LA: After admitting sex with 3 boys, substitute teacher spared jail and barred from class only two years

[ – 4/5/19]


After pleading guilty to having sex with three underage teenagers and sending lewd messages, a substitute teacher in Louisiana was spared jail and could even be headed back to the classroom, New Orlean’s station WDSU reports.

As part of a plea deal, 34-year-old ______ pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor counts of carnal knowledge of a juvenile and one count of contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. When she was arrested in 2016, the Terrebonne Parish instructor faced three felony charges, according to the report.

A district judge then suspended ____’s six-month jail term and sentenced the substitute teacher and teacher’s aide to two years of unsupervised probation and ordered her to pay $900 in fines, Houma Today reports. She did not have to register as a sex offender.

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Former Teacher Gets 18 Months For Sex Crime [ – 4/6/19]


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When I saw the headline, I knew instantly it must have been a female. Theres clearly double standards, especially if the female is attractive. Men however do NOT get such treatment 99.9% of the time, and when they do, it always seems to be a Jefferey Dahmer type that really makes the public voice their opinion that all male offenders deserve life in prison…….

total b/s

Of course , females who actually perform the whole raunchy act and know what they are doing are considered not to be deviant ???? and no danger to kids ??? BUT>>>>>MEN !!!!!!!!!>>WELL OF COURSE THE HAVE A WINNIE AND 2 HANGERS so …..THAT TESTOSTERONE !!!!!! does anyone in the WHOLE UNITED STATES have sense enough to review cases brought to trial and prosecuted/convicted to see if fair and unbiased excessive punishments were imposed at sentencing allowing mandatory REGISTRATION to do continual DAMAGE TO THE LIVES OF THESE INDIVIDUALS and need to be investigated for injustice and reviewed for retrial on the basis of individual assesments and consideration of other merits not exercised due to failed defense lawyers and plea deals and why is it accepted to this day when it should be clearly appraised as a wrong and unenforcible ????

I don’t believe the sentence was lenient. My problem is that, as stated above, the outcome is entirely different and disproportionate when the genders of the participants in similar situations is reversed. Personally, I think all sentences under these circumstances should be similar if the sexual contact was consensual.

Teenagers are horny as hell. Always have been, always will be. Very few would pass on a chance to indulge in their crushes on adults. For those that do, the argument that they are “emotionally scarred for life” is a very thin one at best. They might be heartbroken when the relationship ends, but that’s a pretty far cry from the trauma that the victim industry portrays as typical. To say that the teens are basically too stupid to know if they want to have sex or not is an adequate substitute for lack of consent is nonsensical, particularly in districts where DAs want to try minors as adults in other crimes. Nature decided when the human body is ready for sex – puberty.

I’m not saying sex between adults and teenagers shouldn’t be illegal or punished when discovered. I’m only saying that the adults in these circumstances are normally guilty only of poor judgment, not raging pedophile perverts, regardless of the gender of the adult or the teenager. I join the segment of society that wants to string up actual rape and sexual assailants against non-consenting victims of any age or gender, or those that prey on prepubescents. But considering all adults who have had sex with teenagers regardless of circumstance follows the same reasoning as considering all black people Crips or Bloods.

This has to be a joke. How stupid and ignorant can people really be? And I thought, I heard it all. She is not only violating these kids, she IS IN A POSITION OF AUTHORITY! 2 years unsupervised probation, no sex offender registration? And, she is in a Bible State. So screwed up!!!!

If, this was a male teacher having sex with boys or girls he would in prison for a long, long, time.

So what is this? I do agree that if it were a male teacher that it would have been viewed differently, but the fact that it is in the bible belt, could this be signs of a slight shift in public opinion?

So, in my case I clicked on some teenager photos 16 years ago and never chatted with anyone, and no one even would have known except for government hackers tracing IP addresses from Ukraine. But now my life is destroyed the rest of my existence yet this triple rapist gets off with nothing. I see why Americans are so proud of their Land of Freedom and Justice for All.

Why is this even on here? This woman pleaded guilty to a non-registerable misdemeanor. Why should she be in prison? Why should she register? Would that make anyone’s situation any better?

Another article cited the prosecutor stating that this case was so weak, that this was the best they could hope for. The prosecutor offered the deal. The judge approved it. End of story. That should tell us something.

And just to even things out…. here is a woman teacher who got to register and go to prison for a year and a half…. for a relationship with an 18 year old child… errr victim…. errr student…. errr adult.

THAT should be an article on this site.

Ohhhh. I guess we know why Dustin is here. It’s the teenagers fault. I’m the parent of 2 teenagers and they aren’t responsible. A teacher is a person of authority, it’s one thing for her to have an interlude with one person, but 3? Really? People should be outraged. If this where a man, he might be facing life. Very disgusting

Lol. We know why anonymous is here. It’s not uncommon for individuals to blame the victims (ie: clothing, she was flirting, she/he shouldn’t have/they are all hit you, so what’s the difference?). It’s their fault! Wow. This is text book at its best. I guess it’s okay for substitute teachers to have sex with his/her students because they are all horny per Dustin. Anonymous, your as narcistic as they come. It’s everyones fault. If your an underage victim, it’s your fault. Nobody with any intellectual capital and (your clearly related for a child related offense as well) Ttylll

PS: I won’t respond back. Your too far gone troll

@ USA at it again,
“Anonymous, your as narcistic as they come. It’s everyones fault. If your an underage victim, it’s your fault. Nobody with any intellectual capital and (your clearly related for a child related offense as well)”

Still attacking people and still with so called 4 degrees and cannot spell narcissistic or punctuate everyone’s properly.

“And ohhh, we all know why you are here. You have told us often enough. What was it again? Misdemeanor Battery – as you have stated repeatedly. No wait, in reality it was Felony Sexual Battery!”

This is exactly right. And he was even blaming it on the victim if I remember right. That felony sexual assault is a violent offense. I have no idea how the dude pleaded out of that to where he was eventually able to get it expunged reduced.
(a) Any person who touches an intimate part of another person while that person is unlawfully restrained by the accused or an accomplice, and if the touching is against the will of the person touched and is for the purpose of sexual arousal, sexual gratification, or sexual abuse, is guilty of sexual battery. A violation of this subdivision is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, and by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000); or by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, and by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

That is BS to the highest degree. Most of us have never even had any physical contact with anyone but yet this guy that restrains someone and starts touching them against their will for sexual gratification does not even do prison time and is able to get the shit reduced. Absolutely insane and of course, it is the system so I should not be surprised.

And USA call me a pedo and a repeat child molester and whatever you want, you are the one that stated you have not re-offended because of the registry so I think the registry is exactly for people like you that are still dangerous and skated on a serious I would say violent offense offense. Force yourself on anyone you should get some prison.

You guys are embarrassing and very defensive. Do you feel better? You can’t offend me.

Find me just one male teacher charged with sleeping with just one female student and received just a slap on the wrist.