I would like to clarify that there are actually two, nearly identically-named (and destructive) bills entitled, more-or-less, “International Megan’s Law” originating in both Houses of Congress. This has been the source of some confusion.
The House bill has an estimated 15% chance of passing and the Senate bill 9%. These estimations are provided by the GovTrack website (and I hope they are correct).
[But do keep in mind that we are being prevented from traveling, right now, without those bills.]They are:
H.R. 515 in the U.S. House and sponsored, as always, By Chris Smith of New Jersey.
S.1867 in the U.S. Senate and sponsored by Richard Shelby of Alabama.
Since we are in the first session of the 114th Congress (which lasts for two years), we, unfortunately, have more than a year during which these bills are still in play.
Please note that the above-web pages to these two bills offer a wonderful way to communicate to your elected representatives in Congress your desire to DEFEAT these bills. It asks for your address and phone number and then calls you and connects you directly to that representative’s office. It even provides a very brief script for you to read to express your view. They make it extremely easy to voice your disapproval.
Regardless of these two bills, however, we need to keep in mind that there is already a regime to frustrate Registrant’s ability to travel internationally, through administrative law facilitated by the Adam Walsh Act.
Defeating this policy is every bit as important as defeating the bills now before Congress.
Please join with us in doing so. Please contact Paul Rigney to help us challenge them head-on. rigneypa@yahoo.com
– by David Kennerly
National RSOL: International Travel Group
All posts about International Travel
They wont to stop us from leaving the country and yet except all these refugees that have the potentiality of being offenders them selves. Go figure??????????????????
I wonder why they gave these bills such a low chance of passing? Seems like these types of bills, that is bills that increase restrictions for registrants, garnered a near unanimous vote in the past. Would be helpful to hear the reasoning behind the prediction, so that we can construct our responses more effectively.
Has there been any lawsuits started based on the current travel restrictions ? Seems like it should be easy for someone to get that going .
I am interested in emmigrating to another country south of the border. I would prefer to drive across the border from New Mexico or Texas and continue to a beach destination
I want to talk with anyone who has been there or done that. Rental prices and agreements what they look out for I wanr know all there is to know about visas, tourists, where to surf, where to board, where to leave from the are embarassing.
i would appreciare a mom’s p.o. ANY ADVICE, LINKS, TRICKS, SUCCESS STORIES and where is the world’s best beach? How do I get Columbian Men interested in me romsnticlly. Can I buy property (just in case! haha) “?
Why does it seem most want to skip to South American countries? I would consider Amsterdam, France, Spain…countries that will allow you to travel there and you would have a much better quality of life.
In 2013 I flew from the USVI where I’ve lived since 2008 to Cozumel, MX with my girlfriend for a week long dive vacation. I was not aware of the requirement to notify the DOJ of intent to travel internationally. When my passport was reviewed by the Mexican authorities I was seperated from my girlfriend and taken into a room with about six Mexican officials. I was told in broken English that the U.S. government had provided them with my name, photo and my flight number. After being forced to sign a statement written in Spanish which I could not read I was led by armed security back to the plane that brought me to Mexico, where I joined my girlfriend and flew back to the Caribbean.
Since my release from prison in 1998 I had vacationed in Cozumel on two prior occasions with no issues, however since the last successful trip in 2006 some type of arrangement had been reached between the U.S. government and the Mexican government providing trade of information.
During my following ‘Annual Update’ I was warned by local authorities I would be arrested if I traveled any place outside of the U.S. territory again without notifying them.
Please be aware of bill 212 International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders’.
Its clear that this will become law as soon as Jan 2016. My fiancé is from Thailand and we have hired and attorney for a K-1 visa. We still face the challenge of applying for an Adam Walsh Act Waiver as the AWA automatically denies application for fiancé because of past sex offence. Essentially, You cant marry, travel, live, work, without being under the scrutiny of the US government which continues to erode the constitution of the united states. I will fund any attorney who will help me challenge the AWA Megan’s law international travel for sex offenders. SO far I have not found one attorney willing to do this.
UPDATE 12-22-15: ALERT: H.J.Res.76 – Appointing the day for the convening of the second session of the 114th Congress.
12-18-15 Washington DC:
The Senate passed HR 515 formerly known as “International Megan’s Law” with another NEW title “International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders” and added a section about Passports.
Essentially, all current passports for folks CONVICTED of a sex offense/s MUST be reissued, with the words “SEX OFFENDER” prominently displayed on the passport. And all new passports for folks convicted of sex offenses will be issued with same wording.
Note 12-21-15: Interestingly, the bill on the Thomas website which supposedly includes the Senate amendments (which my comments above were drawn from), and the Senate amendments as published in the Federal Register, are at odds with each other as to “covered sex offenders.” Although I note this point it is likely mute given no Congressional action on the bill as of today.
The Senate also added a section for appropriating funding ($6,000,000) for each of these years (2017-2019) to implement IML.
The Senate then sent the bill with changes back to the House for them to review and pass. It is very likely this will be on the FAST TRACK because lawmakers want to go home for Christmas break.
Advocates and their families and others need to immediately contact their U.S. House Representatives and object to the entire IML bill (and concept), and any other similar bills that may arise.
The FULL bill may be found HERE and the Senate Amendments HERE (The Corker amendment [Sen Bob Corker R-TN] in the Federal Register).