Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of December 2019. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
Source: 3/5/25 WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, Ark. — An Arkansas man who was convicted of rape... -
FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
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Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
Registrants, members of their families and supporters demonstrated unity in Washington, D.C. this week in a...
So there’s more BS.
Been calling the PD since Friday to schedule the appointment for my yearly. Have left messages and still nothing.
I want to hurry up and get something scheduled so I can plan out the rest of my holiday break. Can’t do a thing until this appointment is setup.
So damn frustrating.
I think this whole thing is beyond ‘cruel and unusual’. It’s psychological torture being held hostage to just try and get the damn appointment scheduled. I mentioned in an earlier post about having your yearly centered on your birthday instead of your conviction date. That’s cruel and unusual as well.
If you had to renew your registration on the anniversary of your conviction date then your predicament is because of your conviction. By basing it instead on your birthday, they’re saying there’s something wrong with YOU. WTF indeed.
Cert of Rehab Question in California
I recently received a COR for a 664-288(a) offense in 2001. I have waited and worked for this in the attempt to get done with registration and off the Megan Site. I was told it would happen BUT, when I was in front of the judge and when I received the paperwork. They are demanding that I still have to do the annual registration. Can someone help me understand how and when this changed from the time others in here had received their COR
With Census positions coming available here is a story about a sex offender that was hired but then was arrested for another charge… way to ruin it for everyone
📞☎️ Please note: Tomorrow (Saturday) a.m. @ 10:00 a.m. PCT is an Telephone Conference Call ASCOL MEETING! Please call in and participate – or just listen & learn! Look for the ACSOL posting that provides the Conference Call Phone Number & Code.
We are All in this together! 📞☎️
COR follow up I just read this and have some questions :
A Certificate of Rehabilitation (“COR”) is a California court-order declaring that a person previously convicted of a felony (or misdemeanor sex offense) is now rehabilitated. The purpose of the COR is to restore civil and political rights of citizenship to ex-felons who have proved their rehabilitation.
Does the restoration of my civil rights include not having to be a registered citizen??
Thanks for feedback and response
The Supreme Court said on Monday that it would not hear a closely watched case City of Boise v. Martin on whether cities can make it a crime for homeless people to sleep outdoors.
The case was brought by six people in Boise, Idaho, who said a pair of local laws violated the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. One prohibited “camping” in streets, parks and other public property. The other prohibited “lodging or sleeping” in any place, whether public or private, without the owner’s permission.
A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, ruled for the plaintiffs and struck down the laws, saying the Constitution does not allow prosecuting people for sleeping outdoors if there is no shelter available.
The Supreme Court typically understands the Eighth Amendment to address acceptable punishments rather than what conduct can be made criminal. But in 1962, it struck down a California law that made being a drug addict a crime on Eighth Amendment grounds.
Relying on that decision and quoting from an earlier Ninth Circuit ruling, Judge Marsha Berzon, writing for the panel, said “the Eighth Amendment prohibits the state from punishing an involuntary act or condition if it is the unavoidable consequence of one’s status or being.”
I think there is a comparable case to be made based on Eighth Amendment “cruel and unusual punishment” relating to the myriad restrictions and limitations applied to all registered sex offenders, regardless of their crime, when it occurred and the likelihood of their re-offense. I would recommend starting in a district court in the Ninth Circuit — sounds like they are very reasonable and would see the insanity of the current state of sex offenders laws growing like Topsy across America — virtually unchallenged for their constitutionality since Smith v Doe in 2003, when the Supreme Court help the registry to be “non-punitive.” It is obviously “punitive” today in so many ways.
Here’s a link to the story in The New York Times today:
To those that keep saying ‘“lead an exemplary life and show them”, I seem to recall another prrson that led that kind of life. He was hung on a cross and stabbed with spear. At least he could live within 1000 ft of a school.
“Hey, I know! Let’s just dump all of our sex offenders into the snow this New Years!”
The mayor suddenly realizes that “sex offenders” exist. Decides they must leave by January.
🐘”Former (GOP) Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin on Thursday defended his controversial last-minute pardon of a man convicted of raping a 9-year-old, saying there was no physical evidence of her abuse.”
That’s it! I’m switching parties 🐎 and becoming a fundraising bundler for the Republicans! I’ll get my record wiped clean AND be appointed Ambassador to Wherever-I-Want! 🙄
Henceforth, I would appreciate you’re referring to me as “Mister Ambassador.” 😁
I don’t know why I am writing this here. I guess because I have no where and no one else.
I have been looking for jobs to kerp me afloat for 4 yrs. No one will hire me. Even places that say they hire felons trun me down. I have depleted my savings to the point that I probably won’t be able to pay rent or bills for Jan.
I have answered multiple ads for rooms, but that old registry thing keeps getting in the way.
I thought I could somehow get back on my feet one day and live a quiet life, but I really can’t see it happening. I wake up every morning thinking about creative ways to disappear. I don’t want my death to be on any local news because I’m too ashamed if anyone I know hears about it. If I go far enough away then it wouldn’t be covered here.
I figure if I do it now, then everyone will be so wrapped up in the holiday that they won’t notice. Everyone will figure I went to visit someone else.
I really did try, but I guess this is to be my path. I’m tired.
with about 890,000 remaining silent…smfh
@ So Tired: Where are you located?
@So Tired. Where are you located. I am also looking for a job and have been turned down by many. AND lost my REALLY good job of 25 years because they “found out” But… please tell us where you are located.
Merry Christmas everyone.
I put a query out earlier on court opinion publishing stats and a related website that was shown here in the forum, but got no reply. However, today, I was able to find some stats of what I was looking for on this page: Federal Court Management Statistics,
I mention it because some cases take longer than others with no known reason, e.g. waiting for another case to finish since it was similar or the panel has not decided yet (in their prerogative). I would take some of the stats here with leeway considering there is all sorts of gerrymandering with filing of delays, etc that will drag out cases before they are finally dispositioned, but I will say 13.5 months from oral arguments to today with no opinion is not comforting because of unknown reasons.
Look forward to any thoughts you in the forum may have or other sites with info.
it would cost too much money for cops to collect the registration data. so they force the disfavored subclass to provide the data for free.
cert was denied in the piasecki case last november. registrants following SORNA requirements are “in custody” for habeas corpus purposes.
getting harder to deny that registrants are held in servitude for exploitation.
😠😠😠 Here is yet another reason why SORNA must be repealed/overturned/defeated! This unfortunate fellow was jailed simply for not having ID on him! Does this ever happen to anyone else??? Those on probation for DUI?: No! Those previously convicted of domestic violence?: No! Those previously convicted of any non-sexual offense felony?: No! 😡😡😡
Athens, ALABAMA: WHNT News 19: Sex offender arrested for not having identification during traffic stop in Athens.