Ron Book, one of Florida’s most influential lobbyists who also represents the city of Tallahassee, has been arrested on DUI-related charges in Broward County, several South Florida news outlets have reported.
Book, 66, was arrested by the Florida Highway Patrol Sunday after crashing his Lamborghini near his house, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. He was charged with a first-time DUI, refusing to submit to a DUI test and DUI with damage to a person or property, the paper reported.
According to the Sun-Sentinel, Book was released this afternoon on a $1,500 bond.
Guess they need a registry for that too, complete with restrictions on living too close to bars and liquor stores. And probably would be a good idea to mark his license plate so drivers around him know to steer clear.
Not to sound mean but I kinda wish his lambo exploded when he crashed it.
The guy is gonna come off squeaky clean and this probably isn’t the first time he has driven drunk, the repeat offense rates for drunk drivers are extreme and frighteningly high 😂
I have a dark place in my heart and a warm place in hell for people who drive drunk as they have killed many family members and friends with their cars.
Cue the laugh track. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.
Isn’t refusing to submit to a DUI test just about automatically means it’s a felony? I just hope this isn’t dismissed through some “loophole”. And I very much hope this is brought up 100% of the time he’s on one of his crusades for the registry.
Some of the comments on FAC are pure gold ! Lol…No sympathy whatsoever and justifiably so.
I actually wish it had been worse……..a sex charge would have made my day.
He should not be allowed to drive or reside anywhere near children playing close to a street. If just one innocent child is saved….
I posted a nice, supportive comment at the source article.
Here is your data drop folks with percentages and the whole bit for your reading leisure on DWI recidivism (with FLA mentioned). There will not be a quiz later though (I know you are disappointed).
DOT HS 811 991
March 2014
DWI Recidivism in the United States: An Examination of State-Level Driver Data and the Effect of Look-Back Periods on Recidivism Prevalence
As a sympathizer and not a registrant myself, I have to say, drunk drivers are more dangerous than downloaders of illegal pictures. Whens the last time a kid died from a drunk driver? Can you name one time a kid died due to a download?
How would Ron, his daughter and any person in his camp defend Ron’s staunch position on protecting and saving children, from those listed on the registry, if he had hit and injured or perhaps killed a minor under 18 years of age while driving drunk?
My brother was killed by a drunk driver when I was thirteen and he was eighteen. I can’t tell you what that did to our family. It destroyed my parents. They were never the same. The got a call about 4:00 AM and had to go down and identify the body of their first child. That was a very long time ago and I will never forget the moment they came in the door and told me and my sister that our brother was killed in a traffic accident. The months following were surreal. You will never imagine what a man like Ron Book does to a family. My parents aged considerably and retreated into the bottle, my sister ran away from home, I who was an outstanding student got straight D’s and F’s, surely from repressed anger. Till this day it baffles me how people like Ron book can get multiple offenses and not do jail time, how they can easily have them expunged from their driving record. Oh, and a side note for mister Book and his senator daughter, 12,000 children were killed by people like him last year–Drunk drivers are the leading cause of death among children. Cheers Ron, have your next one on me. Perhaps this is the secret you have been hiding with your hate and retribution towards people you don’t even know.
The wolf is beginning to show through his sheep skin. There could be more, coming.
So, is he on yet? I wonder what is bac was at the time. He was obviously belligerent enough to refuse a test.
There are a couple of other little things that should be considered:
In the last 10 years, Book has received several traffic citations in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, but has been convicted on only four: speeding by going 46 mph in a 30 mph zone; not using a turn signal; not wearing a seat belt; and going 75 mph in a 45 mph zone. His fines paid total $783.
And we know that he is on medication to treat his cancer.
What are the chances a child will die by means other than being abducted and killed by a sex offender?
Our children are:
16,770% more likely to hang themselves
18,090% more likely to shoot themselves
38,880% more likely to be murdered by a firearm
47,520% more likely to be stabbed, strangled, burned alive, or poisoned
183,960% more likely to be killed in an auto accident*
than to be abducted and killed by a sex offender
*Of the children killed in auto accidents, 68% were riding in a vehicle driven by a drunk driver. Over 50% of those drunk drivers were a parent of the child.
Ron Book needs to learn how to practice what he preaches, he is always pushing that “If it saves just one child!” line.
I enjoyed the Miami Herald pic from when he was “Booked”.
It’s hard not to feel like this is karma. I do feel sorry for the Lamborghini though. It’s amazing he survived a crash in that type of car. This will definitely take away some of his political clout. It seems that the ones that judge others the most, always get their just reward.
I usually take the high road…but not this time. I sent this to Lauren Book..
I am not from your state, but the policies, you and your drunken father are part of, affect each and every one of us ex-offenders in the US. You are seeing first hand the ” frightening and high” recidivism of your alcoholic father. Time to get these low class drunken drivers off the street before they maim and possibly kill more children…..remember, ” if it saves one child”. Time for a registry to help parents recognize these dangerous offenders and give them the weapons they need to protect their families. These people belong in prison for life so they cannot have the opportunity to harm again. He needs to be off the street where children play and kept from living within 2000′ of any liquor stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, parks, stadiums and restaurants where liquor is served. He needs to where an ankle bracelet that lets law enforcement know his every move and most importantly a marked driver’s license and a pink plate so other drivers can be safe from this drunken monster. He needs to check in with every law enforcement agency in every town or city he travels in, so they are aware that an alcoholic that can’t control his urges, is in their town…..and no travel out of the country! Too many drunks travel to other countries to indulge in their drinking habits and the last thing we want is for him to be around unsuspecting children. Sound stupid????? So is the SOR. Karma sucks….doesn’t it?
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE device
If you want to talk recidivism in my state of Wisconsin we can definitely talk DUI. I have made side cash delivering drunks to and from the tavern! Including those with breathalyzer installed on their vehicles. Do a Craig’s list post and you can do it too. A fine way to keep streets safe as there’s regulars to serve. Our Tavern league has a lobby in Madison and they got fed up with cops stinging them with underage serving of minors ( college age)sometime encouraged by cops to attempt to buy from a bartender. The result being fines and loss of ” bartenders licences “.
As remedy the Tavern League had a law passed whereby the taverns could file civil suits against the college goers who attempted to buy. Ironically the same demographic were also likely soon to be customers. Who in their right mind would prepare to sue a “potential future” client?
Only those suffering protection rackets.
We are all, myself included, jumping to the conclusion that Ron Book/Crook is guilty. He is innocent until proven guilty.
Ha ha, just kidding. I’ll always call him guilty whether he is or not. If he is not convicted then it is because his friends let him free or he bought his way out.
I do think that 100,000+ people should contact the prosecutors and make sure they know that Crook should not get any special treatment because they love him so much. He should not be able to buy his way out either, as I’m sure he’d love. Nope, he should be made an example of because he is a person that was trusted and part of the big government machine. So he should be held to a higher level of account.
Further, just as he likes to do, he should be held responsible for the crimes of the worst of the worst who committed the same crime as he did. He is guilty by association. So he should be held accountable for the murders that the others have committed. Once a drunk driver, always a drunk driver. It is only a matter of time before he does it again.
And certainly there ought to be a Drunk Drivers Registry. Why would we want THOSE people living near schools?! Outrageous.
If Crook ever gets in front of a judge, then we need to let the judge know all of this in advance as well.
I’m glad this D. Bag is finally tasting some Karma. Buckle up, Ron, this is only the beginning!
There are several articles now on this arrest. This one seems to have zero love for him and shows how he’s broken the law multiple times over the years. Book is just a terrible person in every aspect.
I would love it if they found him to be in possession of cp. That would really be the icing on the cake. The man upstairs somehow always has his way of teaching each person their lesson.
I hope his experience going through the system brings him some kind of perspective, compassion, and clarify to this man who has caused so much suffering to so many people.
Probably a fool’s hope.