San Diego city schools ranked by sex offenders living nearby

SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) – Jessica’s Law was supposed to keep sex offenders away from schools but earlier this year the California Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional.

CBS News 8 crunched the numbers and found out which San Diego schools have the most sex offenders living nearby. Sex offenders live in neighborhoods all over San Diego and parents have every right to be worried. Full Article

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Let’s finish the story. How many kids are sexually assaulted in these High RC zones, by RC. Maybe, like none. Another, worthless fear mongering piece of hysteria.

Hey Janice, how about calling them to offer a rebuttal? I am sure that an opportunity to get an interview with them would get RSOL and the myths out in public eye.

Kudos to Phyllis Shess for taking the hysterics rhetoric down several notches.

Wow Joe you are very up tight, mellow and have a beer or something , I’m sure hookscar is very great full of all Janice has done

I can guarantee they don’t live by schools by choice it’s where they can afford to live at . Sometimes these media people are just stupid and ignorant . I just can’t see why they don’t see it.

They already can arrest people loitering around schools!
Just let us have our peace and privacy rather than assume we reside within a half mile of a school in order to watch & snatch children. Perhaps the current “will of the people” is to banish us for what they are afraid we might do – yet have never done and are not at all inclined to do; however, let us not forget, the “will of the people” also at one time included lynchings of African Americans due to similar fears.

Please, everyone, email the station. I did. Challenge them to do a follow up. Research those areas around the schools and show the number of attacks by registered sex offenders. Bet we win 🙂

I saw the broadcast. It’s pure yellow journalism. In order to make the numbers sound as scary as possible they counted all registrants within a one-mile radius of each school, thus coming up with 40 registrants for two or three schools out of the dozens or hundreds of schools in San Diego, and who knows what for all the others. If they had used the usual 2000 feet, which is already unreasonably large, that number 40 drops to something like 6. But that’s not good TV. As usual, they passed interchangeably between the words “registered sex offender” and “predator”. The usual shoddy “news”, I’m sorry to say.

My brother was arrested three weeks ago for dropping his girlfriend off in front of a school where she worked. Only released since Feb after doing almost 9 years. They also violated him for having a relationship with this girl because she has a teenaged daughter, even though he has never had contact with this daughter. They’re talking about giving him 6 months. First Christmas out, now back in. No warning, not even an introduction or conversation with his new P.O. – his third now. We have never seen him so disillusioned or ready to throw in the towel. He is literally crazy and giving up. The parole conditions are impossible.

Question: if the residency laws are repealed in CA and he can LIVE across from a school, what is the problem with stopping his car in front of a school?

I am always so grateful to see the small steps and successes towards greater change. Thanks everyone.

November is a Television Ratings Sweeps month. It’s when television stations with falling ratings insert the words “Sex Offender” into their headlines in hopes of gaining more viewers. PATHETIC!!!

I was so upset when I read this report that I had to write to them and this is what came to mind in a real hurry.

Shame on you, CBS8 for following your old tradition of sensationalism news repoting! Stop feeding people wrong and fear-causing information! Every human being in the US of A has the right to live a life free of ridicule, bullying, and humiliation. These human beings on the sex registry need a place to live, a job to go to, a family to come to (who loves them) just like anyone who isn’t on this registry. Stop puting fear in people’s lives! Stop causing more damage than these laws have already caused!

Instead, maybe you can report the truth! The fact that the Registry and all the residency restrictions cause registrants to go under ground where they can’t be tracked. Or, the fact that these registrants can not get to live in the same household as their wives and children (after they have served their time and paid back society for what they have done), or that fact that they are bullied, harassed and their families are bullied by the same people who are supposedly law-abiding citizens! Start reporting facts instead of lies.