While covering a rally where sex offenders were protesting the International Megan’s Law, I got a chance to talk to some registered citizens, as they prefer to be addressed. They shared some details about what life looks like when your name comes up on Megan’s list. Full Article
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Look at the state of Our political system. We are for all intensive purposes a police state. The F.O.P. just endorsed a Racist that will only expand suppressive laws against any group they decide are “the enemy to their authority”. Innocent people being executed with impunity. The flames of civil unrest are being fanned, and this is a fire that will burn out of control until we the people take back our civil rights and drive our oppressors back into the dark caves where they belong. TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY AND END RACISM AND BIGOTRY. SAVE THE WORLD.
I believe this demonstrates the value of members being present for demonstration–it draws the media and then our words are heard; it causes a national discussion!!
Great Article!
This woman’s offender would have never received an exclusion if the law was followed. Journalist, do your research. To get an exclusion you have to be sentenced to probation not prison. You have to have undergone a psych evaluation and probation report and be shown to be low risk. If you screw up during probation, or are deem a repeat offender, that’s it, you’re on the website. The exclusion is descretionary, not permanent. The family exclusion was taylored to prevent undue bullying of the victim. As if any registrants’ family should be picked on for something not their fault. That would be the true criticism of the law as it stands now, not inclusive enough. Don’t make things up to take revenge on others who had nothing to do with your pain. That is all SB 2569 is.
I see you can only comment using the fakebook eco chamber, figures.
NO WAY are these state listings keeping the public safer…NO WAY..!
Authorities enron the public so all they do is waste their time looking at list, but all the while its over 99% the suspect culprit to an alleged “sex” crime will be….. Will Be from someone Not in a state listing today or tomorrow.
Further proof the registry is far after the fact ex post facto discriminatory bias prejudice double jeopardy …no person in state listing committed this crime as follows:
Of course NOT. The person forced to register or be imprisoned , is not the person you need to be “safe” from….
Its the person not in a state listing you need to be afraid of…”safe” from…or “protect” from… .
You’ve got people in the news today and tomorrow who are arrested and charged with an alleged “sex” crime who are more likely to be not from a state registered listing.
Authorities need to start telling the public the facts and people without another alleged ‘sex’ crime need to be off this listing , period.