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I made my calls.

Thank you ACSOL + Janice, etc.

🌟Assembly PUBLIC SAFETY Committee 🌟

Click on “Daily Hearings” and you will see that SB 145 is the 4th item on next Tuesday, July 9th’s Hearing Agenda of the Assembly Public Safety Committee which will meet in Room 126.

It is critical that we have as many people AS POSSIBLE attend and speak at this Hearing!

Just made all the calls to the Public Safety Committee members and Senator Wiener’s offices. All were answered live and were very polite. A few offices wanted my zip code, other’s my full name, and one wanted my full name & phone #, all of which I provided.

I hope they listen.

I’m also going to try to get time off on Tuesday to show up.

✈️✈️ I’ll be flying in for Tuesday’s Hearing.✈️✈️
(This Bill must be stopped. There will be almost nowhere in my City where I can live – even if I could afford to move – which I can’t.)

To all who think this irrelevant because of the Taylor case and it does not apply them. It does. SB145 modifies existing law. When the legislature modifies a law, lawyers can relitigate it. That means that cities and counties that we sued and changed their laws could reinstate them in hope that the new law will be more favorable. We might have to refight those cases and in the meantime me and you might have to give up our current home. I dont know about you, but I dont want to move or be homeless. Sure we would probanly prevail but it might take five years or more to win.
If you like where you live, if you don’t want to be homeless, you need to go to Sacramento. If you can’t afford to do that, you need to call the Assembly Public Safety Committee, and call Wiener’s office and let them know that Section 6 needs to be removed and that you don’t support the bill in its present format.

Flipping laws back and forth and making them retroactive is just inhumane. Many of us have rebuilt our lives with stable housing and employment. It took some of us many years to get on our feet again, and for whimsical laws that have no relevance to those of us who have followed the laws for years and decades is just abuse.

TOO BUSY TO MAKE CALLS by tomorrow, my fellow registrant?

Too inconvenient to come July 9 even though you could if you tried hard?

If so, ask yourself: Do I have the right to complain about being evicted and potentially homeless someday when my city brings back the residency restrictions that ACSOL fought so hard to dismantle?

You know the answer.

I recommend that you find motivating reasons to take action rather than reasons not to.

Remember this formula: inaction by hiding head in sand = nightmare scenario

Just made all the phone calls. Took less than 10 minutes to do all of them. No real conversation with the person. Some asked for my full name and zip. Others simply thanked me for calling (the gentleman for Senator Wiener said they’ve been receiving a lot of such calls and are working on it).

I have to say that this was my first time making such calls and I had a lot of anxiety in doing so, especially given the subject matter. But it was all very simple and now I have a sense of relief in having contributed at least in small part in a fight to maintain my rights as well as others.

If you’re feeling the same way as I am and have yet to make that calls, just do all you can to set aside that fear and anxiety in making your first call. It’ll be much simpler to make the rest once you take that first plunge.

I just called all member including Scott Wiener around 1:20pm Friday 07/15
Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr. (Chair) Dem – 59 (916) 319-2059
Tom Lackey (Vice Chair) Rep – 36 (916) 319-2036
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan Dem – 16 (916) 319-2016
Tyler Diep Rep – 72 (916) 319-2072
Sydney Kamlager-Dove Dem – 54 (916) 319-2054
Bill Quirk Dem – 20 (916) 319-2020
Miguel Santiago Dem – 53 (916) 319-2053
Buffy Wicks Dem – 15 (916) 319-2015
Senator Scott Wiener: (916) 651-4011

I used following statement and only Rebecca Bauer-Kahan’s assistance asked me who suggested me to make this phone call and I give him ACSOL web site info and he gave me thanks.
it takes less than 10 minutes, DO IT everybody.
all of them did not ask anymore info since I gave my name, city and zip code at first.

“Hi. My name is First Last from City , Ca. ZIP I am calling to oppose Senate Bill 145 unless Sections 6(b) and 6(c) of this bill are removed. Thank you.”