PA: Wolf signs bill to protect victims of sexual abuse crimes


HARRISBURG — Governor Tom Wolf on Wednesday signed House Bill 631 into law, now Act 10 of 2018, the primary intent of which is to provide for greater public safety by ensuring convicted sexual offenders remain subject to registration requirements in the wake of recent court decisions impacting Pennsylvania’s implementation of the Sexual Offender Registration and Notification Act.

The legislation, introduced by Rep. Ron Marsico, would ensure that as many as 12,000 sexual offenders remain on Pennsylvania’s registry and subject to the regulations in place at the time of their offense – either a 10-year or lifetime registration.

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Keep it simple please,

What will the PSP obtain from Pre-Sorna Registrants.

1. Residences
2. Jobs.
3. Cars.
4. Schools.

Because that is what was only required before SORNA enacted on Dec 20 2012.

Is this all that is required?

Cumberland County Pa – Statistics!!

Sex crimes — In total 85 people were charged with sex crimes ranging from indecent exposure to rape and aggravated indecent assault in the county in 2017, up from 75 a year earlier.
Of those cases, only two involved a defendant who was on Pennsylvania’s sex offender registry at the time of the offense, according to court and police records.
Thirty-five of the cases were specifically charged as having a child victim, and in those cases only one involved a defendant who was on the sex offender registry at the time of the offense, court and police records show.

@Tony two Times
No I have a meeting this week with my attorney and I will find out more information, we were suposed to meet two weeks ago but he didn’t want to waste my time and money because he hadn’t heard anything back from the DA so he rescheduled, last time he just told me the DA’s are the ones in control, why the DA’s are the ones in charge Of this I have no idea but I will find that out I’m sure.

PSP, it seems has gone black on Search, count, and the annual report, WOW! Hiding something are we?

Maybe it’s due to so many lawsuits that are happening and about to happen.

Seems I got in again

Total cound 10:06 p 20,501

On the home page is a link for anual report. It says this is the first anual report and was from 2015 but there are no other reports listed.

The count at that time was 18,828 active and 10,852 for a total of 29,680. One has to wonder first how many will be comming off the inactive and second how many of those are past their 10yr at that time in 2015 and just moved from active to inactive. So when an active is taken off the registry are they moved to inactive?

Would this mean that even if you not showing and were to be taken off that the information still keeps you on the National Registry but hidden from public view only?
It states they did 14 compliance sweeps and found 40 that were not compliant. Is this the sort of thing I’ve head about where 5 or 6 show up at your home and harrass, look around your home hoping to find something, maybe checking electronics? Do they do that there?
It also shows stats but yes, you guessed it right, not a darn thing on any recidivism rates.

It seams like TEIR 2s are hardly being removed, sucks because I’m a TEIR 2, only 20t2 out of 200 removed today, what the hell man.

I saw it and wow, im one of them that has no tier lvl and it does not say active when i viewed my report!!!!!!!!! Today is the best news ever!!!!!!!!

I have the same as you, I spoke to psp today, they said that they are reviewing people’s files still, did not get much more then that. I think other people should call to and see what info that hear as well..

@Brian, yeah, your right bud. Just under review still. I will give it a few days before calling psp. But, yeah, its exciting that they are finally doing something.

I have skimmed the PA Supreme Court opinion a few times and each time I find something else.

We conclude the weighing process with regard to this Mendoza-Martinez factor
presents a much closer case than the Smith Court’s analysis of Alaska’s registration
statute in 2003. We consider SORNA’s publication provisions—when viewed in the
context of our current internet-based world—to be comparable to shaming punishments.
We also find SORNA and the Alaska statute are materially different in their mandatory
conditions such that SORNA is more akin to probation. We therefore hold this factor
weighs in favor of finding SORNA’s effect to be punitive.

So, this says the PSP web site is shaming, there for both punitive and unconstitutional. Also that registration is like probation, again would fall under punitive…
Wow, wouldn’t that mean the site has to come down? I know ACT 10 but how can a law be passed if it doesn’t follow what a Supreme Court just ruled as unlawful and unconstitutional.

I got the letter yesterday, I went to PSP and did what I was supposed to and talked a little with the trooper that processed me. I moved to PA from Iowa in 2003 right after release from state. I was deemed a 10 year registrant until SORNA who made me a tier 3 lifetime. When I went in I have been reclassified to tier 1. However my status says active- under review. From everything I have read I think I should be removed from the list now not at the end of the year once the 15 years are done. The trooper said that should be the case but of course he can’t guarantee that. Can anyone tell me if I will be waiting until the end of the year or is there a chance I’ll be taken off once my review is completed. I have 1 conviction 2 counts. One other thing to note they still asked me for my e-mail addresses.


Why would you provide your email addresses?

It was ruled Unconstitutional for you to provide your internet identifiers? Email Addresses? Under Muniz!!!

Why would you give them that private information!!!!

I was still on the registry when Sorna took effect I had only 10 months left and they made me a tier 3. One I got the letter to go back in I found out I was now a tier 1. I should only be a 10 yr registrant but right now they have me a 15 year which is done in October. I’m waiting for the review to see if they make it right or not. I’m thinking about calling at the end of the week.

So is there any sight that lists your current tier and status. When I go on ML web sight it doesn’t give me that info. I was trying to see if anything changed yet.

Hello, so I received the letter in the mail saying that I have to report by May 22nd, but when I searched for myself on the PA Megan’s Law website, it says no search results found. Does this mean that I have been removed or when I report, they’re gonna re-enter all the information?

EDIT: Also, where can I find the link or PDF to this bill so I can read exactly what it says?