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I am sorry if I am taking up a lot of space on this issue but it is all incredibly relevant and everyone has a illusionary “right to know” like the people have a illusionary “right to know” our info….lol…After I am done I will post this on my site or on the one AJ used or somewhere that you guys can access it…But look at the samples that they are admitting to be using in their methodology…

Patrick A. Langan et al., Recidivism of Sex Offenders Released From Prison in 1994,
“Within the first 3 years following release from prison in 1994,” “The rate for all 9,691 sex offenders [] was 2.2%” pp 1
“The 9,691 released men were all violent sex offenders. They are called “violent” because the crimes they were imprisoned for are widely defined in State statutes as “violent” sex offenses. “Violent” means the offender used or threatened force in the commission of the crime or, while not actually using force, the offender did not have the victim’s “factual” or “legal” consent.” pp 3 Id. In other words, they are cherry picking and using violent contact offenders with higher base recidivism rates than the majority of released sex offenders or the majority of those on the registry. [visited on April 7, 2018].

I think the courts are going to be pretty ticked off when I present these reports in the actual context which prove (or at least “incredibly” persuasive) beyond a reasonable doubt that all the proponents and most importantly, all the gov. officials are manipulation the reports and cherry picking quotes, and using them out of context, in an attempt (and as of so far successfully) deceive the courts (ever since the beginning of these laws starting in McKune and every subsequent cases) into upholding these unconstitutional laws…..Very disturbing and undoubtedly pointing to something other then pubic safety was at work here…

I overlooked it earlier when scanning the Docket, but here’s CO’s brief to the court: It’s a long doc (144 pages), which I have yet to read. According to the Docket, Millard, et al, have until April 25 to file their response brief, barring a time extension. Also, Ms. Ruttenerg is not working alone. According to the docket, the following are also involved:

From Denver law firm Haddon, Morgan, and Foreman: Ty Gee, Esq. & Adam Mueller
From ACLU-CO: Sara R. Neel & Mark Silverstein

The law firm appears to have some pretty good chops. Their site says they “selectively take on compelling civil rights cases.” Hopefully that bodes well for this case!

Can anyone rationally tell me why I’m wrong to hate the us government? These same so called authorities in another time would have been fighting for separate but equal, Jim crow, and a host of other obviously unconstitutional laws in order to get votes. These laws have all but trampled the constitution in that they CV old care less what it says since votes and being liked is more important than the rule of law. These same people would pass a law to have us rounded up and killed if they could get away with it. I wish there was a country I could immigrate to. I’m sure they’d be able to put my college education in computer science to good use there.

Man look at this one that they cite. What idiots……

U.S. Dep’t of Justice, Office of Justice Programs Abstract:
“The results of the research indicate that the overwhelming majority of sex offenders were not rearrested for another sex crime. This finding is surprising given the way in which DNA collection, registration, and notification policies have come about. Research would indicate that robbers may be better candidates for DNA collection, registration, and community notification than sex offenders. The results offered little support for the notion of predicate or “gateway” offenses to sex offending.” [visited on April 7, 2018].

Aj that is most telling and definitely a good sign. It is the one of the best argued cases so far lets hope it keeps going.

Here we go, I truly hope the attorneys do what I just did or get a hold of this. Debunked everyone…..And notice the two office of justice programs reports one has some lame researcher citing like frigging hundreds of academic crap ant the other one from the same department totally contrary and is one of the strongest statements against these laws. Incredible………..You guys are going to like this and look how fast..thanks to the Net who needs an attorney??????????..LMAO….I seriously cannot believe how bad this is for the other side man. it is absolutely crazy my friends…

About the AG comments on how under-reported sex crimes are…

Why wouldn’t they be under-reported as long as the public registry exists?

Do they really think, with over 90% of sex crimes being committed by friends or family, that the victim or the family is going to report it to the police and subject themselves to potentially making the primary bread winner un-employable for the rest of his life and his family unable to find housing?

No. Then, since they can’t even get him psychological help without that being reported to police, they try to just keep it to themselves. That leads to even more sex crime victims.

So yes, sex crimes aren’t only under-reported due to the registry, but there are more and more victims because of the hugely disproportionate punishment and humiliation the registry dishes out. Sorry, but victims of sex crimes don’t have a right to dictating a punishment that creates more victims of sex crimes.

Hows this sound Chris addressing just one of the under-reporting studies?????

Wolitzky-Taylor et al., Is Reporting of Rape on the Rise? A Comparison of Women with Reported Versus Unreported Rape Experiences in the National Women’s Study Replication, 26 J. OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE 4 (2010). Once again, these studies rely upon complete speculation, conclusory, and basically anecdotal of unreported rape cases since the entire under-reporting claims are based on self-reporting and have no scientific methodology and no reasonably reliable facts associated with them. [visited on April 7,21018].
Furthermore, with over 90% of sex crimes being committed by friends or family, the victim or the family in many cases undoubtable are not going to report it to the police and subject themselves to potentially making the primary bread winner un-employable for the rest of his life, and his family unable to find housing. That leads to even more sex crime victims. So, if sex crimes are under-reported it is only reasonable and cognizable that any under-reporting may be due to the registry itself because of the hugely disproportionate punishment and humiliation the registry dishes out, discouraging a very large number of the 90% of family members from self-reporting. Then, since they can’t even get him psychological help without that being reported to police, they try to just keep it to themselves. This is reality and not some illusionary speculation such as proponents of these laws regurgitate endlessly in an attempt to justify these laws.

Here is what I emailed the attorneys for Millard of course with all the reports attached…
Hello, my name is Michael and I am writing you concerning the Millard case you are working on out of Colorado. I understand that you are a seasoned and very experienced attorney and you have done a incredible job in that case and I am only writing you to maybe provide some information or insight from a Pro Se who has been working on this for over three years and have accumulated an extensive data base of research debunking the AG’s claims and the efficacy of registration policies. The following is a list of the reports from the Attorney General’s table of authorities and as you can well see, if you do not just disregard this email, that everyone of their reports and studies are refuted. And not just refuted but show a indisputable pattern of the duplicitous attempts being made by the AG’s in your case. If you look at my citations they are correct and they correspond with the AG’s table of authorities respectively. I had to email you my findings and implore you to hammer the AG’s on the recidivism and efficacy issues until they submit and concede the issues.
Thank you for your time and I hope you can use this info. Also if you would like state studies from multiple states I have them and they all come to the same consensus that are completely contrary to the AG’s assertions. Just email if you want them.

Can ACSOL file a similar brief as this on behalf of our side? I’m pretty sure you and Alison know one another… please let me know if you need an ACSOL member in CO in order to file something like that. It would be awesome if there could be multiple briefs from credible sources debunking the AG brief line by line. Please consider this. Thank you very much.

“This ruling undermines the rights of victims and survivors of sex crimes …” Attorney General Hunter said.
How does it undermine their rights? And, if it does, don’t the victims of a violent assault or domestic abuse have the same rights? So why isn’t there a registry of people convicted of violence or domestic abuse?? Aren’t the rights of those victims being undermined by not having a registry for those offenses? ( I love to hear the AG respond to that! Oh, I forgot, the difference is the mythical “frightening and high” recidivism rate.)
“It also obstructs citizen access to public information on sex offenders in their communities and threatens public safety.” A police-only Registry would serve the same purpose.
“Registry systems are one of the most cost-effective ways to protect the public while reintroducing sex offenders into society.” So Registries have prevented sexual abuse/sexual assault? There’s no empirical evidence to support that claim. “Parents and victims have the right to know.” Again, a police-only Registry would serve that same purpose.

“[A.G.] Hunter says undoing the registry in one State compromises the integrity of the uniform registry system…..” False: absolutely NOT “uniform”. Every State Registry has different requirements, definitions, time periods, information disclosures, etc. “…. and jeopardizes the ability of states to obtain federal funding.” Thank you, Mr. Attorney General, for finally stating the real reason: money (and blatant political posturing to intended to enhance your career)!

From the A.G.’s press release: “The brief also cites statistics as to why registries are important, stating estimates of sex offender recidivism rates range from 30 percent to as high as 80 percent. These are likely underestimates because around 85 percent of sex crimes go unreported.”

The classic argument the mythical “frightening and high” recidivism rate.

“The brief concludes by quoting a judge in a 2016 Wisconsin case who wrote, even assuming much lower recidivism rates, ‘readers of this opinion who are parents of young children should ask themselves whether they should worry that there are people in their community who have ‘only’ a 16 percent or an 8 percent probability of molesting young children.'”
Yes, your honor. And those people in the community with that probability of molesting the children includes family members, friends, acquaintances, teachers, coaches, clergy, etc. – the perpetrators of 95+% of all child sexual abuse (NOT individuals previously convicted a sex offense.)

Will ACSOL also be submitting an amicus brief?

how in the heck can anyone with a straight face state that ______ % go un reported? how do they come up with this BS %? straw poll? weigh the clump of BS they are dumping and however many tons it weighs that’s the % they proclaim as fact?

Yes it is completely insane Robin. I dont think it is because they want to lose it’s just that they have nothing, zero, notta, and what I found and compiled is exactly what is out of their own citations, absolutely insane sittuation…

The following quote is from:

“A Multi-State Recidivism Study Using Static-99R and Static-2002 Risk Scores and Tier Guidelines from the Adam Walsh Act”, pg. 28.

“It should be noted, however, that under-reporting may be less of a problem when sex crimes are committed by individuals who have already been detected; sex offenses committed by registered sex offenders may be less likely to go unreported and if reported may be more likely to result in an arrest. Thus, recidivism rates as defined in this study are probably less likely to be effected by under-reporting than overall sex crime rates.”

The over-riding point here is that ‘under-reported sex crimes’ are less likely to have been committed by known sex offenders, thus making the ‘under-reporting issue’ far less relevant to arguments seeking justification for the continuance of registry schemes.

Correction to my comment in my post above. What I had meant to say was that ‘under-reported sex crimes’ are less likely to have been committed AND less likely to have gone un-reported if committed by a registered citizen. And while I am aware that an argument may be made that this could be used as some justification for registry schemes, I would argue that the ‘unreported’ issue would not be relevant when debating all other issues (presence issues; ‘punishment’ issue; ex-post facto issue; due process issue; all first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth and fourteenth amendment issues; delegation of authority issues; etc etc etc).

I feel The Registry was made up. T(0)(0) help mothers who have boy’s with out fathers. If you do this! You Will be on the sex offender Registry! See all those people! You want to be like them! The Problem is! No one knows when any Child / Adult! Will Rape or kill or Molest or Steal from YOU. A Registry can not stop that Ever Each Day a New killer>Rapist> Molester>Thief Is Born < People don't wake up at 50 years old and say Gee !! what will i do to day! (HMM Think i will kill someone just for fun) Or (HMM Find some random Kid To get my jolly"s off with) What i am say is People Are Born In to this world And maybe the child got the best parents and have the best school in the world . And Then out of Blue you got a 11 year old monster who tried to have sex with a 9 year old girl. To the boy he thinking was! i am just trying to learn? But to the Girl she was just shocked and didn't understand. she told her mother mother goes off the deep END AND she report it to cops who take the boy to jail and later add him to the registry for a sex offence Yes like the old saying goes SEX PAYS And Or government is trying to cash in on it!!! Shame ON them!!

Mountain state Atty’s General example of sex offender stamping on DL leading to catching someone is debatable.

They got a description of a car possibly a ford focus from the crime scene witnesses. Then, a caller said someone with a sex offender drivers license bought coloring books. It was a DUI call to the police about someone in a Ford Focus at a burger joint that led to identification and later capture where they got the tags off the car at the burger joint.

ironically, this link was embedded in the Attorneys General’ brief footnoted link

Don’t understand Victim;s If you tell someone! (NO)leave Me Alone!!And the Person Walk’s Away and you call the cops and tell a lie But the lieder don’t get in trouble for the made up lie something is so wrong No balance here at all

So if assaults aren’t being reported how the hell do they have any evidence that they even happened? I know stuppid question, they just want to pile on as much bs as they possibly can to me it look as bad as possible.

“Parents and victims have the right to know.”

No. They. Do. NOT.

Man unfortunately the AG or the Magistrate in my case did not address the recidivism issue at all and did not try to refute the facts with bogus reports such as they did in Millard. As soon as they do that I am going to HAMMER them into submission and not let up or hold back until that happens…………..Cannot wait because eventually they are going to have to and if the AG citations in Millard is any indication what the AG’s are going to bring it is going to very scathing to their position and incredibly persuasive of the intent and duplicitous attempts by the AG’s.

It’s like David fighting Goliath!