Sue-Happy Sex Offender Frank Lindsay Throws His Latest Legal Papers at Long Beach

A San Luis Obispo County sex offender who sued Santa Ana in May 2014–and has sued several other California cities in attempts to overturn local laws targeting perverts–now has his legal team trained on Long Beach. Janice Bellucci, president of CA Reform Sex Offender Laws and Lindsay’s attorney, tells the Weekly she has filed suit in federal court in Los Angeles to challenge Long Beach’s sex offender residency restrictions. Specifically, it’s an ordinance adopted by the City Council that prohibits most registered sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of a park, school or child day care center–something the suit contends impedes Lindsay’s ability to conduct business, visit attractions or settle in Long Beach. Full Article

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What an idiot that Matt Coker is. In EVERY article he writes regarding SO’s ‘pervert’ is always part of his vocabulary. Typical OC writer, writing for a lowly paper.

Sue happy? He’s the “happy” one. If I had a Facebook account I’d ask him to cite his statement using empirical evidence that everyone forced to register are “perverts.” I’m not a pervert yet I am forced to register. In fact what landed me on the registry did not involve sex or another human being. I think it’s people like him and the state that “pervert” things. They are the perverts.

“Sue-Happy Sex Offender Frank Lindsay” has the same ring as “March-Happy Preacherman Martin Luther King, Jr”. Both are heroes of Equal Rights for ALL.

That’s right Frank is a brave American patriot and Janice is going to be remembered as one of the most influencial civil rights attorneys since Thurgood Marshall.

Can I be another “Sue-Happy Sex Offender”

Matt Coker is a failure. Peddling hysterical hatred is not real journalism. Matt Coker will never amount to more than writing for a third-tier junk news outfit (OC Weekly). I think it’s absolutely despicable that Loser Coker would shame Frank Lindsay in effort to stir emotion and attract attention to Loser Coker’s junk journalism piece. Mr. Lindsay is brave for challenging our perverse laws! I would be absolutely ANGRY if a journalist used my picture for a cheap junk journalism piece. Matt Coker has zero intellectual ability to write a sophisticated article.

The last time somebody was so adamant to call me a pervert, that same person’s daughter ended up convicting him of child molestation because he molested her as a young child ..So this M Coker/Mocker is probably a pervert himself who hides behind his own ridiculous mockery!!! RIGHT MIKE??

I don’t understand this legal system. How many lawsuits does it take to eliminate these restrictions in the State? If it is unconstitutional for one city to do it, why doesn’t it apply for all the cities and counties. The Attorney General is not doing her job of defending the State and Federal constitutions by challenging all cities in California with similar ordinances. These cities exist under charter from the State, but some like Carson and Long Beach are acting like separate fiefdoms doing what ever they please, while the state turns a blind eye. I suppose the legislature could pass a law banning these ordinances — but that is not going to happen in this political climate. Thank goodness we have a dedicated American in Frank Lindsay doing the job of the elected officials.

You got my Vote frank.

I wish I could afford to be “sue happy” and one of those suits would immediately be against Matt Coker. the author of this article for defamation of character for painting everyone who has had the prejudicial classification forced on them “legally” by the government of sex offender as a “pervert.”

This is nothing more than HATE SPEECH and Matt Coker should be sued for using it to defame an entire group of citizens.