General Comments November 2015

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of November 2015. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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Wow doing my annual today theres a line out the door

I am not sure this actually means anything since most companies do a background check, but it’s a start…


Sometimes, you read something that’s so astronomically insane, you can only shake your head and laugh. Here’s an article making its way around Facebook:

Notice the lack of ANY evidence whatsoever! Not a single story linked to this; not a single “fact” (including the one now debunked by the Washington Post no less than 3 times). Nada. Nonetheless, people on Facebook are freaking out.

I pray Janice will be successful in getting the SO Registry tiered. This Lifetime requirement sucks! I was convicted of misdemeanor Indecent Exposure and desire to terminate this requirement before I get senile and get jailed for forgetting to Register.

I don’t know that this has happened to anyone else, but I own a small business and one of my employees discovered that I was an RSO. She was not effective and I had to fire her. Before she left, she embezzled from me. She had a lame excuse but her real justification was that I was an RSO. The police declined to even file a report. I would love to just hire RSOs. Is there a hiring board somewhere?

I’m available if you’re in the Silicon valley area. My P.O. says I can’t work in gyms or rehabs because of my offense (311.1. 1count) I have had 5 offers to manage facilites, but she says no. Then she sends me a job flyer and right in large, easy to see type it says, ” child friendly environment”. Really? Did she even bother to read the flyer. This system is seriously broken.

I just watched an episode of Criminal Minds from this past week about an RSO community in Florida. It was very frustrating, they portrayed this real life place as a nice suburban neighborhood when in reality the place it was based on is an old run down sugar cane farm. Also they immediately assume that the murderer must be one of the RSOs and only at the end do they look at others and find that it is the cops next door neighbor. The pastor that ran the place made everyone get a GPS implant (except himself even though he was an RSO).

Did anyone else see this episode?

Found this gem written in 2009 on Smith vs Doe. Some have probably seen it but a very good read and 5 years later most everything he mentions about things that should be “noticed” and that could lead to changes have happened

Arlington police: Would-be cop arrested for child porn

Is this an overstep by law enforcement/government? This guy wasn’t being “investigated” for any crime…the purpose of the polygraph was to find out if he was up to the standards of being in law enforcement. Do they have you sign all your rights away (self incrimination, etc) before hooking you up? The smart thing to do would have been to abortthe polygraph LONG before admitting to anything illegal…especially possession of CP. So you don’t get to wear a shiny badge and carry a gun…at least you don’t end up on the wrong side of the bars.

I feel sorry for the guy. Maybe a good attorney can challenge the search warrant and have it thrown out of court. If not…welcome to Price Club.

Over the last couple of days I’ve been hearing much talk about the City of Carson and their football stadium. Carson’s Mayor has been on KFI640 AM (SoCal) twice in so many days this week talking with Bill Carroll about it.

My question: Since I believe Carson has ‘presence’ restrictions in their city, does this mean that once the stadium is built that a ‘registered citizen’ would NOT be able to purchase a ticket and attend a football game???

What is the latest with the city of Carson?

If you ask me; sure is a lot of legal mumbo jumbo. Nobody that has a misdemeanor crime should have ever made it on to a registry; much less for life.
More specifically, anyone committing a crime like this was taught it by another human being, so anyone angry about it, I don’t get either, it’s a human condition, it wasn’t conjured up in a vacuum.

To those who couldn’t attend the meeting in L.A. there is work available in Torrance, but act fast. Ask to speak with a Horizon Personnel Services representative at the Jessie Lord Bakery at 21100 S. Western Ave. 90501. They’ll be hiring until next month.

Had my Costco membership updated today. The Cadet said the Police needed missing information they should have gotten when I was released for a report titled M.O. He asked for the actual date(s) of offenses and many other specific questions.
A criminal’s MO (Modus Operandi) is how they “habitually” offend. Do they expect me to be a 1%er? It may also be used in profiling perpetrator’s psychology.

Please support Assembly Bill AB-813 which will grant postconviction relif to reopen cases and attempt to vacate:

Major newspapers like The Washington Post & NY Times have posted articles calling on the Dept of Justice to investigate that orange county cal type criminal justice.
Also letter::”As of the writing of this letter, it is fair to say that the criminal justice system in orange county is in a state of crisis”, signed by over 30 retired prosecutors, prominent professors and other legal heavyweights.
Remember the Washington Post exposed corrupt ‘Watergate’.

What is the best way to contact janice? I need to talk to her about a civil rights and due process violation. Dire need. Thank you!


Does anybody know if the Santa Ana police still makes you dress like an inmate by making you put on a jail shirt to have your photograph taken?
If so, that has to be some sort of civil rights violation.
I know everybody at CA RSOL is very busy, but if this issue hasn’t been resolved in the past few years, I think a letter should be sent to the Santa Ana Police Department addressing this.

In news Trump would put Muslims in a registry… backlash from many elected officials, its un-american; its inhumane for such classification registry.
Exactly ! That’s one reason also to stop this current classification registry that exists on us and get people off this registry in California.

KangaroOCourt wrote “In news Trump would put Muslims in a registry… backlash from many elected officials, its un-american; its inhumane for such classification registry.

Ted Cruz said that he’s not a fan of registries of American citizens.

Pasadena includes registrant compliance checks on its “Call for Service” log (available online at police department’s “crime statistics” menu). Recently, they verified two addresses at midnight and 1:00 a.m.! That’s absurd – knocking on someone’s door at that time of night for this horsecr@p!

I can relate to this…

Majority of Americans Feel Like ‘Stranger in Own Country’

Received a letter from the city police department on Friday. It says that ‘as a convicted sex offender it is a requirement to register within 5 days of my birthday’ and as my birthday is approaching this is a reminder for me to do so. They list the number to call, hours they are available etc. The letter ends with ‘if you fail to comply I would be in violation of CA Penal Code 290 and they will forward a criminal complaint to the DA’.

This would be my first birthday that I’m registering. Is this really the type of thing I will be facing for the rest of my life? Does everyone else receive a ‘reminder’ from the local PD before their birthday?

My heart sank when I read this letter. I found the language of the letter to be very confrontational.

Another thing, my birthday happens to be December 25. So for the rest of my life I’ll need to be available anytime between December 20 and the 30th to physically go into the PD and do this thing. Puts a damper on any holiday traveling doesn’t it. I do have a wife and young kids but I guess they don’t matter.

So much for the Price Club application.

Jeb Bush is a liar.

Last week, Bush was asked his opinion with regards to requiring Muslim immigrants to register as such. Here’s what Bush had to say:

“It’s not a question of toughness. It’s manipulating people’s angst and their fears. That’s not strength, that’s weakness.”

“In fact, I find it abhorrent that Donald Trump is suggesting we register people”

As Governor, Bush used people’s angst and fears to transform Florida into a “scorched earth” for registered citizens. Under his watch, Florida expanded their registration requirements, implemented residency restrictions that, quite literally, forced people to live under a bridge, and built so-called “safe zones” that criminalized being present within so many feet of a large number of facilities (schools, parks, etc.).

No other Governor in this country did more to leverage people’s fears to drive out a population, than Jeb Bush. His policies, and the laws that he signed, have ruined people’s lives; forced people into homelessness; and made them 5th class citizens.