non-consensual self-gratification for each participating personality of a multiple-personality schizophrenic person(s).

…In all of these cases, the draft creates a conclusive presumption that the relationship constitutes felonious sexual exploitation regardless of whether the relationship has continued through years of marriage, and regardless of whether the “victim” objects to any prosecution. The draft acknowledges that these new crimes, “are largely a new departure for American law”…

As many thousands of people have been required to register and are being required to register under the exact circumstances described above this is NOT a new departure for American law, IT IS JUST VERY BAD LAW.

Now if both A and B consent to the handshake and kissing, bystander C may find the escalating sexual feelings offensive or even disgusting, photograph it all and call the police, resulting in A and B being arrested and facing lewd and lascivious charges. The news makes a big deal out of it and takes the opportunity to present themselves as virtuous defenders of modern puritanism.
The Chinese communists had thought reform, the Americans had McCarthyism, the Nazis had purity of blood. Now we are developing this mad concept of sexual purity and it is spinning out of control as we watch, just like those other totalistic movements, driving civilization further and further away from verifiable reality into the realm of myth and superstition.

These “legal scholars and prominent attorneys” are clearly guilty of mental masturbation in an ivory tower. They should be deeply ashamed to be associated with such foolishness!

There seems to be some pretty handy sections in this article that cover the legal pitfalls of hand holding. I immediately went to my very old MP-3 files. I found the early Beatles song ” I Wanna Hold Your Hand” and have been playing it as I type this….

On this thread we don’t get much into the campus rape mania, but from what I can find these American Legal Institoot people are timing this to ride on the crest of all the hoopla of campus rape and AFFIRMATIVE CONSENT. Yes, Calif became first to enact their (er… your) college campuses with it last year. So to quote a reader’s comment from “Simple Justice” titled “As the definition of rape slides down the slippery slope”:

“Women can just as easily regret a sexual encounter with another woman, as can a man ( with either a man or a woman). When these alternative scenarios come up before a Disciplinary Board, then we’ll see whether they mean what they say about AFFIRMATIVE CONSENT ! Anything less would be quite sexist.”

This is total FemiNazi Bulls**t!!!!!

Good! It will not be long that everyone will be a sex offender and on the registry, especially if it is made retroactive to the beginning of time. The Runners, John & Mark and company held hands at least once

And the net widens and is cast ever farther into the sea of the ignorant masses