The sex offender industry

How often has this advice been given, and how often has the heeding of it led to the unraveling of an enigma or a crime.

The sex offender industry is both, and following the money trail reveals what lies at the heart and continues to drive this occasionally well-meaning but more often self-serving complexity of businesses, individuals, and motivations that comprise this billion dollar industry. Full Article

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Let us not forget the most disturbing part of the sex offender industry; the underlying notion that the smallest uncomfortable or disagreeable situation can legally be amplified by law into pure nightmare fuel. Someone posts a picture of their new born and another person doesn’t like the photograph and now the poster is being asked questions about sexual interest in children and child pornography. Another person lets their kid walk to the park and play alone, child neglect or abuse allegations might come up. Someone gets flashed in a parking lot and now the flasher while being hunted is referred to as a predator or at least the “victim” wants to press assault charges. Two people have sex with each other then the next day or a few days later one decides they were raped. Underage nudity is almost always sexual especially if explicit (which is silly that we must have nudity and explicit nudity) and for that matter above age explicit nudity is normally considered sexual too. Those under eighteen if in a photo or video that has been classified by an investigator as sexual automatically have no agency under the law because they are victims. Anyone under the age of consent regardless of personal circumstance typically is not allowed to take responsibility for their actions in an effort to lessen a punishment someone else is facing for having sexual interactions with them. Bad things do happen everyday, but with such muddied water it is increasingly difficult to discern what is actually worth focusing on and what is so trivial it ought to be ignored across the board.

Tragically the most important focus is being ignored in most countries including the United States. Anyone seriously wanting significant long term reduction and prevention of illegal activities regardless of whether sexual or not needs to shift from reactive to proactive. Ask not how to deal with the burglar, murderer, rapist, possessor of child pornography, arsonist, hacker, or anybody else, but how to prevent people from ever reaching the point in their lives where they are at risk to have such labels placed upon them. Fewer people at risk for doing anything illegal means fewer people at risk for being victims of illegal conduct.

In my understanding, when someone seeks money for something that is known to be untrue it is fraud.