MI: ACLU lawsuits look to reform Michigan Sex Offender Registry

[wsbt.com – 3/15/19] KALAMAZOO, Mich. — A federal court ruled three years ago that parts of Michigan’s Sex Offender Registry laws were unconstitutional, but since then, nothing in the law has changed. The ACLU is looking to reform, or even do away with the registry as part of an ongoing lawsuit. “The law that we have now is broken, it’s bloated, its ineffective and it actually makes us less safe,” said Miriam Aukerman, an attorney with the ACLU of Michigan. Aukerman said the state’s sex offender registry law is unconstitutional…

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CT: Windsor Locks to vote on repealing sex offender proximity ordinance

[journalinquirer.com – 3/15/19] Nearly a year after an advocacy group and an anonymous resident filed a lawsuit against the town over an ordinance barring sex offenders from designated public places, voters will have the option Tuesday to repeal that ordinance at a town meeting. The town meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall. The ordinance, enacted over 10 years ago, prohibits those on the sex offender registry from “child safety zones,” which include local parks, public schools, the library, the Town Hall gymnasium, and the senior center. There…

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