Janice’s Journal: Registry Continues to Grow by Leaps and Bounds

The registry continues to grow by leaps and bounds. In fact, the registry grew by almost 5 percent during the past 12 months. That means there are currently more than 912,000 people on the registry in the U.S., an increase of 42,001, according to The Dobbs Wire.

The recent increases in the number of people on the registry are not uniform throughout the nation. In fact, the number of registrants decreased in the states of Vermont and Kentucky as well as in the District of Columbia.

But in the vast majority of the nation’s 50 states, the number of registrants increased significantly. The greatest increases were in the states of New York, North Carolina, South Carolina and Texas where the number of registrants grew by at least 5,000 in each state. The percentages of increase were the highest in South Carolina with about 40 percent and in New York with about 18 percent. Overall, the states of California and Texas continue to claim the highest number of registrants with the California total at 106,916 and the Texas total at 99,511.

What is the message we are to learn from the significant growth in the number of registrants? The message is that society has not yet learned from its mistakes. That is, society continues to believe that increasing the number of registrants will increase public safety.

This message is, of course, contrary to the fact that public safety is decreased, not increased, as the number of registrants continue to grow. Why? Because a growing number of registrants and their families may become unstable as they face the new challenges of unemployment and even homelessness. Because the real danger of sexual assault is not found on the list of registrants but instead in families, schools and churches.

Until and unless registration laws are changed, we can expect the number of registrants to increase in the future. The silver lining of this dark cloud is that “soon” the number of registrants will be so large that it can and will directly impact elections and repeal the laws that continue to punish them and their families.

The Dobbs Wire – Latest registry statistics Dec 17 2018


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It no longer bothers me. My belief is that our government will NEVER let go of us. As long as the registry continues to grow eventually we will reach critical mass. Michigan is adding a child abuse registry. Ohio a drunk driving registry. Utah has a white collar crime registry. It will never end. My sanity may be slipping but I’m happy! Our government isn’t there for any other reason than to control, dominate and get richer off of us. Remember what happened when King George forced everyone into poverty and starvation. I say F—- them all. Eventually a revolution will happen

The NCMEC actually depends on the registry to get grants every year. They erroneously tout the registry as a barometer as “known threats” to justify their existence with inflammatory fear rhetoric.

Megan’s law and the AWA are both fraudulent and ill-conceived pieces of legislation. Both mothers need to take ownership for contributing to the deaths of their children, but they will never admit wrongdoing. They are too proud. Instead, we have this blame-passing witch hunt.

The registry will grow until the beloved of Smith and company gets put on it.

This is very alarming! Just think about how many sexual related arrests take place weekly? Here is what people really need to be reminded. When the registry really got started, you would have to go down to a police station to see who was on the registry! How have things changed? You can go online! Furthermore, think about how laws have changed! We where (I honestly don’t know all of the laws) banned from parks and beaches! I believe there are residence restrictions? How about libraries? We are (I believe) banned from visiting some countries? It’s very disturbing. We are banned from working in many licensed positions? Yet, we have people who have (murdered/or killed someone) with more rights! I (I’m not bragging/I’m simply conveying an example) was convicted of a battery that’s been reduced to a misdemeanor/expunged/summary probation, but yet I’m still required to register? It’s been over 20 years! What’s next? Will I go to OC and get removed? Or, shall I post my LA address and determine LA is my primary address? I’ll have a MUCH better chance in LA! What do I do?

Hummmm…I am curious how Kentucky, virtually alone of all states, has had such a dramatic decline in registrants? Hummmm…


Chased them out to a different jurisdiction? Are people coming off the Kentucky registry? If so, Why? How?

Best Wishes, James

The registry was sold as a necessity to track the worst of the worst. The crimes included have drastically increased, but the general public’s perception remains that we are only tracking the worst. Today so many crimes that have little to do with the perception are tracked, primarily because the politicians keep returning to this trough as a sure-fire vote generator.

War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. The Registry is Not Punitive.

“The silver lining of this dark cloud is that “soon” the number of registrants will be so large that it can and will directly impact elections and repeal the laws that continue to punish them and their families.”

How can I and others who can’t vote directly impact elections? I write tons of letters to congress and even one to Trump.. very very very few responses and IF I get a response, it’s just “Thank you for your letter…. blah, blah, blah.

The economy is still good right now so they have the funds to handle all of the BS registration requirements, but when it tanks maybe that will start a new conversation of how almost a million people in the US are not able to contribute 100% of their potential because of these government schemes. Or at least I hope that will happen.

I think everyone really made some great points! I’m personally sick and tired of registering! I live in OC, but might register another address starting next year (2 addresses/I don’t know which to call my primary address) and file to get off in 2021! I’ve ever been harassed by the police (they used to come 2-3 times a year), but that’s kind of gotten old and they might stop by once now. I personally think that exercising the SB 384 will be much easier than a COR! They can’t deny everyone. Plus, we need to continue looking at ways to amend the law as it stands. As I’ve already noted, we have the most liberal Governor in Ca that’s ever existed! If he won’t agree, no one will. In addition, we have a new DA in OC. He certainly isn’t perfect, but he can’t be any worst than the prior. I truly have a good feeling! Happy Holidays

At a rate of 42,000 added per year.
That is 3,500 a month.

Jan1/2019 912,000
Jan1/2020 954,000
Jan1/2021 996,000
Jan1/2022 1,038,000

First week of March, 2021. We will have a milestone of one million sex offenders.

We could have our own phone book.
We could fill up 11 football stadiums.
6 US states have less than a million population.
Wikipedia has a list of major cities by population. There to many to list here!

I’m exhausted but pleased that I can say my state’s registry is now one less. It has taken over two years to get the state to acknowledge my California misdemeanor does not require registration here. I no longer see my name on the national site either. Now comes the process of trying to clean up the commercial sites… has anybody had much success there?

Despite the source this link is related:

Roberts has to go!
Key phrase , permits AG to impose conditions by means specifically prohibited by the constitution.
Yet THEY got away with it.

Based on just the article title , if nothing is going to stop this ridiculous registry from increasing, then what’s the point of fighting it. Not to be defeatist, but this is a losing battle.

Quite unfortunate: it feels good for politicians to shame people. It creates endorphins to instill fear in the public and to come out as the hero slaying the monster. (Despite the fact that many of the lot of the already privately know that the majority of legally-labeled sex offenders, even child sex offenders(!), aren’t actually dangerous.)

The registry makes money out of doing this, and they (the politicians) know it good and well. It (the registry) is a legal tradition that’s been so ravishly ingrained into our American social culture, as well as intertwined financially deeply into our economy. They need the money we “dangerous” RSOs are required to fork over, since the USA is in dire debt, and need an underclass to pray on “for every cent they got.” What better way to achieve this than to take advantage of a group like us, what’s with our needing to pay out of our own pocket for Sex Offender group therapy programs, the ankle monitor, a heaping stack of restitution and other court fees (some of which aren’t always justified, if not simply outright undeserved)… the list goes on for some more items.

Creating a larger and larger pool of sex offenders has become a marketing scheme in America. They need more “Sex Offenderzz”, so that the business can grow. How sick and twisted does that sound!?

I hope my redundancy has made my point quite clear: It’s all about the money!

Of course they (politicians) don’t want to “let go of us”. They’ll lose all too much funding… and pride…, if they do.