General Comments August 2018

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of August 2018. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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I am no longer registered in any state. Is there anything that can be done about Homefacts, Mylife, Instant Checkmate and other similar sites that continue to list me falsely? Any court cases of any relief?

My sister discovered is tripling the convictions it lists per offender. That is libel. There is also a failure to list the conviction date.

Janice has already said she fought these publication and was shot down. So I’m just fishing.

Is it possible that inaccurate disclosure of public records is a violation of The Privacy Act of 1974?

Maybe it is wrong for the DOJ to allow the inaccurate dissemination of its database. Maybe that is why it now requires a Captcha, probably to block spiders and bots, but too late.

I just sent in my passport for renewal early. My goal was to get the new passport with the IML marking now, so that when I get the visa I’m working on it will be attached to my new passport. I was worried that if the visa was attached to my old passport and it was revoked for not having the IML marking, I’d lose my visa and have lots of red tape to go through.

So, I got the new passport today. Lo and behold, there is no IML marking. Since I’ve been sent to secondary screening each time I return to the US at passport control, I fully expected that I’d be given a new passport with the IML marking.

What gives?

Perhaps it’s because my state is not SORNA compliant? Perhaps for some reason I’m not on the Angle Watch list? Perhaps they just missed it? Perhaps I was supposed to fill out some special form?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome. I’d love to just assume I’m lucky, but this is the kind of luck that’s likely to kick me in the ass later on.

I just sent in my passport for renewal early. My goal was to get the new passport with the IML marking now, so that when I get the visa I’m working on it will be attached to my new passport. I was worried that if the visa was attached to my old passport and it was revoked for not having the IML marking, I’d lose my visa and have lots of red tape to go through to get a new visa.

So, I got the new passport today. Lo and behold, there is no IML marking. Since I’ve been sent to secondary screening each time I return to the US at passport control, I fully expected that I’d be given a new passport with the IML marking since I’m on the registry with a minor victim.

What gives?

Perhaps it’s because my state is not SORNA compliant? Perhaps for some reason I’m not on the Angle Watch list? Perhaps they just missed it? Perhaps I was supposed to fill out some special form?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome. I’d love to just assume I’m lucky, but this is the kind of luck that’s likely to kick me in the ass later on.

Things that make you go “hmmmm”,

How is it that men and women on nude beaches, nudist camps, and clothing optional environments can expose their genitalia in front of minors and not be charged.

Looking for some level headed advice.

A fellow tenant in the apt. Complex is telling all they talks to that I am a ” chomo” . I tried to confront them about it, but that isn’t happening. They are on parole for drug violations and are living there compliments of the city. Do to the culture of the people that frequent their apt. , I am concerned about car vandalism, or an outright confrontation. I am very capable of handling any physical attack, but am worried about once flood gates open, if all this pent up depressive anxietal emotion will cause me to just not stop. I have no where to go to get away from this situation. Looking to see if others have experienced this. I know this is to be expected, but I am coming to the end of my tolerance.


Working days calculator:

From today, Aug 13, five working days is Aug 20.

Thx for response Matt. Yes, finances are a huge part of my issues right now. Work situation has been stressful along with bills mounting. Never had these issues before and now that’s all I have. Having your livelihood taken from you along with your life is overwelming. I keep looking for opportunities, but nothing seems to pan out. I told someone yesterday ( I met from this site) that I truly feel like an unwanted person.

Janice, have you (and ACSOL) essentially given up on a legal fight against IML? If so, why not get in contact with lawyers in other jurisdictions (Colorado, Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc.) who have had success lately, in courts that are apparently more reasonable than in California? You could pass along the details of your two experiences in this matter and encourage them to try — perhaps a different approach. Every day, more people are reporting their passports cancelled and the problems this is causing them. Is there nothing than can be done in the courts? If it’s a question of money, my guess is that a special fund for this purpose would be well received, considering that the IML is a financial burden to many of us (hindering business travel, etc.).

Here is the 1 Million Dollar Question? What if you don’t have a SARATSO score? Who does this? By 2021, I’ll have a 25 year old expunged misdemeanor?

Hey I noticed that Ira Ellman is now on the board at ACSOL. Janice and team, can I subpoena Ms. Ellman to use as an expert witness in my case when my case moves forward to trial?

Mark Stewart Greenstein, Connecticut running for Governor
If you can vote in Connecticut, this guys not for you.

I found this site and want to comment.
I am an RSO, over 50 yrs old, and as most of you have experienced, have had my life ripped from my hands.
I lost my occupation, savings, and dreams. I am here because of an internet offense ( 1 ct. C.P.) in N.Ca.
I rec’d probation and am off now, but realize that is nothing compared to the dim future I face. I have nothing left of my past life, and maybe that’s a good thing.
My savings went away and now I face a very bleak existence. Anybody that is in or came from same boat, luv to talk and get advice. Overwhelming is an understatement.

@Overwhelmed 50 year old,

I’m 52. My court date was 25 years ago this coming January. We’ve all suffered, that’s true, but there’s guys that destroy their lives without doing what we did. This whole world is full of brokenness, even couples who stay together often suffer and lose everything. Social media and advertising only shows us the ideal, and no one is living that. One thing that people who’ve been crushed by life like us have that many others don’t is a chance for a more honest perspective on ourselves, and this life. People who’ve suffered often have something to say that’s worth hearing. Anyway, I can only say that finding a church that takes the gospel seriously that was willing to accept me and my family has been a big part of my life being a whole lot different. We actuially have a Christian family that actuially cares and prays about us. Only the pastor and elders were told, but I’m sure anyone can look me up online whenever they want. I just have to push all that out of my mind, and trust that the Lord will take care of me and my family as He has so far. I actuially feel very grateful for what all I do have, and so seeking to find contentment with the good things that you do have such as your health, your mind, food on your plate, a warm place to live when it’s cold and a cool place to live when its hot. A lot of people don’t have that. Contentment is a hard place to get to, because I’m sure I could be off the registry, be a multi-millionaire with a trophy wife and be absolutely miserable. So, it takes a purposeful effort to start counting, and listing your blessings, and the things that you are thankful for, and we each have a lot more things to be thankful for than we realize.

Many people live their entire lives looking for happiness which they think is always around the next corner. if only X would happen, or if only I could get X, then I would be happy… Well, not necessarily, often there is another X behind that one that you have to have, and then another X behind that one… One thing you have going for you at this point is you are a bit wiser than you used to be… That can go a long way.

admins may want to make this perm link

remove yourself from search websites

you might want to post this or make it a sticky

remove yourself from search websites

As many of you may know, Galen Baughman, once a rising star in our reform movement, is now being considered by Virginia for commitment as a “sexually violent predator.” NARSOL has issued a statement on this affair here: “NARSOL condemns civil commitment practices” ///

Here is my own comment to this development: I would like NARSOL to weigh-in on the subject of the legal use of the term “SEXUAL VIOLENCE.” The term “sexually violent predator” is being thrown around very casually in society and by the media today but in an especially pernicious way by our own government. Let’s please shed some light on how that term is used, and misused, especially for the purpose of throwing people like Galen Baughman into indefinite, usually lifetime, imprisonment in these sham “hospitals.”

Many people on the Registry themselves are unaware of the sleight-of-hand being performed by the state (i.e. both federal and state governments) as a means to denigrate individuals who have no capacity for violence and have never demonstrated anything like a violent impulse nor used coercion or force in the commission of their crimes. That cynical legerdemain by the professional victimologists is simply this: governments have now redefined the word “violent” in age-of-consent cases to mean that the younger party is below a particular arbitrary age which varies among the states but which is often set at fourteen (as here in California). Anyone whose victim is below that arbitrary age is to be seen for all legal purposes and by the public as “sexually violent.”

Paul [Shannon] will remember me as the organizer for the first protest at Coalinga State Hospital in Coalinga, California many years ago and to which RSOL lent its support. Since then, nothing good has changed at that facility apart from a somewhat larger number of “hosprisoners” being released over time. The central conceit that keeps many of those hosprisoners locked-up in Coalinga (those who did not exercise the use of violence in their crimes, which is the VAST majority of its inhabitants) is that they are “violent sexual predators.”

We need to tackle that issue [and define “sexual violence” as it is used in law] if we are to make any headway against civil commitment incarceration.

I feel for Galen and know him to be passive and non-violent. We did not always agree on some issues during his brief respite from incarceration but his loss from our community was felt by all, including me.

Thanks too to Judith Levine for her words here and her continued support as a champion of our cause. Also my thanks to her friend Debbie Nathan who has done much to expand awareness of the power and extents of the greatest witchhunt in recorded history.

Thanks for the feed back people. Yeah you all have good advice and I think I will get a hold of Ellmen if necessary, I may not even need an expert with all the reports and conclusions from the CASOMB and the rest of the gov entities. Those are probably going to be my best witnesses without even being there. I think the courts are fed up with this crap and as soon as a good case such as mine gets in front of them they are going to take some kind of action. That one article states it pretty well when they state that the fact that the court considered the registry cruel and unusual punishment is unprecedented in anything besides a death penalty or life sentence for juveniles. That is like one of the hardest bars to hurdle in case law and I think it is the right decision as well.

So right before the first day of school the district sends out an email about a new visitor check in process. They’re going to be using the Raptor Visitor Management system.

The email says it checks for registered people. It emphasizes that the sex offense registries are the only databases it checks.

I guess murderers, wife beaters and drug addicts are ok.

I hate this. I want off this train.

So I was recently reading the statutes for Washington State that pertain to the registration laws and many of the case laws challenging the registration as violation of ex post facto. With many of the rulings dismissing those challenges stating that the registration laws don’t meet the same requirement of being ex post facto violations because the requirement to register is civil in nature. Then my question in why is the RCW that pertains to registration in Washington state (RCW 9A.44.130) listed as a criminal code? If it is listed as a criminal code how can they say it’s civil?

California’s is listed under the Penal Code too. They get around that by claiming in the law that the purpose is for public safety and rehabilitation, etc.

When Googling stuff, this article pops up again and again. This is false. 288 was a felony at this time already, and it carried up to a life sentence under California’s old indeterminate sentencing law. Terrible case, yes, but the article is still wrong. I tried to get the Times to fix it once, ignored. Maybe the author was confusing the misdemeanor 647a (annoy or molest, which is void for being redundant, but no one has challenged it).

This was the start of the registry in the United States.

Girl’s Molestation, Murder in 1949 Prompted Tougher Laws

Hey Tim I’m down for a deep sea fishing trip out of H&M anytime!

I have been coming to this site for a while, and notice a lot fewer comments recently. Do people just get tired of reading all the bad news and leave? I wish something positive would happen for the entire registry, and not just something that effects 5 S.V.P.s in Georgia
(example). I need something to give me some hope in my own life.

I just listened to a stunning report on the church sex abuse scandal.
30 names were reacted from the Penn. supreme court ruling with their blessing. The senate asked them to be redacted because ” it would financially break the church”.
I have lost my job, my family, friends, my life! for looking some pictures, and these men can continue on with no punishment for RAPING AND MOLESTING young boys. Really? Tell me now that this is not about power and money.