ACSOL’s Third Annual Conference Offered Solutions to Registrants Challenges

About 200 people, including registrants, family members and supporters, attended ACSOL’s third annual conference on June 14 and 15 in Los Angeles. The conference included plenary presentations from Professor Eric Janus, civil rights attorney Adele Nicholas, ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci and ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.

The conference also featured proposed solutions to challenges faced by both registrants and their families in the form of panels that addressed employment, housing, travel, parole and LGBTQ issues. In addition, a presentation was made by Dr. Leah Chankin, a representative of the CA Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB).

“We were honored this year to have a CASOMB representative share with us a description of the work the board performs, including recommendations to the state legislature,” stated Bellucci. “We have worked in the past with CASOMB on important issues including creation of the first Tiered Registry in the state of California and look forward to working with the board again in the future.”

Oberstein and Bellucci led a panel during the conference regarding California’s Tiered Registry which will take effect in 2021. They provided attendees with ways to prepare for implementation of the new law starting on July 1, 2021. Methods include reduction of convictions from felonies to misdemeanors when eligible as well as dismissals pursuant to Penal Code Section 1203.4.

“It is a good idea for registrants, who are eligible, to apply for and obtain a Certificate of Rehabilitation prior to July 2021 even if that does not remove them from the registry because it will provide one form of evidence that one judge has determined that they are rehabilitated,” stated Oberstein.

The conference also included multiple opportunities for conference attendees to network including a dinner on June 14.

“My favorite part of the conference was the opportunity to speak with others required to register regarding how they deal with every day issues,” stated one registrant.

During the conference, ACSOL Board Member Alex Gittinger assisted registrants and family members with emotional issues they face in a panel on that topic. Gittinger also leads monthly Emotional Support Group meetings for registrants and family members. The next meeting of that group will be held on June 22. Individuals can participate in person or by phone.

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Many years ago I was incarcerated in a federal facility out of state for quite a lengthy stay. I met a number of other people with the same offense and have stayed in touch with some of them. We are scattered all over the country. When I tell them about this conference that ACSOL has started they are astounded. We are very fortunate to have such a progressive group like ACSOL moving forward and paving the way for the future with hope and sensibility. I did a non-contact offense many years ago and am stilled suffocating under the punitive restrictions of the registry. ACSOL, this conference, the monthly meetings, and this board give me hope that some day I will get relief and be able to live like a normal human being.

The first conference videos are now available online at Additional videos will be added this week as videographers complete production of the presentations. Be sure to add a “thumbs up” to each video that you view if you believe the video deserves it.

Well I have spent a few hours over the past few days watching some of the posted videos and was impressed to say the least. Unfortunately I was out of state during the conference and could not attend, but I certainly hope to next year.

While viewing the tiered registry video I thought I heard Janice state there was a four page handout that provided an estimate of which tier different offenses would likely fall into? If that is the case can we please have that document posted here? I searched but was unable to find it anywhere.

If I misunderstood what the content of the handout was please disregard 🙂