WA: Bill to Protect Minor-Aged College Students From Sex Offenders Considered in State House

A bill under consideration by the state House of Representatives has been introduced in an effort to protect minor-aged college students, such as those in Running Start, from level three sex offenders. Full Article

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Barring someone from an adult level education in what is almost entirely an adult facility. Yeah, this’ll go over well. Let’s ban RC’s from liquor stores and gas stations since they sell candy there.

As the bill is written, the college “may” restrict or prohibit a Level III registrant student, but does not require it. It also authorizes the college to let any student know of the registrant’s Level III status, which they are not allowed to do right now. This is just another step toward publishing all registrants in the state, and eventually adding presence restrictions, all in the name or protecting the public. What college will want to risk not notifying everyone of a registrant’s presence or restricting them as much as they can?

This is truly the silly season. When the legislatures is in session, tax payers hold on to your wallet, registered sex offenders go hide in the closet, and everyone be prepared to hear the phrase “but what about the children” a thousand times over the next 60 days. Jesus, please save us from your followers!

Wow, an RC who wants to better himself by going to college may not be able to if this bill passes. If the RC is already on a public registry that’s all everyone else needs to know (if there really is a need anyway). If not on a public registry, then he shouldn’t be called out to or by anyone.

Someone needs to challenge that because they need to have individual assessments of the people they’re trying to prevent from getting on campus to ensure they truly are an issue to be on campus with.

I just sent this email out to joyce.mcdonald@leg.wa.gov

Dear Representative Joyce McDonald,

I read the post by The Chronicle at http://www.chronline.com/crime/bill-to-protect-minor-aged-college-students-from-sex-offenders/article_3a067336-06d5-11e8-82c7-e391d92e775e.html

Do you know that the recidivism rate for sex offenders is lower than most crimes? It is around 5% nation wide. There’s a great research paper by Derek Logue about recidivism rates at
His entire research paper can be found at http://www.oncefallen.com/Recidivism101.html

This sex offender going to college only wants to better himself by getting a college degree and you support a bill that will punish him even further which leads to sex offenders jobless, penniless and often homeless. Would you rather have sex offenders in a stable place of residency or homeless where law enforcement have a much harder time keeping track of his whereabouts?

Please don’t let the MYTH of a “frightening and high” recidivism rate drive you to introduce bills which DO NOTHING TO PROTECT CHILDREN. 95% of new sex crimes are committed by family members, close friends, and people in authoritative positions like teachers. This whole sex offender registry started out to be ONLY A LAW ENFORCEMENT AID and was never meant to be for public access. And nowadays, law enforcement don’t even use the registry to find suspects of new crimes because again, 95% are NOT committed by people who have already committed one offense.

There are plenty of facts available if you truly want to protect children but creating hysteria and emotional judgement doesn’t work.

(my name)

Why are minors, speak children, in College? My property taxes pay for their Elementary, Middle and High Schools. Why?

Oh, come on! Why don’t you just put everyone in a plexiglass bubble.

Also worth mentioning that those minors aren’t required to take those college classes and if parents aren’t comfortable, they can choose not to send their kids there. Or have the instructors go to the high schools to teach them in a separate class.

And so it begins. The rush to ban the last place available for registrants to actually participate in any kind of normal activity…. It will be a rush all across the country as as other states get wind of this to ban all RCs from any kind of public education….

Comments on this bill can also be sent in via here:


Currently, it is sitting in the High Ed Committee basket and can be followed here:
