FL: Sex Offender Homeless Camps in Miami-Dade County

[UPDATED LINKS 5/15/18] [cbslocal.com 5/13/18]

Ron Book, the chairman of the Homeless Trust joins Jim DeFede to debate the ongoing problem in Miami Dade County where sex offenders are living in homeless camps

Watch the video

Related links:

FAC Letter to Jim DeFede and CBS [floridaactioncommittee.org 5/14/18]

A Heartless Man Without A Soul [blog.womenagainstregistry.org 5/16/18]




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Ron Book sure is speaking too much nonsense and doesn’t bring himself to listen, and is being delusional about how these law protects children.

Best video ever!

Ron Book is “insane”.

Watch his body movements during the video.

Notice how many times he interrupts so the true facts are not heard.

Ron Book gets his way by intimidation!!!!!

Best video I have ever seen thus far pertaining to this.
Jim has facts in front of him while Ron has nothing to show but a map. Great video making Ron look like an ignorant fool.

Really good video. Jim Defede did a great job.

Ron Book was about to have a break down at exactly 10:19-10:20 in the video. wow man!, This guy is insane!. lmao. He clearly has some serious personal issues.

Best debate I’ve ever heard he put Ron book in his place! You must watch this video.

With the celebrating comments on the FAC site for this post (He knows of FAC and probably reads through it) I won’t be surprised if Ron Book himself pops in there and calls us all monsters and threatens to get us all. lol This guy is some piece of work i tell ya. He probably has that map of his of the Miami registered citizens blown up and pasted on his master bedroom wall and sleeps with one eye open looking at it. Nothing will surprise me anymore with this guy. Completely insane!

He made up the term predator offenders ?? He was called on it by Jim, that the two were different, but insisted on combining sexual offender and sexual predator so he can include everyone into his madness??. What an a**hole!

“Society determined way long ago that if you commit a crime… a sexual[ly] deviant act… against a child, and you are convicted of it, we are treat you differently. Society determined that well before now.”

Societies of the past have also determined way long ago that public displays of torture (drawing and quartering) was ok, that killing people who don’t worship the same deity is fine, that owning other human beings was ok, that women shouldn’t vote, that confiscating the property of Americans that look Asian and putting them into interment camps during wartime was ok, that cigarettes and sugar were healthy and that burning fossil fuels wasn’t destroying the planet.

Human ignorance is nothing new.

Regarding the items listed above, we now know better.

Residency restrictions are ineffective.
Registries are ineffective.
Vengeance is ineffective.

What is really needed?
Compassion. Prevention. Education. Understanding. Support.

All of the above for victim and perpetrator alike.

People are capable of forgiving their abusers and becoming survivors rather than perpetual victims.
People are capable of learning from their mistakes, making better choices in the future.
One moment in life does not define a person’s future.

We are not our past.
We are not our worst mistakes.

Mr. Book is a sad, confused, angry individual who has found a cause to vent his inner pain. He has disguised his misplaced hate for an imaginary enemy by going on a debate stage and preaching violence towards a populus he obviously knows nothing about, nor cares to educate himself towards.

I agree with everything you say except that I don’t think it’s an uphill battle. It’s an easy battle for someone like DeFede or anyone else with facts, an ability to engage in debate and the willingness to do so. Ron Book can be taken down, it just hasn’t been done yet. Why? Because of the “Great Silence” on the part of so many of us, and others, who have, thus far, been too easily intimidated by the bullies driving this witch hunt. I think that we will find that the emperor has no clothes. It’s now up to the little boy to courageously point it out. We saw something very encouraging with this debate: a local t.v. newsman willing to argue against the anti-pedophile juggernaut, which is what it is. Given its extreme rarity, that should give us a measure of satisfaction and hope.

Watching Mr. Book, I’m surprised this man is the most powerful lobbyist in FL. He’s less than impressive, at least when forced to speak extemporaneously. He may be good at regurgitating a client’s spiel, but anything else seems a tough talk for him.

I also wonder if his severe hatred for all things RC is not so much about closeted personal/sexual issues, but about not forgiving himself for “letting” the abuse of his daughter happen…in his home, by someone he invited. Perhaps a little guilt for being an absentee parent?

I have this baaaaad feeling that he’s hiding something or he is guilty of something . I don’t know what it is but it seems he’s in denial.

Just going to put this out there given the times of the day: What was the immigration status, etc of the nanny? Did he possibly sponsor the nanny? Did he know the nanny from a family friend, etc? Was the nanny a family friend? What is the nanny’s history, etc? This is South FLA after all. This is not an immigration politics post, but details that need to be considered, but may never be known.

When you open the lens on him, his attitude and actions, you have to think what about then, possibly, could have eased what Lauren went through that he potentially feels guilty about.

So this video debate can be used as evidence that it is the public that is making the registry “cruel and unusual punishment”?

Book intimates all offenders are predators; all offenders should be locked up for life. That’s the blanket endorsement. That’s what 2003 Smith v Doe has developed in their naivety that the registry isn’t punishment.

This guy thinking is Faaaaaarrrrr wrong!!! He thinks making people. Not living 2500 feet from a school or daycare will Protect a child!! He is a fool!! Hell if someone wanted too they could just drive up to a kid And take the kid !!Those Useless Zone Laws DON”T protect any child At all! It really Does make it more easy if someone want to take a child to harm her or him Why? Cause once the Child is passed 2500 feet the teacher’s can’t see them any more to protect the child. So this guy thinking is All fucked up All Zone laws are IS to (MAKE) Parents THINK Their child is safe! ( Which is a lie!! ) Cause 98% of sex abuse is by a family member or someone close too the family! I don’t condone that older people take pride in molesting a child But on the other hand when a child ask for teaching about their parts and what it is for then later down the road you label as a sex offender Just cause you told the child about sex! Now you have to be declared a Sex offender of teaching your child or Maybe some other child who have no clue in live! That Fool Person Who made this Bullshit law need to be voted out

I remember reading a number of months ago that some Hollywood actress had been donating to Planned Parenthood in the name of (or on behalf of) Mike Pence. It would be rather humorous if something similar happened with Mr. Book–especially if his email address was used for the donation, resulting in his receiving a thank you email. Just sayin’…
