UK: One in 1,000 Britons is a sex offender

Nearly one in every 1,000 Britons is a registered sex offender, it was revealed last night. Ministry of Justice figures show there are 50,000 sex offenders – including rapists, paedophiles and other sex attackers – on the national register. That total has increased by more than 60 per cent in less than a decade from just 30,000 in 2006. It means there are now 98 sex offenders for every 100,000 people in England and Wales – or nearly one in every 1,000. Full Article

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Real Sex Ed Means Teaching Teens, “This Is How You Could Get Labeled a ‘Sex Offender’”

One of the scariest things about our over-the-top sex offender laws is how easy it is for a teenager with a girlfriend, boyfriend or sophomoric sense of humor to get labeled a “sex offender,” with all the legal and social ramifications this engenders. That’s why I nominate the probation and parole officer profiled in Sunday’s Cedar Rapids (IA) Gazette,  Michelle Reese, as educator of the year. She goes around to middle schools, teaching students about the Puritanical pitfalls ahead. As shadowed by reporter Erin Jordan, Reese starts out her lecture…

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