AR: Arkansas Sex offenders barred from Halloween activities with new law

[ – 7/25/19]

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (KNWA) — We are less than 100 days away from Halloween, and after Wednesday, parents won’t have to be as scared about sending the kids off to trick-or-treat.

Nothing is more important to Jennifer Quick than her four kids.

“My children’s safety is a top priority,” she said.

And as Act 463 goes into effect, she takes a sigh of relief.

“I feel like the lawmakers finally putting in some effort towards the safety of our children is a big deal and I think it’s a good reflection of the government right now,” said Quick, a mother of four.

The new law stops registered sex offenders from participating in things like wearing costumes and handing out candy when Oct. 31 rolls around.

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Another solution looking for a problem. Dumb asses!!!!

From the article:

“Quick says in today’s day and age, it’s hard to leave her kids alone in the dark.”
Then leave a night light on for the kid. That will do more good than this law will !!

But now, she has more confidence they’ll be protected.”
Not with this law they won’t be. Did they bother to check when the last time a child was bothered by a s#x offender during trick or treating – No!! A law to give her more confidence that her child will be safer during trick or treating is a new driving law possibly. How many accidents have been reported during trick or treating of children being hit by cars. So maybe a law then that bars any one from driving in the area within two weeks of and after trick or treating. Sounds absurd correct? But it would cut down on injuries; not like this law that will do nothing to protect children.

“I feel like the lawmakers finally putting in some effort towards the safety of our children is a big deal and I think it’s a good reflection of the government right now,” said Quick, a mother of four.”
Another “Feel Good” law to make it look like they are earning their pay.

So funny. I love these Halloween “laws”. They just demonstrate so well that “people” who support the Registries are complete morons. Obviously these criminal legislators just have way, way, way too much time on their hands. It is hilarious that they ever think they’ve fixed all the problems in their state to the extent that they can concern themselves with Halloween. So funny.

“People” who support this kind of stupidity and harassment simply need to be kicked out of Amerika. Let’s replace the morons with some decent immigrants who believe in freedom, minding their own business, and leaving other families alone.

I prefer not giving your brats candy anyway never did never will I also keep my front light off too

Poor Jennifer (in the article). She seems to be completely naive and misinformed. Just one of many mothers who probably didn’t have the opportunity to go to college or work and simply started pumping out kids early so she believes everything politicians and police tell her makes her kids safe. I truly feel sorry for people that naive. Hopefully she can someday learn the truth, and hopefully she is open to learning something out of her “zone”.

And for good measure, two weeks after Halloween also because we all know everybody’s still wearing costumes November 1st through 14th.

What a fool wait until her kids gets run over by a drunk driver.

“as Act 463 goes into effect, she takes a sigh of relief.”
A sigh of relief? Oh come ON lady. You need to get yourself into a fetal position and cry yourself into a coma.

Same stupid sheeple finding some perverse comfort in a useless law. I’m sure the rash of abductions and such that AR has suffered will come to a screeching halt. Speaking of screeching halts, a car smacking into little Bubba is a bigger concern. Or perhaps bigger kids stealing candy and/or beating up the younger kids.

As @G4Change says, a solution in search of a problem.

Quick said she has a lot of faith in the police yet just about every day you read about a police officer involved in a sex crime of some sorts.

How about she go with them to trick or treat??????? IF you are that paranoid, dont let them play outside either lady.

I don’t know about all the country, but In California there has never been a single case of a person on the registry violating a child trick-or-treating, and thanks to ACSOL most of these ignorant, fear mongered laws have been overturned–and miraculously, offenses are still at zero. Now muggings, beatings, wilding, drive-by-shootings, that’s a different story, fairly common on Halloween.

Ms. Jennifer Quick is looking for headlines. She is a publicity seeker. Her husband committed suicide (PTSD) and she now has a “go fund me” page. She is using her children as a prop for sympathy. Shameful.
The over zealous local police are looking for easy ways to justify their existence by looking for easy targets.
It unfortunately disallows Registrants with children from participating in their child’s events. Again , shameful.

But to really feel safe, Quick wants to know how it’ll be enforced.

“These officers know these people by sight so if they were out, they would be able to recognize them,” Sgt. Murphy said.


Wow! She should sue Sgt. Murphy and the department for outright lying to her. Does she really believe the entire police department memorized the faces of the dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of RC’s across the state to recognize them by sight?

I go out on halloween if I need to shop, or see a friend or eat. Come and get me. I have a civil rights lawyer and plenty of money to back him.

Being afraid is Halloween tradition.
Love the way Hoover mothers steal Halloween from their kids.
Too dumb to help women like that.
All unenforceable w\o SOR broadcast.

I’m always curious to read the actual text of the law after reading these hyperbolic articles . And sure enough this one is no different than the rest. Act 463 does NOT apply to all registrants, and there are many “exceptions” . A registrant can wear masks and costumes while taking their own child trick or treating as well as sell candy in a retail setting to any child while in costume. Ridiculous law nonetheless.

Well here in Rialto, ca we have had and ordinance banning us from passing out candy or decorating or turning lights on for years I signed the paper every time I go into register nothing new here

this is one of those laws i just shrug my shoulders at. It does absolutely nothing to keep kids safer and in reality it does nothing to me. ok so i can’t decorate for holowwen or go trick or treating. considering what some states like Florida and i forget the one that made it illegal to live with family? yeah it’s a irritation if anything.

Though i have heard horror stories from others on the SOL about it. that they have to go into the jail on holloween and spend the evening listening to people talk. Or that they get visits from officers a few times trying to catch them doing anything.

“Nothing is more important to Jennifer Quick than her four kids.
“My children’s safety is a top priority,” she said. I notice that she is letting her kids around water. Kids drown weekly. She gives or let her kids in ride cars. How many kids die in automobile accidents? She sends her kids to school where they have a greater chance being shot, bullied and sexually assaulted by school staff that cleared back-ground check.

As she stated –

“— Nothing — is more important to Jennifer Quick…”

Well she got it as this law does —- Nothing —-

Most Laws are traps to catch peoples money!Then you have feel good laws to make people shut the F -up ! Those laws are the ones to be shot down! And i agree with all of you on here. The parents who ask for big government to make laws to protect there kids dont care about there kids. They want big government to be there baby sitter. Who will do nothing to watch the brat kid/kids. But big government will pass the useless law to shut the fat b@%@ss lady up! I sorry but i really feel parent should be held responsible 1000% If your child get taken or molested or what ever you the keeper of your child and you drop the ball and then blame someone else for YOU not watching your kid/kids! Parents should be first line of defence not big daddy

Adam Walsh should be on murder charges as for his wife Too both Did not watch there kid! But put the blame on the people of this land for there F-UP And we the people have to PAY this A@@hole cause him and her didnt watch there kid! They need to go to jail for blaming US! Like we are too watch the kid for him

So what defines a costume? If you are a cross dresser can you not dress up like a woman/man on Halloween? What about fruit? Can you hand out fruit on Halloween, just not hand out candy? Seems like some pretty vague descriptions here.

“Nothing is more important to Jennifer Quick than her four kids.”

Shut up! Karen!

Damn self-entitled Millennial snowflakes wanting “safe places” for kids.

Calendar and temperature indicate middle of summer, mindless hysteria will make you believe it is late fall. Time flies….

While many people support these silly laws, a lot people seem to support changing the date of Halloween to the last Saturday in October. I believe it when it happens.

Because…. RSOs – a threat so great that they are a never-ending source of criminal holiday laws – are less likely to abuse random trick or treaters on a weekend? Har har.

And there you have it. The greatest threat to children on Halloween is traffic. We care enough about children to infringe on the rights of thousands but not to change the date of an unofficial “holiday”.