Survey – International Travel after IML

If you have traveled to a foreign country after President Obama signed HR 515 / International Megan’s Law into law on February 8, 2016, please complete this survey to help gather details about the effects of this legislation. We will also share this data with the RTAG group for incorporation into their travel matrix. Thank you.

Go to International Travel Survey

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For all those who are concerned or frustrated with Angel Watch green notices, may I suggest that you make a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Homeland Security and ask them what information they have that pertains to you and what information is being sent out from the Angel Watch unit. I am currently awaiting their response to my FOIA request.

So for those of you that get your passport revoked I would highly recommend paying the expedited fee to replace it. Here’s my story: applied for standard processing about 12 weeks ago. No updates online for 10 weeks except it was being processed. Called yesterday to check what was taking so long and she recommended paying the expedited fee. So I figured I’d give that a shot. Guess what? Passport mailed today. $160 processing fee and $76 expedited fee. This was for a revoked passport that had 5 years left on it. I guess it’s all about the benjamins.

I have debated posting this comment because it might do more harm than good , I am also an RSO , I come from a family of “Preppers” but not truly serious . I hear much from the Political turmoil and talk of rebellion insurrection and civil war I am overhearing some Militias saying that if the scenario of societal collapse should happen referred to as a SHTF ( Shit Hits The Fan) moment combined with a WOLF (With Out Law enForcement) moment that their first action would be to search out RSOs for elimination , the comments heard are like this , ” The first thing we do is down load the Megans List that will give us the names , addresses and photograghs of the sex offenders , we could take them out easily as the wont be armed as ex felons” I don’t want to provoke any fear but being on Megans list could be a true death sentence if those 2 moments were to happen .

@ Roy L.,
#1. I truly doubt our still decent Country will get to such a collapse of American society just because of federal government bureaucratic turmoil & stupidity.
#2. While a “guest of the State”, I often heard the rumor that, if the U.S. was ever attacked by a foreign country, there was a top secret law mandating that all prison inmates be immediately executed.

Don’t sip the Kool-Aid and don’t encourage or listen to the crazy talk.

@ Notorious D.I.K.: “…smoking Bugler rollies around the campfire.”
😄 Haha! Love your turn of phrase! Thanks for the chuckle!

So, it appears that this page is back to being where International Travel is discussed. I thought we were all supposed to move comments to INT. TRAVEL 2019, but I know that I am unable to access comments on that page. Is that the same with everyone else, or just me?

In any case, there has been concern expressed that ANGEL WATCH may be closely monitoring these travel pages. If that is the case, I guess we should NOT discuss any country to which we have been successful entering, for fear that ANGEL WATCH will put pressure on (or pay money to) those countries to work harder to prevent us from entering.

By the same token, we should NOT discuss our successes or lack of problems when traveling with our new Scarlet Letter passports for fear that ANGEL WATCH will greatly enhance their efforts to inform the world to watch out for our passports.

For me, that pretty much eliminates the reasons for having these international pages until someone figures out a way to make the posts private. I don’t know how you could do that for very long unless you used some sort of face recognition software so only RCs with mugshots in some SO database would be allowed access. Even that would probably not keep ANGEL WATCH out for long – someone would sell out… 🙁

@JM of wi
I didn’t have a passport card to turn in. Not sure what you mean on my registry position. Seems like they have all the info that they need pertaining to that. My is expunged so seems like the verbiage “has been convicted of an offense against a minor” goes against what my expungement paperwork says. what a bunch of yaccoffs..

Just dropped off my 21 day travel itinerary. Registration was closed but officer walking in gladly took it gave me his card and wrote time, date my name itinerary dropped off signed it and gave it back to me. He asked me where I was going and said have a good time.

@AJ and others

My conviction has just been overturned, set aside, and vacated by an appellate court. My question is I’m no longer required to register and no longer have any conviction. I know I no longer fall under the passport portion of the law but will angel watch still send out a green notice?

Does anyone know what the laws are for entry into Dominican Republic?

Has anyone tried walking into Mexico? Just wondering.

Just out of curiosity, if I paid for a 10-year-passport, and it still has 5 years left on it, then even if they force me to get a marked passport, why should I have to pay for a new one? If I already paid for the next 5 years, then that means they owe me a 5-year passport, without charge.

Has anyone successfully traveled to Brasil without being turned back and sent home?

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