CA: Judge Aaron Persky recalled over Brock Turner sentencing

[ – 6/6/18]

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) —
Voters have recalled Judge Aaron Persky from office after he sentenced a former Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexual assault to a short jail sentence instead of prison.

Persky sentenced Brock Turner in June 2016 to six months in jail instead of prison after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman outside a fraternity house. The recall campaign launched shortly afterward.

The campaign gained national prominence after the victim’s powerful courtroom statement lamenting her treatment by the judicial system was circulated widely online.

Turner ultimately was released after 3 months, in September of 2016, because of good behavior.

The recall effort was spearheaded by Stanford law professor Michelle Dauber. Several rallies were held, and an estimated $1 million in campaign donations were raised.

The Recall Persky Campaign issued the following statement by Dauber.

“We are cautiously optimistic. Tonight’s results mirror what we heard while we were out talking to voters. We are thankful for our supporters and every person who donated their time – it truly made a difference.”

Judge Persky remained silent until a month ago when he spoke to reporters for the first time at a private residence in Palo Alto. He held a public rally on the plaza outside the County Government Center eight days before the election, surrounded by fellow judges from the Superior Court and District Attorney Jeff Rosen

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I sent an email to Ms.(?) Dauber expressing my viewpoint. I told her she has only weakened the justice system by removing a fair and impartial judge that hands out punishment based on the facts and not public opinion.

Okay, so the “Stanford Law Professor” just totally undermined the rule of law, and everything that our judicial system stands for. Great times! Remember friends; This slime bag is training the future “best of the best” lawyers. Now that Persky is gone, for following the suggestion of the Probation Department, how many judges do you think will let registrants off the hook in 2021? The great bait and switch of 2017 is complete. Show me one judge, anywhere in California-Stan, who will let any registrant off the list after this disgusting display of horrid nastiness. That said: There is only one thing to do. There is one group of judges who can’t be recalled. Everybody, and I do mean everybody, knows the registry is bogus. And it violates numerous sections of the US Constitution. It’s time to find the right case, and take it forward. The entire registry is un-american, and it violates our most important set of rules. No more tiers. No more ranking. The whole thing is a scam. And everybody knows it. (Including, and especially, those who promote it.) No more divide and conquer. The whole group, nationwide, needs to get in the fight. There are more homeless people in LA County than there are SO’s in all of California-Stan. This needs to be a nationwide fight, and it needs to go to the Supreme Court. They can’t be recalled folks! We need thr right case; because the consequences are stiff. But really; What do we have to lose?

Yep that is CA as()*& backwards proposition policies. They can sure recall a judge for doing his job but they cannot even recognize what the solicitor general did in the McKlune v Lile case. This is messed up to say the least.

CA politicians have been revoking judicial power for decades under “mandatory sentencing” laws, effectively making judges a formality.

And one time a judge shows leeway with the powers bestowed upon him, he’s ousted. How long before zealous politicians do away with judges in the courtroom altogether?

One thing that is overlooked in all these news stories covering the honorable Judge Persky is that he freely admitted one factor he took into account when doling out his sentence was the effect the registry was going to have on the rest of the defendant’s life.

Remember my fellow registered citizens, the majority of people, are ignorant and under educated, yet have voting powers!
The sentence was appropriate, remember only a registered citizen knows what it is like to be a registered citizen!

I still can not figure out all the disgust of this situation. Turner’s life is over as he is now one of us. Why don’t all these hateful people find comfort in that? Another 6 months or a year in jail means nothing.