Is it possible to sexually exploit one’s self? That question is one of many conundrums in the recent case of a teenage North Carolina couple charged with making and distributing child pornography.
Their alleged crime: snapping and sending nude photos — of themselves. Full Article
Utah did this to a 13 year old girl, and a 12 year old boy, because they got pregnant and had a kid. It took 4+ years to make it through appeals, where the Utah Supreme Court overturned the girls conviction saying she could not be considered both a victim and a perpetrator. Not sure if the boy got his overturned, I think he may have waived his right be cause he plead guilty.
Saving teens from themselves by arresting them? Ridiculous. Though they may not be subject to registration, their names have been published and unless a “right to be forgotten” law is created as in Europe, this will follow them for the rest of their lives by a simple Google search.
One commenter said it best; there is a lack of common sense in the legal system and legislature. Why the need to oversaturate the registry with people who are no threat to society? Is it really all about the money?
As to the Utah link, it seems the message is: If abstinence-only programs don’t work, convict them as sex offenders. That’ll deter them. Right. Pretty gross that those kids had sex that young, but are they really a danger to society?
And they believe they aren’t harming children?