It may or may not be something you want to hear….but, if this person didn’t start this bill, honestly, it probably would have dragged on for a couple years. Yes, its bad!….BUT, at least he STARTED IT! .
NOW….this is OUR TIME to give input and try to help make a better bill! I agree with the ACLU and caution…please….. do NOT GIVE THEM YOUR STORY!.. They DON’T (and many of us either) CARE!
No matter who’s fault it was, YOU took the plea. So TRASH the “Story Telling”.
Write your legislatures on how it has AFFECTED you!. You may think they don’t give a damn, but MANY of them do. Some of them have ALWAYS cared. Even AG Bill Schuette agreed there should be many changes.
This leads me to my next point:
IT’S POLITICAL FOLKS!! Don’t take it personal, but STAND UP NOW!
NOW is the time AND ONLY TIME!!!
Think about it!
All the legislatures are at home now, and will be for the next month, IF not longer. No job, no distraction, NOTHING! If there was not any other time, THIS IS NOW THE TIME TO EDUCATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, many of us have gone thru HORRIFIC times!….. But let your legislatures know how its effecting you!
Common guys!!!!! Let’s do this!!!
May 2, 2020 7:24 am
@ ALL …..After all these years of waiting ….WOW….Kind of figured the state would find a way too pull a fast one over. Its mostly because the Aclu gave them WAY too much time too figure something out , All the negotiations after a WIN??? Now has turned into a total loss. 🙁
If this bill passes its the Aclu too Blame . So Painful !
May 2, 2020 8:36 pm
Actually I wouldn’t freak out to much guys. The first place a bill goes is to judicial committee. They look at the content of the bill to see if it’s legal as written or needs a few tweaks before it goes to the full house/senate for consideration. I don’t think I have to say much more. You guys know that’s gonna take them some time and I’m sure they will have the same WTF reaction that we are given judge C’s ruling. It’s not like it will be passed exactly worded the same as it was submitted,,,, and it’s not like it’s gonna happen in 30 days. Write letters, talk to people and tell them what you think of course it can’t hurt,,,, but when the judicial committee (Lawyers that see if it’s even legal) read AG nessle’s brief and the judges ruling;,,, this could result in a new law but I would expect it to be way way more complex,,, and if it’s not finished and passed soon,,, it will be booted for this year the way Wyatt’s law has been for years. I really see zero percent chance of this going anywhere besides campaign emails. Stay safe and prayed up Michigan!!!! Have patience.
May 4, 2020 8:17 am
So reading the emails I just got, I have real trouble understanding the bills and the way they are written but what I got from it is that pre 2011 convictions will return to essentially what we agreed to when we were convicted. No tier system, no work and living zone exclusions and no more having to report everytime I buy a car or whatever. Am I wrong? Someone with more understanding please explain. Thanks
May 6, 2020 9:18 am
After watching the hearing i was like wow the first 3 people to speak were to winded in circles and more confusing then the law i agree its a bogue law period and i take from it this itll get dragged out and hopefully all the post 06 and 11 bs will not fly thats what id like to see but furthermore the pre 2011 should not get dragfed through the mud in limbo waiting as well all the 06 and 11 modifications are garbage and retroactiviely resentencing someone is too i did not really see any just dilligence by aclu to adress antrhing of merit other thsn we dont like this bill postphone the bill etc. Enough is enough rights are being violated everyday u postpone this bill real si ple cleleand said it was unconstitutional end of story address michigan for continui g to violate out rights period do t say take all the effn time u want were in. No hurry approach as was stated by the same people suppose to be helping us im blown away period seems to me theres alot of alterior motives on both sides what who knows but even the msp said this sora was bs but no no lets wait take another year or two and see if we can drag it out untill we can meet again for what our rights are trampeled on every effn day enough
May 6, 2020 8:44 pm
@Brandon you posted a link earlier to the video of the meeting in Lansing this morning. I couldn’t get the link to work…went to a Mi House page and it was blank. Anyone else have this problem or someplace else where I can watch the bideo?
Tim in WI
May 6, 2020 9:17 pm
Thank you for the link. I found it informative. I had a hard time listening to Levinson. She has a tendency to run on too long in her advocacy. The Law professor put Kennedy’s position in Smith v DOE Alaska in naked light. I try to not getting angry about these elites cherry picking when and where they uphold basic constitutional concepts, but they too often get away with it.
Love, peace, and happiness
May 7, 2020 1:44 pm
“The real question though is how does 1000 feet keep someone safe? Or 500? Or how do you come up with that figure and have data to support it? How does 1001 feet away now make it ok?”
It doesn’t. Living somewhere does not prevent a person from committing a crime.
There is no data to support that a person will commit a crime within any certain distance of a school, etc. 95+% of those committing a sex crime have NO criminal history. 90% plus are by people close to their victim.
It’s all emotion and politics… invoking undo fear into the public. We fight this daily.
Nick d
May 8, 2020 3:00 pm
So why is the clock not still running on that 60 days? It would seem that are able to function enough to write and try to pass bills and new laws so why is the 60 day limit not still in place? Garbage
May 8, 2020 3:35 pm
Talk about the land of the free and the home of the brave. Every state seems like it has its own laws to induce on its people in a consutitional way. As I mentioned to all on here I’m on 10 yrs. probation and live right across the street from kids even in back are families with kids One wonders were two wrongs make a right today? This Sora thing which I don’t understand is man-made laws that appear to have some merit but are as vain as many of these registry ordeals.
Talk about Government’s overriding on others or giving a cold sholder to true justice. Justice delayed is justice denied. One wonders who is being fair to many with many in these unjust laws and ways. A family unit is a family unit.
May 8, 2020 6:02 pm
Good point Nick D. If the committee is meeting regarding the new bill why hasn’t the 60 day clock started??? I received an email from Tim @ aclu today informing everyone that the committee will meet again on the 15th of May and the new sora bill is on the agenda. Sure looks likes they’re trying to push it along. If I heard it right on the video they said that the MSP sent a letter stating they would like for the school restriction be dropped. At the end of the video one of the rep’s did a pretty good job explaining why this is a bad bill. I just can’t see how they could pass a piece of crap like this.
I’m wondering what the opinions are of anyone in this group who watched the video?
May 8, 2020 7:42 pm
Been writing the sate reps all week and having friends and family do the same, NOW IS THE TIME !! We all need to keep writing them and expressing the DAMAGE the registries do to not only those on them but the families that suffer as well. The registries have NEVER stopped any crime , nor has it protected ANYONE from anyone on them. Its time too put a END to these unjust , unconstitutional laws that do nothing but hold a person who has served their time DOWN for in most cases a life time of PUNISHMENT!
May 9, 2020 6:56 pm
@Kristen … I have sent 2 letters too each myself then have helped family members send their own and friends as well , Yes the more the better I maybe will even write another tomorrow or Monday I just want them too understand that its not fair or is it just to hold people down their entire lives with this kinda punishment its not constitutional nor is it human its NOT EXCEPTABLE too treat people like this after a conviction has been served . It only holds people down from ever being NORMAL or EQUAL . They need too know the pain these registries have inflicted on people on them and their families, Yet the registry has NEVER prevented any crime or Stopped anyone from offending.
May 12, 2020 8:12 am
Anyone that is on lifetime GPS In michigan? I was looking too pay my bill, it seams it went from $30.00 per month too $60.00 starting in March.
I never received any notification on this has anyone else?
I am so upset right now this is punishment.
May 12, 2020 10:04 am
@ John…A close friend of mine is on a 5 year parole and is paying $520 per month ($13 oer day for gps tether). Finding a job and housing and then being saddled with that much is insane. They expect you to survive? Also…I heard that in some cases on the west side of the state they charge $18 for gps.
May 12, 2020 10:19 am
Regarding Michigan House Bill 5679, has anyone who has written to the members of the committee received a reply? I don’t expect to but I’m just curious. I jknow nothing about it but I am surprised the bill was on the agenda so soon after last weeks meeting. I do think it wsa a good sign when one of the reps spoke out against the bill at the end of the metting.
May 12, 2020 11:06 am
@Nick ….. Like 100 emails that I know that went out… all replies were autoreplied … Go Figure !
May 13, 2020 1:34 pm
Auto responses only
May 13, 2020 3:15 pm
Yes watched it , You Didn’t miss much the republican’s just kept cutting off the experts who were rushed threw their testimony on the sorna issue , unlike the experts testifying on other cases before this one. They are WRONG they could careless, and very rude, it seems to me, They also do not seem to like the Aclu , they rush them threw and rudely just cut them off all the time. Sad but True.
May 13, 2020 6:45 pm
@ Edson…I agree 1000%. The first group had all the time they wanted and when it was our turn the moderator said…”you have 32 minutes”. I think all the people who spoke did a super job and Paul, the attourney from ACLU did a tremendous presentation…and then was cut off py the moderator. That guy was super rude from the very beginning. Again, I was very impressed with Paul and will try to get the link to the copy of the video.
I’lll say it again…if this bill makes it past this committee, remember who voted yes come election time. This bill doesn’t have a single leg to stand on and is total bs.
@Nickthe1st, Thank you for posting the link. Though it seemed short compared to the last meeting, it also seemed like some of the stories and comments were repeats, from the last meeting, or is it just me. Thanks again for posting the link.
May 14, 2020 6:10 pm
@gree with Nick1 … Like too know?? What they plan on doing with those of us who are pre even the registry like myself who were denied due prosses and just added too the registry after our convictions. Not fair at all too allow these Jack @sss to be able too even apply this registry too us at all. Yes the A.G letter was very interesting to say the least. I would love nothing more then to testify but the 3 minute rule is B.S. I would much rather tell my story too a grand jury who will listen and then actually hold them responsible for the damage they have caused with unconstitutional law and ability to retroactively apply it after a conviction and sentence by a judge, not a politician who couldn’t give two F%#s , this is why we are where we are today with this registry is no ones fault but the politicians who write and allow these entrapment laws that have most of us begging for our lives back in the first place .
Bobby S
May 15, 2020 11:24 am
Next Hearing at 8:30 Tuesday May 19 keep the testimony coming
May 15 at 2:12 PM
PrintRaw message
To: Intern
Judiciary, Rep. Graham Filler, Chair
Please contact the following: if you wish to give testimony digitally. Furthermore, you can submit written testimony that will be available to all members of the committee and placed in the record by emailing the committee clerk at
DATE: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
TIME: 8:30 AM
Room 519, House Office Building,
Lansing, MI
HB 5679 (Rep. Lower) Criminal procedure; sex offender registration; sex offender registration act; modify.
HB 5700 (Rep. Alexander) Medical marihuana; licenses; eligibility for medical marihuana license; modify.
SB 70 (Sen. Johnson) Crime victims; other; address confidentiality program for certain victims and individuals; create.
SB 71 (Sen. Barrett) Elections; voting procedures; provisions in the Michigan election law regarding individuals in the address confidentiality program; provide for.
SB 72 (Sen. Johnson) Education; school districts; prohibition for certain schools from disclosing records to parents when disclosure is prohibited by a personal protection order; provide for.
SB 73 (Sen. Chang) Traffic control; driver license; address confidentiality program for certain victims and individuals; allow for driver license to be issued with designated address.
SB 74 (Sen. Geiss) Traffic control; driver license; address confidentiality program for certain victims and individuals; allow for enhanced driver license and enhanced official state personal identification cards to be issued with designated address.
SB 75 (Sen. Theis) State; identification cards; address confidentiality program for certain victims and individuals; allow for state identification cards to be issued with designated address.
SB 76 (Sen. LaSata) Courts; other; certain crime victims; exempt from jury duty and provide that certain individuals are not practicing law in violation of the revised judicature act.
SB 420 (Sen. Lucido) Civil procedure; execution; service of execution; modify procedures.
SB 899 (Sen. MacDonald) Health occupations; health professionals; immunity from civil or criminal liability during a declared emergency; provide for certain health care workers.
Please see the House Committee Protocol pertaining to COVID-19:
@ Austin here it is couldn’t get a link was sent to my email . I will copy n paste below.
A.G Letter too Michigan House 5/14/2022
The Honorable Graham Filler, Chair House Judiciary Committee 124 North Capitol Avenue Lansing, MI 48933
House Bill 5679 Dear Chairman Filler and members of the Judiciary Committee: I appreciate the opportunity to weigh in on House Bill 5679 and the important issue of amending Michigan’s current Sex Offender Registry Act (SORA). The scope and contours of SORA are issues I care about deeply, for reasons I set forth in my amicus brief to the Michigan Supreme Court in the SORA cases pending in that court. For reasons that include community stability and public safety, I have particular concerns with SORA’s overall lack of individualized assessment of risk, its geographic exclusion zones, the tiers, and its onerous in-person reporting requirements. And given that the Sixth Circuit addressed these same points when it held that imposition of SORA on individuals who had committed offenses prior to July 1, 2011, was an Ex Post Facto Clause violation, Does #1-5 v Snyder, 834 F3d 696 (CA 6, 2016), it is vital that amendments to SORA fully address these concerns. I believe that HB 5679 has made some headway in doing so, and I appreciate the work that has gone into its drafting. But it is my opinion that the bill does not sufficiently address either my concerns or those of the federal court in these key areas and others. The bill needs considerably more work if the State is going to avoid future litigation over the constitutionality of its registry. And because courts tend to analyze the registry as a whole, any major area that remains insufficiently addressed could cause the entire Act to fall. For ease, I have organized my comments based on the specific provision, as follows:
The Honorable Graham Filler, Chair Page 2 May 11, 2020
Overall view The bill has further complicated, rather than simplified, SORA. One key way it has done so is by bifurcating the registry—essentially creating separate registries for pre-2011 and post-2011 registrants. And within those separate registries there are actually five different sets of rules, depending on the length of registration. This makes an already “byzantine code,” Does #1-5 v Snyder, 834 F3d 696, 697 (CA 6, 2016), even more difficult for registrants to understand and for law enforcement officials to enforce. This is likely to lead to increase rather than avoid litigation.
Lack of individualized risk assessment The length of registration should be based on risk and should be supported by evidence and research on recidivism. (Nessel amicus at pp 29–40.) The current SORA uses the offense of conviction as the only factor in determining whether an individual has to register and, if so, the length of the registration. HB 5679 continues this shortsighted offense-based assessment, and for post-2011 registrants who are still subject to tier designations, their assigned tier is tied to the offense(s) rather than to degree of risk. The Sixth Circuit criticized our SORA on this very point, noting that it “ascribes and publishes tier classifications corresponding to the state’s estimation of present dangerousness without providing for any individualized assessment.” Does #1-5, 834 F3d at 703 (emphasis added). And problematically, HB 5679 suffers from the same weakness as the current SORA in that it affords a registrant no path to get off the registry. There is no ability to petition for removal based on an individualized assessment of risk or the passage of a specified number of years with no new sex offense. HB 5679’s offense-only approach does not adequately address public safety or federal court concerns. Unless this approach is re-evaluated, I believe the State will continue to be vulnerable to litigation. Other states have utilized various models, and some existing tools—such as Static-99 and Parole Board evaluation—could potentially be utilized in this endeavor.
Geographic exclusion zones The bill retains school geographic exclusion zones (Sec 33(e); Sec 34(1)(a),(b)). This will be problematic given that the existence of geographic exclusion zones was a key focus of the Sixth Circuit in holding that SORA was unconstitutional Ex Post Facto punishment. The Sixth Circuit said that these zones pose “a great difficulty in finding a place where [registrants] may live or work” and “put significant restraints on how registrants may live their lives.” Does #1-5, 834 F3d at 702, 703. And the Court noted that there was “scant” evidence that these zones actually keep
The Honorable Graham Filler, Chair Page 3 May 11, 2020
the public safe. Id. at 704–705. I argued those same points to the Michigan Supreme Court. (Nessel amicus at pp 7.) Therefore, the mere inclusion of these zones—even if clarity is added—could cause the entire Act to fall. Student safety zones are not required under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). It is one of the many ways Michigan’s SORA goes beyond the requirements of SORNA. The bill does attempt to clarify what constitutes an exclusion zone, which is a help. But it falls short in its definition of a school safety zone. It defines the zone as 1,000 feet or less from school property line (Sec 33(3)). It is unlikely that individuals will know where those property lines are, particularly since school property often extends a considerable distance from the school building itself and can include play yards and fields whose boundaries are not clearly delineated. Thus, the vagueness problems that Judge Cleland identified in 2015, see Doe v Snyder, 101 F Supp 3d 672 (ED Mich, 2015); Doe v Snyder, 101 F Supp 3d 722 (ED Mich, 2015), remain. The bill also takes a positive step in fixing a vagueness problem by removing references to, and the definition of, “loitering” in school safety zones, Sec 33(b), and by adding some exceptions such as transport to and from school, attendance at school events, meetings with school employees, and intermittent passing through for work (Sec 34(4)(a)–(d)). These exceptions help registrants to stay connected to children and family members—which promotes stability. The bill should also indicate whether the restrictions are imposed 24/7 or just during school hours and whether there are exceptions for non-school activities that are held on school property (for example, a private dance studio recital where the studio has rented space in a high school theatre or auditorium).
HB 5679 took a significant step forward in removing the tiers for pre-2011 registrants (Sec 2a(2)). The tiers were part of what drove the Sixth Circuit to conclude that SORA is an unconstitutional Ex Post Facto violation. The Sixth Circuit said that “SORA ascribes and publishes tier classifications corresponding to the state’s estimation of present dangerousness without providing for any individualized assessment.” Does #1-5, 875 F3d at 703. And the Court noted that the tiers “are unappealable.” Id. But for post-2011 registrants, the tiers remain. Again, the tiers are tied to offenses rather than to degree of risk, which burdens the registrant without adequately addressing public safety concerns. Thus, the problems with the tiers as outlined by the Sixth Circuit may remain unconstitutional for registrants moving forward.
The Honorable Graham Filler, Chair Page 4 May 11, 2020
In-person reporting requirements The bill reduces the burden of reporting requirements by slightly extending the reporting periods. But it still requires in-person reporting on a wide variety of information unless the Michigan State Police comes up with a different system. The in-person reporting is burdensome especially for registrants who must do so for life. Id. For those whose offenses were after 2011, the lengths of registration, including lifetime registration, remain. For all others, the period is 25 years or 10 years after release from incarceration, whichever is longer, or lifetime registration if the registrant has committed certain offenses. These requirements, especially the voluntary nature of an MSP alternative to in-person reporting, are still problematic based on the fact that the Sixth Circuit focused on SORA’s “cumbersome in-person” reporting. Does #1-5, 875 F3d at 703. The Court specifically noted that the requirement that registrants make frequent in-person visits to law enforcement “appears to have no relationship to public safety at all.” Id. at 705. In sum, I appreciate your careful consideration of these comments and concerns. And once again, I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this important, ongoing discussion. Sincerely,
Guys, let me just say this….
It may or may not be something you want to hear….but, if this person didn’t start this bill, honestly, it probably would have dragged on for a couple years. Yes, its bad!….BUT, at least he STARTED IT! .
NOW….this is OUR TIME to give input and try to help make a better bill! I agree with the ACLU and caution…please….. do NOT GIVE THEM YOUR STORY!.. They DON’T (and many of us either) CARE!
No matter who’s fault it was, YOU took the plea. So TRASH the “Story Telling”.
Write your legislatures on how it has AFFECTED you!. You may think they don’t give a damn, but MANY of them do. Some of them have ALWAYS cared. Even AG Bill Schuette agreed there should be many changes.
This leads me to my next point:
IT’S POLITICAL FOLKS!! Don’t take it personal, but STAND UP NOW!
NOW is the time AND ONLY TIME!!!
Think about it!
All the legislatures are at home now, and will be for the next month, IF not longer. No job, no distraction, NOTHING! If there was not any other time, THIS IS NOW THE TIME TO EDUCATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, many of us have gone thru HORRIFIC times!….. But let your legislatures know how its effecting you!
Common guys!!!!! Let’s do this!!!
@ ALL …..After all these years of waiting ….WOW….Kind of figured the state would find a way too pull a fast one over. Its mostly because the Aclu gave them WAY too much time too figure something out , All the negotiations after a WIN??? Now has turned into a total loss. 🙁
If this bill passes its the Aclu too Blame . So Painful !
Actually I wouldn’t freak out to much guys. The first place a bill goes is to judicial committee. They look at the content of the bill to see if it’s legal as written or needs a few tweaks before it goes to the full house/senate for consideration. I don’t think I have to say much more. You guys know that’s gonna take them some time and I’m sure they will have the same WTF reaction that we are given judge C’s ruling. It’s not like it will be passed exactly worded the same as it was submitted,,,, and it’s not like it’s gonna happen in 30 days. Write letters, talk to people and tell them what you think of course it can’t hurt,,,, but when the judicial committee (Lawyers that see if it’s even legal) read AG nessle’s brief and the judges ruling;,,, this could result in a new law but I would expect it to be way way more complex,,, and if it’s not finished and passed soon,,, it will be booted for this year the way Wyatt’s law has been for years. I really see zero percent chance of this going anywhere besides campaign emails. Stay safe and prayed up Michigan!!!! Have patience.
So reading the emails I just got, I have real trouble understanding the bills and the way they are written but what I got from it is that pre 2011 convictions will return to essentially what we agreed to when we were convicted. No tier system, no work and living zone exclusions and no more having to report everytime I buy a car or whatever. Am I wrong? Someone with more understanding please explain. Thanks
After watching the hearing i was like wow the first 3 people to speak were to winded in circles and more confusing then the law i agree its a bogue law period and i take from it this itll get dragged out and hopefully all the post 06 and 11 bs will not fly thats what id like to see but furthermore the pre 2011 should not get dragfed through the mud in limbo waiting as well all the 06 and 11 modifications are garbage and retroactiviely resentencing someone is too i did not really see any just dilligence by aclu to adress antrhing of merit other thsn we dont like this bill postphone the bill etc. Enough is enough rights are being violated everyday u postpone this bill real si ple cleleand said it was unconstitutional end of story address michigan for continui g to violate out rights period do t say take all the effn time u want were in. No hurry approach as was stated by the same people suppose to be helping us im blown away period seems to me theres alot of alterior motives on both sides what who knows but even the msp said this sora was bs but no no lets wait take another year or two and see if we can drag it out untill we can meet again for what our rights are trampeled on every effn day enough
@Brandon you posted a link earlier to the video of the meeting in Lansing this morning. I couldn’t get the link to work…went to a Mi House page and it was blank. Anyone else have this problem or someplace else where I can watch the bideo?
Thank you for the link. I found it informative. I had a hard time listening to Levinson. She has a tendency to run on too long in her advocacy. The Law professor put Kennedy’s position in Smith v DOE Alaska in naked light. I try to not getting angry about these elites cherry picking when and where they uphold basic constitutional concepts, but they too often get away with it.
“The real question though is how does 1000 feet keep someone safe? Or 500? Or how do you come up with that figure and have data to support it? How does 1001 feet away now make it ok?”
It doesn’t. Living somewhere does not prevent a person from committing a crime.
There is no data to support that a person will commit a crime within any certain distance of a school, etc. 95+% of those committing a sex crime have NO criminal history. 90% plus are by people close to their victim.
It’s all emotion and politics… invoking undo fear into the public. We fight this daily.
So why is the clock not still running on that 60 days? It would seem that are able to function enough to write and try to pass bills and new laws so why is the 60 day limit not still in place? Garbage
Talk about the land of the free and the home of the brave. Every state seems like it has its own laws to induce on its people in a consutitional way. As I mentioned to all on here I’m on 10 yrs. probation and live right across the street from kids even in back are families with kids One wonders were two wrongs make a right today? This Sora thing which I don’t understand is man-made laws that appear to have some merit but are as vain as many of these registry ordeals.
Talk about Government’s overriding on others or giving a cold sholder to true justice. Justice delayed is justice denied. One wonders who is being fair to many with many in these unjust laws and ways. A family unit is a family unit.
Good point Nick D. If the committee is meeting regarding the new bill why hasn’t the 60 day clock started??? I received an email from Tim @ aclu today informing everyone that the committee will meet again on the 15th of May and the new sora bill is on the agenda. Sure looks likes they’re trying to push it along. If I heard it right on the video they said that the MSP sent a letter stating they would like for the school restriction be dropped. At the end of the video one of the rep’s did a pretty good job explaining why this is a bad bill. I just can’t see how they could pass a piece of crap like this.
I’m wondering what the opinions are of anyone in this group who watched the video?
Been writing the sate reps all week and having friends and family do the same, NOW IS THE TIME !! We all need to keep writing them and expressing the DAMAGE the registries do to not only those on them but the families that suffer as well. The registries have NEVER stopped any crime , nor has it protected ANYONE from anyone on them. Its time too put a END to these unjust , unconstitutional laws that do nothing but hold a person who has served their time DOWN for in most cases a life time of PUNISHMENT!
@Kristen … I have sent 2 letters too each myself then have helped family members send their own and friends as well , Yes the more the better I maybe will even write another tomorrow or Monday I just want them too understand that its not fair or is it just to hold people down their entire lives with this kinda punishment its not constitutional nor is it human its NOT EXCEPTABLE too treat people like this after a conviction has been served . It only holds people down from ever being NORMAL or EQUAL . They need too know the pain these registries have inflicted on people on them and their families, Yet the registry has NEVER prevented any crime or Stopped anyone from offending.
Anyone that is on lifetime GPS In michigan? I was looking too pay my bill, it seams it went from $30.00 per month too $60.00 starting in March.
I never received any notification on this has anyone else?
I am so upset right now this is punishment.
@ John…A close friend of mine is on a 5 year parole and is paying $520 per month ($13 oer day for gps tether). Finding a job and housing and then being saddled with that much is insane. They expect you to survive? Also…I heard that in some cases on the west side of the state they charge $18 for gps.
Regarding Michigan House Bill 5679, has anyone who has written to the members of the committee received a reply? I don’t expect to but I’m just curious. I jknow nothing about it but I am surprised the bill was on the agenda so soon after last weeks meeting. I do think it wsa a good sign when one of the reps spoke out against the bill at the end of the metting.
@Nick ….. Like 100 emails that I know that went out… all replies were autoreplied … Go Figure !
Auto responses only
Yes watched it , You Didn’t miss much the republican’s just kept cutting off the experts who were rushed threw their testimony on the sorna issue , unlike the experts testifying on other cases before this one. They are WRONG they could careless, and very rude, it seems to me, They also do not seem to like the Aclu , they rush them threw and rudely just cut them off all the time. Sad but True.
@ Edson…I agree 1000%. The first group had all the time they wanted and when it was our turn the moderator said…”you have 32 minutes”. I think all the people who spoke did a super job and Paul, the attourney from ACLU did a tremendous presentation…and then was cut off py the moderator. That guy was super rude from the very beginning. Again, I was very impressed with Paul and will try to get the link to the copy of the video.
I’lll say it again…if this bill makes it past this committee, remember who voted yes come election time. This bill doesn’t have a single leg to stand on and is total bs.
Below is the link to the video of Wednesdays Michigan House Bill 5679. There’s 4 or 5 presentations before 5679
@Nickthe1st, Thank you for posting the link. Though it seemed short compared to the last meeting, it also seemed like some of the stories and comments were repeats, from the last meeting, or is it just me. Thanks again for posting the link.
@gree with Nick1 … Like too know?? What they plan on doing with those of us who are pre even the registry like myself who were denied due prosses and just added too the registry after our convictions. Not fair at all too allow these Jack @sss to be able too even apply this registry too us at all. Yes the A.G letter was very interesting to say the least. I would love nothing more then to testify but the 3 minute rule is B.S. I would much rather tell my story too a grand jury who will listen and then actually hold them responsible for the damage they have caused with unconstitutional law and ability to retroactively apply it after a conviction and sentence by a judge, not a politician who couldn’t give two F%#s , this is why we are where we are today with this registry is no ones fault but the politicians who write and allow these entrapment laws that have most of us begging for our lives back in the first place .
Next Hearing at 8:30 Tuesday May 19 keep the testimony coming
May 15 at 2:12 PM
PrintRaw message
To: Intern
Judiciary, Rep. Graham Filler, Chair
Please contact the following: if you wish to give testimony digitally. Furthermore, you can submit written testimony that will be available to all members of the committee and placed in the record by emailing the committee clerk at
DATE: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
TIME: 8:30 AM
Room 519, House Office Building,
Lansing, MI
HB 5679 (Rep. Lower) Criminal procedure; sex offender registration; sex offender registration act; modify.
HB 5700 (Rep. Alexander) Medical marihuana; licenses; eligibility for medical marihuana license; modify.
SB 70 (Sen. Johnson) Crime victims; other; address confidentiality program for certain victims and individuals; create.
SB 71 (Sen. Barrett) Elections; voting procedures; provisions in the Michigan election law regarding individuals in the address confidentiality program; provide for.
SB 72 (Sen. Johnson) Education; school districts; prohibition for certain schools from disclosing records to parents when disclosure is prohibited by a personal protection order; provide for.
SB 73 (Sen. Chang) Traffic control; driver license; address confidentiality program for certain victims and individuals; allow for driver license to be issued with designated address.
SB 74 (Sen. Geiss) Traffic control; driver license; address confidentiality program for certain victims and individuals; allow for enhanced driver license and enhanced official state personal identification cards to be issued with designated address.
SB 75 (Sen. Theis) State; identification cards; address confidentiality program for certain victims and individuals; allow for state identification cards to be issued with designated address.
SB 76 (Sen. LaSata) Courts; other; certain crime victims; exempt from jury duty and provide that certain individuals are not practicing law in violation of the revised judicature act.
SB 420 (Sen. Lucido) Civil procedure; execution; service of execution; modify procedures.
SB 899 (Sen. MacDonald) Health occupations; health professionals; immunity from civil or criminal liability during a declared emergency; provide for certain health care workers.
Please see the House Committee Protocol pertaining to COVID-19:
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Committee Clerk: Melissa Sweet
@ Austin here it is couldn’t get a link was sent to my email . I will copy n paste below.
A.G Letter too Michigan House 5/14/2022
The Honorable Graham Filler, Chair House Judiciary Committee 124 North Capitol Avenue Lansing, MI 48933
House Bill 5679 Dear Chairman Filler and members of the Judiciary Committee: I appreciate the opportunity to weigh in on House Bill 5679 and the important issue of amending Michigan’s current Sex Offender Registry Act (SORA). The scope and contours of SORA are issues I care about deeply, for reasons I set forth in my amicus brief to the Michigan Supreme Court in the SORA cases pending in that court. For reasons that include community stability and public safety, I have particular concerns with SORA’s overall lack of individualized assessment of risk, its geographic exclusion zones, the tiers, and its onerous in-person reporting requirements. And given that the Sixth Circuit addressed these same points when it held that imposition of SORA on individuals who had committed offenses prior to July 1, 2011, was an Ex Post Facto Clause violation, Does #1-5 v Snyder, 834 F3d 696 (CA 6, 2016), it is vital that amendments to SORA fully address these concerns. I believe that HB 5679 has made some headway in doing so, and I appreciate the work that has gone into its drafting. But it is my opinion that the bill does not sufficiently address either my concerns or those of the federal court in these key areas and others. The bill needs considerably more work if the State is going to avoid future litigation over the constitutionality of its registry. And because courts tend to analyze the registry as a whole, any major area that remains insufficiently addressed could cause the entire Act to fall. For ease, I have organized my comments based on the specific provision, as follows:
The Honorable Graham Filler, Chair Page 2 May 11, 2020
Overall view The bill has further complicated, rather than simplified, SORA. One key way it has done so is by bifurcating the registry—essentially creating separate registries for pre-2011 and post-2011 registrants. And within those separate registries there are actually five different sets of rules, depending on the length of registration. This makes an already “byzantine code,” Does #1-5 v Snyder, 834 F3d 696, 697 (CA 6, 2016), even more difficult for registrants to understand and for law enforcement officials to enforce. This is likely to lead to increase rather than avoid litigation.
Lack of individualized risk assessment The length of registration should be based on risk and should be supported by evidence and research on recidivism. (Nessel amicus at pp 29–40.) The current SORA uses the offense of conviction as the only factor in determining whether an individual has to register and, if so, the length of the registration. HB 5679 continues this shortsighted offense-based assessment, and for post-2011 registrants who are still subject to tier designations, their assigned tier is tied to the offense(s) rather than to degree of risk. The Sixth Circuit criticized our SORA on this very point, noting that it “ascribes and publishes tier classifications corresponding to the state’s estimation of present dangerousness without providing for any individualized assessment.” Does #1-5, 834 F3d at 703 (emphasis added). And problematically, HB 5679 suffers from the same weakness as the current SORA in that it affords a registrant no path to get off the registry. There is no ability to petition for removal based on an individualized assessment of risk or the passage of a specified number of years with no new sex offense. HB 5679’s offense-only approach does not adequately address public safety or federal court concerns. Unless this approach is re-evaluated, I believe the State will continue to be vulnerable to litigation. Other states have utilized various models, and some existing tools—such as Static-99 and Parole Board evaluation—could potentially be utilized in this endeavor.
Geographic exclusion zones The bill retains school geographic exclusion zones (Sec 33(e); Sec 34(1)(a),(b)). This will be problematic given that the existence of geographic exclusion zones was a key focus of the Sixth Circuit in holding that SORA was unconstitutional Ex Post Facto punishment. The Sixth Circuit said that these zones pose “a great difficulty in finding a place where [registrants] may live or work” and “put significant restraints on how registrants may live their lives.” Does #1-5, 834 F3d at 702, 703. And the Court noted that there was “scant” evidence that these zones actually keep
The Honorable Graham Filler, Chair Page 3 May 11, 2020
the public safe. Id. at 704–705. I argued those same points to the Michigan Supreme Court. (Nessel amicus at pp 7.) Therefore, the mere inclusion of these zones—even if clarity is added—could cause the entire Act to fall. Student safety zones are not required under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). It is one of the many ways Michigan’s SORA goes beyond the requirements of SORNA. The bill does attempt to clarify what constitutes an exclusion zone, which is a help. But it falls short in its definition of a school safety zone. It defines the zone as 1,000 feet or less from school property line (Sec 33(3)). It is unlikely that individuals will know where those property lines are, particularly since school property often extends a considerable distance from the school building itself and can include play yards and fields whose boundaries are not clearly delineated. Thus, the vagueness problems that Judge Cleland identified in 2015, see Doe v Snyder, 101 F Supp 3d 672 (ED Mich, 2015); Doe v Snyder, 101 F Supp 3d 722 (ED Mich, 2015), remain. The bill also takes a positive step in fixing a vagueness problem by removing references to, and the definition of, “loitering” in school safety zones, Sec 33(b), and by adding some exceptions such as transport to and from school, attendance at school events, meetings with school employees, and intermittent passing through for work (Sec 34(4)(a)–(d)). These exceptions help registrants to stay connected to children and family members—which promotes stability. The bill should also indicate whether the restrictions are imposed 24/7 or just during school hours and whether there are exceptions for non-school activities that are held on school property (for example, a private dance studio recital where the studio has rented space in a high school theatre or auditorium).
HB 5679 took a significant step forward in removing the tiers for pre-2011 registrants (Sec 2a(2)). The tiers were part of what drove the Sixth Circuit to conclude that SORA is an unconstitutional Ex Post Facto violation. The Sixth Circuit said that “SORA ascribes and publishes tier classifications corresponding to the state’s estimation of present dangerousness without providing for any individualized assessment.” Does #1-5, 875 F3d at 703. And the Court noted that the tiers “are unappealable.” Id. But for post-2011 registrants, the tiers remain. Again, the tiers are tied to offenses rather than to degree of risk, which burdens the registrant without adequately addressing public safety concerns. Thus, the problems with the tiers as outlined by the Sixth Circuit may remain unconstitutional for registrants moving forward.
The Honorable Graham Filler, Chair Page 4 May 11, 2020
In-person reporting requirements The bill reduces the burden of reporting requirements by slightly extending the reporting periods. But it still requires in-person reporting on a wide variety of information unless the Michigan State Police comes up with a different system. The in-person reporting is burdensome especially for registrants who must do so for life. Id. For those whose offenses were after 2011, the lengths of registration, including lifetime registration, remain. For all others, the period is 25 years or 10 years after release from incarceration, whichever is longer, or lifetime registration if the registrant has committed certain offenses. These requirements, especially the voluntary nature of an MSP alternative to in-person reporting, are still problematic based on the fact that the Sixth Circuit focused on SORA’s “cumbersome in-person” reporting. Does #1-5, 875 F3d at 703. The Court specifically noted that the requirement that registrants make frequent in-person visits to law enforcement “appears to have no relationship to public safety at all.” Id. at 705. In sum, I appreciate your careful consideration of these comments and concerns. And once again, I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this important, ongoing discussion. Sincerely,
Dana Nessel Attorney General