Hawaii’s sex offender registry is meant to keep people safe by requiring convicted sex criminals to submit their address to an online database. On the site, the public can check to see if a sex offender lives nearby.
But a Hawaii News Now investigation has revealed some alarming gaps in the system, including vague addresses and dozens of convicted sex predators living places where you hope children can be safest. Full Article
Lol, those people are so clueless. Both the reporters and the people they are interviewing on the streets. I can’t help it – it’s funny as hell to me how ignorant people are when they start trying to talk about “protecting their children”. They have heard a few keywords and they say them almost randomly.
One lady is like (valley girl twist) “like, omg, it’s so scary. Like, how do you know where they are?”. Isn’t that the whole point of the public registry?
Those people on the registry aren’t living in the park due to gaps and errors in the system, they are forced there due to progressively punitive and oppressive laws that leave them nowhere to go. Lawmakers, please ask yourself, would it be a better system if people on the registry had a stable home, job, education opportunities, and were dating or living with their spouse, or would it be better as it is, with them living in the parks, harassed by police and probation, unemployed, unwanted, vilified, and shunned with nowhere to go? Well, you made the mess. We have a camp of registry people in our community. Why they don’t give up and go offend I don’t know, I guess people like Janice give them so much hope they keep hanging on.
“Dozens of sex predators” ? Is that even possible? At least 12, but obviously more, of these people are sex predators? How does one determine that? Allyson Blair, the reporter, appears to be an expert.
By what statute were they convicted as “sex predators”? This reminds of the man who sued because a (sheriff’s?) billboard claimed he was a predator. Anyone know what happened in that suit?
The alternate and probably more accurate headline should read “dozens of predatory journalists Searching for a sensational story and enciting fear.” I believe in freedom of the press but by all means, don’t troll for stories. Last time I checked, these registrants had not escaped justice and are on the radar for law enforcement to manage. If they were dangerous, chances are they would still be locked up or on a high risk tier. Nothing new, just another pile of yellow journalism hitting the press in time for election year politics, hyperbole, rhetoric and crap for lack of better ways to appropriately describe it.
The use of the label “sex predators” definitely was inappropriate!
Let’s hope they don’t go crazy and start putting new laws in their state to restrict and destroy lives of citizens on the registry- since life on the registry must be so great that these people are living in parks and areas where no one would want to live. So, let’s make it even harder for them : ( ?
Stay sane people of Hawaii, please!
The amount of people ending up on the S.O Registry is growing everyday. In this day and age it’s teens that are sexting. It’s innocent young people following nature. These are not violent predators or stranger danger. It ruins their lives and devastates families and it can happen to your child too. How do I know? It happened to mine. My kind hearted son at 18 met a young lady that lied about her age and she was extremely aggressive. My son lost his virginity to this girl, went to jail because the mother decided to over react and used my son as her scapegoat so people wouldn’t think she was a bad mother with a daughter that is too sophisticated for her age. My son is now living in some crappy motel because we live to close to a school and that’s all we can afford. He has PTSD and wants to kill himself. These laws are insane and it should be case by case. My child is no criminal and I don’t know how long he will be able to survive this hell.
If you need assistance or some glimmer of light please contact Women Against Registry in MO. http://www.womenagainstregistry.com
Those happy-go-lucky sex offenders just hanging out at the park or beach all day.
So tired of the same old hyperbolic statement “sex predator.” That over inclusive connotation needs to be challenged and discredited for what it is. Demagoguery at its finest. The frigging DA used that term extensively in my original case, without even a hint of objections by my PD, let one person ever call me that again and we will be in court for defamation I can tell you that. I do not care if I win or lose they will be in court. By definition most of us are not “sexual predators” according to the language of the laws, in CA at least, and it is defamation and libel, bottom line.