NH: Lawmaker proposes registry for heroin dealers

The registry would be similar to the registry of sex offenders. Rep. Jack Flanagan, R-Brookline, said it would allow Granite Staters to know if they live near anyone convicted of dealing heroin.

“It basically sets up an offenders list,” Flanagan said. “Just like we have sex offenders, now we have drug dealers that are selling heroin, and I think they are equally as bad to the public.”

Flanagan said he believes a public database would not only serve as a public service, but also as a deterrent for those who don’t want to be on it. Full Article

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This can become a real thing of beauty! Let his opponents site recent studies showing registries don’t work, I love it.

Really? Heroin? No that’s just stupid. If there’s going to be a registry for any drug offenses it should include nearly all drug offenses. What I find most laughable is the notion of a heroin dealer registry being a deterrent for those who don’t want to be on it. Please let someone attempt to make that statement about the sex offender registry so they can be properly ripped to shreds like the guy who is proposing a heroin dealer registry should be. Registries don’t increase safety and in fact evidence points to them creating more dangers.

Why stop there, Representative? There are SOOOOOOO many more groups you can make registries for. How about one for moronic elected officials who can’t find their a$$ with both hands and a flashlight?

Free Advertising!!! It’s a drug shopping directory at tax payer expense!

It will never work. As a former heroin addict (clean & sober 30 years) I can say with certainty if this comes into being the police will be running ragged with absolutely zero impact on heroin use and all associated damage to society; just like the “war on drugs.” Heroin addicts don’t care one bit about the law and look at stints in jail as part of the lifestyle; when they get out it’s back to the same routine – rob business establishments and individuals (including banks) for all they can get – steal anything and from anybody – burglarize homes and businesses, etc.

Registries are the solution of fools.

Wait why stop there… Murderers, attempted murderers, hookers, johns, pron addicted men and women, anger violent men and women, violent physical and mental child abusers men and women, all drug dealers, all DUI felons including the ones who killed someone, alcoholics, and all elected officials who may have dabbled in any of the above….well this should cover 95% of the population… or maybe our sin is just worse than all the above… maybe just build communities for each of the above offender groups!!!! hey our community grows larger everyday soon we may be a large minority and get our own elected officials…

I commented a couple hours ago on the original posted site. On how laughable the constitutionality statement was. Stating that no was complaining when they introduced the S.O. registery. Also how much harm they actually do.

It was deleted few minutes later.

I say let it pass. The more people that are registered, the more people that will be affected, the more families that are ruined the faster registeries will go away. The opposition to the bill states that there are constitutional issues. Really? How did the so registry get constitutional then?

Yep registries for all and don’t forget to make them all retroactive. Man that would totally bankrupt or law enforcement agencies.