Tiered Registry Bill Passed by Assembly Committee

The Tiered Registry Bill (Senate Bill 421) was passed today by the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee. The final vote on the bill was 5 in favor (Chairman Jones Sawyer as well as committee members Rubio, Quirk, Santiago and Gonzalez-Fletcher), one opposed (Lackey) and one who did not vote (Flora).

During deliberations on the bill, the bill’s author (Senator Scott Wiener) stated the reform of the state’s sex offender registry “is long overdue”. He added that the registry was originally meant to be a tool of law enforcement. Law enforcement now believes that this tool is no longer effective because it includes too many people. Sen. Wiener also noted that there is a broad coalition of support, including law enforcement and district attorneys, for reformation of the registry. Further, Sen. Wiener stated that the registry has resulted in significant negative impacts upon both registrants and their families on issues such as housing and employment.

Two district attorneys testified in support of SB 421. Nancy O’Malley, the Alameda County DA, stated that SB 421 is a “very strong public safety bill” and urged members of the committee to vote in its favor. Jackie Lacey, the L.A. County DA, thanked Sen. Wiener for his leadership as author of the bill. She noted that the Tiered Registry Bill will help law enforcement keep better track of sexual predators.

Following the testimony of the two district attorneys, more than 75 people spoke in favor of the Tiered Registry Bill. Most of those individuals were registrants or family members of registrants.

“This is a significant victory for registrants and their loved ones,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “We are now very close to obtaining freedom from the registry for many people who do not pose a current danger.”
The Tiered Registry Bill will next be heard by the Appropriations Committee and if the bill is passed by that committee, it will be voted on by members of the Assembly between September 5 and September 15.

Amended Version – July 13

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Yeeeaaaaaa!! Congrats to everyone involved in a very long road…keeping positive thoughts for a signed Bill!

Wonderful news! Thank you very much, Ms. Bellucci, and everyone else involved!

Excellent news and awesome effort by everyone involved, I definitely sent my letters!

It’s happening. It is really happening! What a pleasure to see that long line of support.
Bless all of you that showed up.

Praise God! Thank you, Janice, and all for your continued diligence and hard work.

Now what how many more hearings are left before the bill is signed anybody know ??? …thanks

I want to know what they define as a sexual predator. Is it tier 3 merely, those who are repeat offenders, SVP, combination therefo or what? Does someone have it offhand to refer to without having the bill to be read again?

Three more steps?? I guess our odds go up everytime it’s passed, sure does feel good to see this happening, Thanks to everyone. Keep the positive vibes coming, we’re all worth it. Never thought I would see the day.

Wait…Fletcher voted yes? Wow. Wish I had stayed!

OMG! So happy! I left the Capital early before the second round but so grateful that the members of the committee saw the need for change and voted appropriately! Of course our numbers were impressive! Thanks Janice and team

Such an amazing day! Thank you to Janice for her incredibly hard work and to everyone else fighting to bring this world back in touch with reality! May the light at the bottom of this Pandora’s Box continue to shine brighter every day!

Congratulations!! Great work, Janice, Chance, Frank and so many others who journeyed to Sacramento to address the Committee! Many thanks to all who called and wrote their assembly members!!

Closer and closer.

WOW! Alot of us were there, more than ever Frank?
Way to go positive, three more spots to go to pass/sign. WOW
Not happy about the bill killing Level 3’s no longer able to petition to a L-2 via DA.
Maybe more work to do if Gov. signs and passes on to 2019.
Thanks be to all that wrote, called and as Janice stated upstairs, Show Up Stand Up & Speak Up
seemed to be a large showing for the day.
Sat. In Berk. don’t forget.
Alot of people fully overflowed that larger room and got in line, wow.

Awesome news! That was real exercise in democracy today–and progress on road to restoring civil rights to many. Great to be witness to history!

see that distant glimmer? that is light, at the end of the long, long, long, dark tunnel.

thx J

This is so encouraging.
Over thirty years ago, after my conviction and initial registration, that was it. Only had to update registration when moving, not annually. The list was only for law enforcement. Then they developed a way for the public to apply to see the list if they went to the PD. Then they wanted almost a pint of blood for DNA (and for spreading around crime scenes?) There were no travel restrictions. Then the laws named after children started and the way got narrower and narrower. The Senate vote and this vote has gotten my hopes up. My experience with fighting against Prop 83 in 2006 and the small number of people that were involved gave me little hope for any future change.
I am proud and in awe of the people who showed up today.
I am proud and in awe of the people who showed up today.
Yes I am!

If you wish to see the video of the SB421 activity including the awesome people who showed up to support navigate to:
It is almost at the end of the session.

It’s not over so don’t get comfortable keep your boots laced up cuz it’s still a long tread up that hill like the previous person posted before me theres a small glimmer of light in a really really really dark tunnel that’s really really really long I’m not being negative just don’t want everybody to get their hopes up to get them crushed keep your game face on and if the bill doesn’t pass look on the bright side nobody cares about the registry no more live ur life the way you want to as long as you’re doing what they tell you to they have no power over your lives be free

Question for those who have read more deeply and understand the nuances of amended bill. Amendments to 290.46 appear to specifically address Tier 3 and Tier 2 with regards to Megan’s Law disclosure. However I cannot find any section addressing Tier 1 registrants. Can someone fill me in on how a Tier 1 registrant would be listed if passed?

Got my felonies reduced to misdemeanors via 17(b) but even if that doesn’t count my offenses were not violent so per 290 (d)(1)(a) I should be Tier 1. Please let me know if I am reading this wrong.

Actually, that light is a train light. Get ready to be run over

Another interesting argument Runion used, or should I say lame argument, was that there would be no way to know if someone you hired as a tutor was taken off the list. Here’s a tip for your Ms. Runion be a parent and teach your children good and bad behavior as well as monitor what’s going on.

I was reading that some wanted to put 288(a) in tier 3 how close was that

There is a major point that is being effected and it the education of facts not only for the causes of RC in California and for the nation, as well. Again, I thank you ACSOL team, active RC/families and Jesus.

A step in the right direction! Tiered registry for now shows a shift in attitudes which allows for further push back against these laws. At the end of the day, we want to push back so much that the registry returns to what it was back in 1950, for violent repeat offenders. Those are the only offenders that it may truly serve a public purpose to monitor. Keyword ‘Violent’ offender, which there are few of on the current registry.

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