NY: Cuomo: Make Sex Offenders Disclose Dating, Gaming User Names

[nbcnewyork.com – 12/22/19]

New York’s governor says convicted sex offenders should be required to disclose their social media screen names to prevent them from using apps to exploit children.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Sunday that existing laws targeting online predation don’t account for new technology. His proposal, unveiled as part of his State of the State agenda, would require sex offenders to hand over screen names for dating and gaming apps, as well.

The Democrat’s proposed legislation would also make it a crime for convicted sex offenders to misrepresent themselves online.

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that’s awesome! make it an offense to misrepresent yourself online…classic… and i bet they get to define what is misrepresentation. They should have the same rules for politicians…

They’re no better than sex offenders…they prey on everybody.

Only corrupt, criminal regimes have $EX Offender Registries.

Awww, these poor, poor Registries Nazis. They are so sad. Grasping at ever-smaller, tiny straws in their pathetic attempts to attack “$EX offenders” and look like they are actually trying to do something to reduce crime. So sad and pathetic.

Is there anyone who is not a complete moron who thinks disclosing “internet identities” does anything useful? Anyone? I am confident that people who are looking for children online are not the slightest bit concerned about any “law” requiring the disclosure of “internet identities”.

The only purpose of this is to expand apartheid. Pathetic Amerika.

Assuming I agreed at all – which I certainly do NOT!! – I might be able to understand gaming app user/profile names…maybe. But not for dating apps. Dating apps are for adults – a-d-u-l-t-s!! Under-18s should not be using dating apps, IMHO.

Here’s the MORE IMPORTANT question: Is Cuomo requiring those convicted of Domestic Violence to disclose their user/profile names for dating apps?? If not, WHY NOT??!!

Okay, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, as a parent I would like to ask…what law will you apply to children and teens who are misrepresenting themselves online? Such as the 13 year old clicking the on-line agreement claiming that they are 14, 18 or 21 years of age so on social media and chat web-sights they are not restricted to what they are allowed to chat about. Yes Law Enforcement, politicians, parent and Gov. Andrew Cuomo children do lie and misrepresent themselves in this way.

At least we are starting to see some opposition to this hysteria in the comments of these articles

Meanwhile Cuomo’s policies have led to blatant shoplifting sprees in NY which are all over Youtube, now known as “grab and dash” because his prosecutors are no longer prosecuting misdemeanors. This is of course causing great distress among shop owners and resulting in numerous cases of shop owners taking the law into their own hands. as well, public transportation is not able to enforce fees, people are jumping turnstiles with impunity if they chose not to pay–also on YouTube: as well, the anti-police rhetoric of his administration has created vile, blatant disregard for law enforcement with people throwing objects at police, harassing them, and assaulting them; and certainly there has been rash of violence with gang murders, random assaults, and a litany of other crimes all related to Cuomo’s misguided criminal justice reform which is basically a confused stance of not prosecuting real criminals.

His solution to his failed policies is of course this. “Let’s exploit and target the only minority group in the country that is fair game, the only minority group that can be harassed and persecuted with impunity–namely those on the registry.” This is Cuomo’s desperate attempt to recoup some credibility to the rising crime wave resultant from his poor policies.

At first he was touting that stats showed that crime was down, but that was quickly exposed for the fraud it was because of course if you aren’t arresting and prosecuting criminals then the stats will show there are less arrests and convictions–duh!! So in desperation, as any incompetent politician that lacks insight and ingenuity does–he screamed “Sex Offenders!” and will of course garner support for his tough on crime stance for going after those REAL criminals, while coddling those disenfranchised shoplifters and misunderstood drug dealers who only sell drugs to children.

I have to wonder what “Carlos Danger” would think…

“And with this measure we will help safeguard those using these web sites and apps, and stop those who seek to harm and exploit our children once and for all.”
You’re a joke Cuomo. Or stupid if you really believe that.

While Cuomo’s at it why not pin yellow stars on Registrants and spray paint symbols on their place of business as well?

Does he have plans for a camp that comes complete with ovens and gas chambers?

Cuomo is giving driver’s license to illegal aliens; also, releasing them into society after they commit a crime since NY and NYC are sanctuary sites. So NON tax payers in NY and NYC are being treated better than tax payers like us

Without the recidivism numbers how is this post conviction infringement on ones liberty connected to a rational relationship of protecting anyone? What a joke! If anything it is a lesson in how fragile our system is when the constitution is ignored. Seems to be coming apart fairly quickly and I say let it happen. Clearly we are incapable of self government

Our current President has referred to Cuomo as ” Fredo. ” I happen to agree with The Don on that score.

I agree with all of you! If i lived in that piece of s### state I would not tell them anything! Do you have a game name? Nope! Way i look at it is prove it. My online name is not on any ID i own. So prove it. What name am i using? Prove it that it is me behind that game name what a waste of tax payers money! Plus with millions of online games and chat rooms. That fool must think he a god if he thinks he going to tracked down billions of user names. But with so many people out there scared to death of sex offender it’s a extremely eazy votes for him to say that BS!! But as we all can see the fool never thought it over of how much work it will take to just track one person down in the world wide web. Don’t get me wrong it can happen but you looking at hundreds of man hours. Just to drag some guy in front of a judge over a username
So if i was asked if i have a username? NOPE!!!

Here is the REAL goal of the new law…

“Cuomo says sex offenders currently only have to provide the state with information for their social media accounts. The state compiles that information into a list and sends it to certain social networking companies which have used it to purge accounts.”

And there you go. Once the user names are given to the sites, they will have no option but to ban those names. The bottom line: The purpose of this law is not about disclosure, it is about banishment. Pure and simple.

well in a way stupid crap like this will help in the long run (we may be dead by then though and most likely will be) as they keep pilling crap on one day a challenge to Smith will make it’s way back to SCOTUS or several cases. and it will fall and most likely in 100 years or more the outrage over these laws and our descendants will receive $$$ from the gov. from our suffering lake has been done before in history

Another shithole place led by an ass clown ,trying to get the general population to look the other way and focus on a nonissue instead of the real and terrifying problems society faces. YES there are weirdos and predators online but what exactly is the percentage of registrants doing this shit??? Most of us were young and made bad choices when we had no support. We paid the price for those choices and try to Move The Fuck On with our lives. Nothing more, Nothing Less!
Politicians need to Fear raising a pen to our lives……

A crime to misrepresent ? isnt cuomo guilty already ? he is just another LOSER like his father Mario Cuomo ! So glad I left crapville upstate NY and got as far away from that shithole state as I did !!!!

This seems to be their contact email: gov.cuomo@chamber.state.ny.us

Let your valuable thoughts/comments be heard people!!

Looks like the wrong Cuomo was called “Fredo.”

If they make it a crime to “misrepresent” yourself that is easily unconstitutional since lying isn’t a crime. And how about in real life; if you don’t tell the truth to any question someone asks you will they later make that a crime?
Doing things to harm others is criminal however since when is not telling the truth a crime considering you have first amendment rights?

Having a list of usernames to check if someone reports a crime is one thing however having to tell the state what website each is associated with seems like an unconstitutional search of your private life.

This is no different than having to tell the state every person, group, organization, business, etc you deal with in the physical world. This is an unconstitutional search of every aspect of your life; especially if you are not understate supervision (probation or parole).

A person should have no need to expose every group, organization, interest, topic, etc they are involved with to the state for the explicit purpose of the state then talking to all those areas in an attempt to get them removed. The state’s intent is clear with the press releases even the governor makes broadcasting how many accounts he got terminated.

This law doesn’t propose to stop them from contacting minors in real life, which is obviously more dangerous than on the internet. It seems like Cuomo has his priorities wrong.

Packingham makes this illegal – I wish some one would challenge it. This is to create an online ban… Its for no other purpose

It seems the vast majority of lawmakers are scum who long ago abandoned any ethical honesty and now just pander for votes. 😒 IMHO😏

Haven’t been on here for a bit.

Honestly I think it should be against the law for anyone to misrepresent themselves online. Especially those under 18.

A lot of us were put on the list because of the misrepresentation.

Whether they use a fake ID, or just click agree when they are going to an adult site (dating included) it’s all the same. A person minding their own business could get caught up in this shit because of it.

It’s sickening to me because my whole life was destroyed by this when I just turned 19 and I’m still picking up the pieces 13 years later.

Hopefully Andrew Yang gets voted in for president and follows his slogan of “Humanity First” to give everyone a chance at life after they have served their sentence.

NY and the US as a whole are an ever growing cesspool allowing those with ill intent to break what is left of the integrity of the constitution.

I left knowing what was happening and was lucky to escape when I did.

Being part of the most targeted minority by trump supporters was another factor that led to my leaving.

You know what the best part is? Everyone talks shit about the Chinese government and how they treat their people, but they also have the fastest growing economy on earth, with the most technological advances. You may be given better treatment based on your social rating, but that is all determined by how good of a citizen you are, and after you have served your sentence there is a hope of creating a new life to continue on.

It’s not about freedom, it’s not about money in the end. It’s about hope. Hope that there is a tomorrow, hope that life can get better, hope that you can do something with your life.

In the US they take all of this away from you. At least under a dictatorship or a communist regime you can have hope.

Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year. Sorry for the rant. The wife was watching that show with Walsh searching for pedos and we got into an argument about the Adam Walsh act.

She thinks it’s a good law, I told her if she thinks it’s good than she would be better off without me since it doesn’t want us to be together. If someone is really that dangerous they should stay in prison.

D trump had nothing to do with this register. It was made long before he got in office. John Walsh is the ass who is behind this evil of putting people on a list. So he don’t have to answer for why he didn’t protect his kid! It much more eazy to point fingers at someone when you have three fingers pointing back at you!!!! But he will never take responsibility for his child death!! Even if a snake bit adam and killed the boy! John would still blame you!! John Walsh is great pretender.
His tv crap say they got 200 kids back to there family!! But i thought the FBI does that!!!! Something is wrong with adam story..

As NY attorney general, Cuomo defended harsh sex offender practices. Cuomo also defended the Static-99R. Of course, now Karl Hanson’s Static-99R scam has proven to overestimate recidivism: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326655510_The_Use_of_Leuprolide_Acetate_in_the_Management_of_High-Risk_Sex_Offenders

So it appears Cuomo will continue to support these bogus policies and practices.