SNL Fauxmercial Helps Non Violent Sex Offenders Get Work

Saturday Night Live aired a fauxmercial last night advertising inexpensive help around the house, because Angie’s list is great, but it’s much too expensive. If you’re looking for help around the house and want a real bargain, you might like Aron’s list. That stands for the American Registry of Non Violent Sex Offenders, you know, not the bad kind. Streaking, public urination, missed the cutoff on statutory stuff… Article Video Clip

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TX: Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office to stop registering some sex offenders

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office will stop registering sex offenders who reside inside municipalities, it announced to cities in October. According to MCSO Lt. Brady Fitzgerald, these regulations were recently “discovered” by the Office, prompting a letter sent to cities sometime in September or October. … The city attempted to bargain with MCSO by offering to pay for 10 percent of their sex offender registrars’ salaries, which is roughly the workload created by the city. MCSO declined their offer. Full Article

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