“I Am The Creepy Guy at the Park”

Yesterday was a beautiful day, I think you will agree. I decided to take a short walk from my house on Hamilton Street to Dana Park, which I have been coming to almost daily since 1989, the year my son was born. As I often do, I brought my camera, sat on a bench for about 10 minutes, did one lap around the park and headed home.

I had barely gotten across the street when three police cars pulled up: I was told to stop, and swiftly surrounded by six policemen. I was “detained” there for approximately 20 minutes and questioned; another officer returned to the park to find out why you had called them.

My suspected crime, apparently, was having a camera in a public park, and allegedly taking pictures of children. As it turned out, I had taken no pictures that day. But I have been photographing in this neighborhood for 30 years, and have published a children’s book of poems and photographs, always with permission. Full Article

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Sorry but you have no freedoms any longer. Make no mistake about it. You are in the USA – the land of the free…makes a great sound bit right…land of the free. Just like seeing “In god we trust” on every coin and bill even though there is supposed to be separation of church and state (last time I check the government issues the money we use here) so that clearly is not true either…in fact, it is insulting to the intelligence of thinking atheists and also those who hold beliefs in other gods.

So do not think that logic will apply to your/our situation as logic has no place in the USA.

Stop being creepy, your lucky you are still upright and breathing

What does this say about a culture that has turned public photography into possible predatory behavior?

Who is has the mindset to add sexual context or potential sexual context in essentially every situation? Why is everyone else bending to the disturbed mentality of these individuals and groups by allowing reality to be defined from the perspective of a minority? Keep in mind most times the claims of an image or video being sexual don’t originate from the photographer or videographer, but an investigating agent/agency. Only after a question about nefarious intent is asked does anyone admit something sexual might have been the driving motivation for creating the content in question. Yes some people upfront state the purpose, but nowhere near everyone. Just because some individuals somewhere have decided bathing in prune laced broccoli banana basil kale papaya asparagus juice while tripping on acid and mushrooms creates a cleansing euphoric state of frog endurance doesn’t mean anyone outside the group should cater to the validity of any of it. My point being; people can perceive all manner of things. Yet most times nobody else cares enough to criminalize, pathologize, or pay attention to outlandish perceptions. Lets stop introducing sex where it does not exist. Lets stop criminalizing people for possible thoughts. Above all else stop ignoring reality by not allowing anyone to write and speak candidly without the feedback being negative all the time. Not everything is sexual and not every sexual act is involving certain people below or above a particular range is wrong.

Wonder if it had been a female with a camera would the police have been called as well?
stupid. Just really really stupid.
Everyone, simply EVERYONE (except me) has a phone with a camera.
People need to chill out.
Six police officers? really? Nothing else was going on in that city that they needed to send 6 officers to check someone’s camera and phone?

Be go to hel if I would let them look at my phone. Not that I have anything to hide but simply if your not on parole probation they would be lucky if I even gave them my name