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And the battle between those gaining monetary benefits vs realism continues.

Do not say life or death of this issue, because these people get PLENTY….of Money and TIME to do whatever they choose to in regards to Laws, true it will be some work to revise, re-stablish, conjure up a new Bill, but All in All much can be a complished to STOP the Rights and Destroy the Lives of RCs because of much needed support of RIGHTEOUS people to take a stand against these Unbelievable Laws that have been ACCEPTED, ALLOWED AND CONDONED as a good and Trustworthy, thing for the Poor, Overwhelmed Crime Riddled Public who are Defenseless and need the Utmost PROTECTIONS FROM the LUST DRIVEN, INCOMPREHENSIBLE PSYCHOPATHIC SEXUAL OFFENDERS !!!
Soooo as long as No one is able to effectively stop the Mouths that SPIT OUT THESE HELL FIRE LIES AND HYSTERIA they will continue to do what ever they what and even more !

I’m still in constant awe how our legal system is set up to completely ignore empirical evidence. Can you imagine if the actual scientific and medical community was like that? “We concur that bloodletting a hemopheliac yields no positive results and is counter-intuitive in saving the patient, but the doctor is within their rights to make poor medical decisions”.

Say what you will about the actual cases, and the fact that this is way overdue. But, that was a very well written and un-biased article. We need more objective pieces of writing like this.

Each of these words correlate to the liberty continuum.The best way to describe the liberty continuum is graphically. Imagine a vertical line, at the Top (infinite liberty-Omnipotent God).
Free to do everything possible. At the bottom of the vertical line no liberty (0 liberty, the lifeless) Free from life, can not do. Prison terms impose a downward shift in liberty for the citizen. That delta constitutes “a human’s punishment by convention.” Prison is punishment because, and precisely valid because, we human people agreed it is. The same way we used to agree ” marriage” was always a heterosexual contract or agreement between humans.

A truth is the registries involve a certain lawful subservience~a duty to maintain.The
database is a property and Free man is generally paid to maintain them. These are highly paid jobs usually. That DOC agents really do the keystrokes is not evidence against the punitive nature of plain indenture. In fact it supports it. Hired men often carried the commodity from the plantation to market during the slavery era. The commodity being “sensitive and personal information data” opposed to crops. Who would submit to a complete loss of privacy to machine? Facebook was fined five billion! Yet we see little public outrage demanding their share. Oh well! Like oblivious marten to feathered snare. Ubiquitous profiteering via the exploitation of personal data is running amuck. But who was used -scapegoated- to crack open the door? All to easy, but such an unnatural human disposition would necessarily need tending to survive in a republic of free men. Maybe that is why he got the top job.

😡 Aaaargh! This drives me nuts!!: “….with information about where sex offenders live.” No, it provides information on those who were, at some time, convicted of a sexual offense.
#1: The author uses the present tense (as does nearly everyone) …. as if each person on the List is constantly and forever sexually offending.
#2: The author’s wording also suggests – and List proponents would like the public to believe – that it is a comprehensive compilation of all those persons who have once, are currently, or will in the future, commit a sexual offenses. Nope. As victim advocates routinely parrot, most sexual offenses are never reported. Those SAME advocates should speak up constantly AGAINST the List since it’s proponents are pedaling the false notion “Oh, look here at our List – these people are the only ones you need to worry about.” 😠

“In the last year alone, the website received 411 million page views, state records show.”
You mean to tell me that PA, with a population of 12.8 million, had that many queries? Heck, the population of the entire United States is only 372 million! So apparently every man, woman, and child in this country has looked at the page an average of a little more than 1.1 times.

If these cases fail at the court it will be a huge set back for the goals and mission of ACSOL, and all other similar orgs.

Do the politicians and lawmakers and the public really believe that the recidivism rate of people once convicted of a sex crime will increase if the registry is struck down?

The registry has been used by data mining operations. All addresses, including “emergency contacts” are fodder for marketing firms. A good portion of these ” hits” are generated by those not safety driven. I’ve a FTR voir dire story….when a potential was forced to admit she used it (SOR) purely for entertainment. If she’d said ( kept asserting) she bad used it for safety concerns or needs, then she had a predisposition of fear of…..x.
I began the dire asking them all to swear off any pre made determination concerning sex offenders. The next question. Have any of you potential jurors seen my face online anywhere? Re:obvious!
Can you think of any other websites who’ve used nefarious means to lend overblown usage statistics?