AZ: Sex offenders might be released by appeals court ruling

Over 500 accused sex offenders could be released due to a ruling by the Arizona Appeals Court. This is a move that has shaken up the state’s prosecutor’s offices. The Arizona Court of Appeals has ruled a state law passed in 2002 which automatically denies bail for accused sex offenders while the await trial is illegal.
“Right now, we have a pending public safety disaster. There is a potential.. over 500 sex offenders who could be released,” said Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery. Full Article

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So they have a problem with the constitutional rights of a person who’s not been convicted (yet) of a sex crime? I see.

I guess to them, the United States Constitution doesn’t matter as much as they said it does when they took that Oath. F*ing liars.

Arizona idiots, they said it’s illegal, start treating people with some dignity & rights as all others.
Is the article about northkorea or arizona..?
RFK law: At the lunch break, I’d suggest you read the Constitution.

they are liars and traitors to the country. just like all them dems philibustering to get a vote on gun control. I gained so much respect for Paul Ryan standing up and telling them he is going to stand up and protect the Constitution and that’s why he wasn’t letting the vote to proceed. it was beautiful. hopefully he has enough integrity and cahonas that he won’t cave to the masses like trump has on this issue. I’ve lost all respect for trump and will not be voting for him because of how he has caved to the majority over gun control. the dems on the floor straight yelled there lies or ignoramus idea that the Founding Fathers created the house and Senate to do the will of the people without any mention of the Constitution. I hate to tell them and you know they already know, because they all have college degrees, and they all took the oath to protect the Constitution above all else. nowhere in that oath does it say you swear to do the will of the peoples…. When it’s convenient they forget we have a republic that is supposed to protect the minorities from the majoritythe majority with a little but well known documents called the Constitution and the bill of rights. they keep demanding congress to do the will of the 80% of traitors to America over their oath of office

All 534 of them are most likely very high risk. I’ll just bet they would snatch your kid right from behind the bushes.
The hysteria is just amazing.

Seems like those in the Public Safety arena would have more sense than this. But I guess not.


I hope that someone realizes the tragedy that will be released onto our streets. While some(a small few,I’m sure) awaiting trial may be innocent, a majority will be freed after time being caged up with no one to victimize. Think about the effect that will have on our community. Sexual predators of all sorts being released in mass quantities will not only raise a huge public outcry, but also bring out vigilante justice.

This bill cannot pass. Please everyone who can do something to protect YOUR COMMUNITY… OUR COMMUNITY from this nightmare, DO SOMETHING. Write your congressman, do something. Please protect our women and children.

I noticed the article doesn’t say what those sex crimes are. Something tells me some guy who got texted nude photos by his underage high school sweet heart is included in that 500. But murderers, robbers, and carjackers will get their bail in Arizona

“This is going to be tough. And this is the kind of circumstance we never want to find ourselves in. Where there may be those who are a threat to the community are able to take advantage of a particular process at a particular point in time,” said Montgomery.

Uhh, that “particular process” is called due process which is in the United States Constitution. Montgomery must have goofed off instead in civics class

70% will not make bail even if it is set because the release conditions exclude home
10% will kill themselves
19% will just hide in the house and stress
.5% will figure they are going down anyway and commit another crime
.5% will join Daesh because it the only job they can get.