ACSOL Challenges Murrieta In-Person Registration During COVID-19 Pandemic


The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) filed a lawsuit today challenging the City of Murrieta’s requirement that all registrants, including those with  COVID-19 high risk factors, register in person.  The lawsuit is expected to be the first of many such lawsuits to be filed in California this week.

“The City of Murrieta is requiring registrants to make one of two deadly decisions, that is, to register in person and risk exposing themselves to COVID-19 or to fail to register and be sent to jail where the risk of exposure to COVID-19 is even greater,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “In addition, registrants who go to the Murrieta Police Department to register in person violate the Governor’s order to shelter in place.”

The lawsuit, which was filed in Riverside County Superior Court, asks the court to issue a writ of mandate that requires the City of Murrieta to provide methods of registration that do not require registrants to register in person.  Those methods could include registration by telephone or by computer.

“We are researching registration methods throughout the state and nation,” stated Bellucci, “and we will file as many lawsuits as possible in order to protect registrants and their families.”

Download the lawsuit:

Petition – Registration during COVID-19 – March 2020


Related links:

Lawsuit Filed Against Murrieta for In-Person Sex Registration Amid Pandemic [ – 3/25/20]

Coronavirus: Murrieta sex offenders sue city in order to register via internet, phone [ – 3/25/20]


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This entire Corona thing is a good opportunity to discredit the entire premise of community notification and demonstrate how fleeting and non-essential it is as a public safety tool. Maybe I’m just yelling into an empty field, but society needs to understand that safety is a MYTH. You cannot legislate safety and claim that you’re “saving” countless lives. Knowing where sex offenders live does not minimize risk, it only gives the uninitiated optimism bias.

So, what about our thumb prints on every form? Are those also not required?

I’m sure no one’s gonna like this answer. Who is our President or one’s governor of lockdown states today. If one thinks about it that puts them in just as much of a dim light or jeopardy. Does Trump have the last word on mother nature. Even JJ made an attempt to contact Florida.
The old saying if first you don’t succeed try try again. Their are many other things to worry about and actually this is a challenge for those in D.C. with all this mess going on. I feel bad for all you guys but situations come up beyond control at times. I’m sure government is just as much in limbo also.

If they can pospone events and gatherings, business upsets, and all I’m sure they can postpone a registraition in unusual circumstances. I think too many on here are sending up smoke signals on here or should one call F-Troop in times of crisis. I’m sure things will be ok for those that try to get to an office during this crisis. Look at it this way government doesn’t want to bare the sword but who is bearing the wrath. …. and Janice you and Chance can hit me for that comment

Whenever I travel to Alaska, which I do once every summer, I only have to register on line. They do not require me to come in to a Trooper office in person. That is good for 30 days. If you stay longer than 30 days in a calendar year you are required to come in person.

(At least someone, somewhere, has a bit of common sense and decency, advising registration by phone or email: )

Why no suit based on 13th Amendment? If this not forcing someone to perform an action without compensation?

Mississippi has closed their license station offices to everyone except CDL operators and RCs.

From March 14…

All driver license stations are officially closed to the public except for the 9 MHP District Troop Stations across the state until March 31, 2020 at which time a reassessment will be made for reopening.

The 9 MHP District Troop Stations will only provide the following services:

Sex offender registry transactions
Commercial driver license (CDL) card renewals only – no testing
Commercial driver license (CDL) medical card updates

This decision has been made out of an abundance of caution to protect the elderly and citizens who may have underlying health issues. We appreciate the public’s cooperation and understanding as we try to work through this unprecedented time.

From March 19…

All driver license stations remain closed to the public except for the 9 MHP District Troop Stations across the state until March 31, 2020 at which time a reassessment will be made for reopening.

The 9 MHP District Troop Stations will only provide the following services:

Sex offender registry transactions
ALL Commercial Driver License (CDL) transactions – this includes testing

The Driver Service Bureau will adhere to social distancing with the 10-person maximum recommendation at any location which will include staff members.

So what happens if a RC is elderly or has an underlying health issue? What happens if there’s lots of CDL’s and Rc’s needing in that day? 10 people max? that probably means 3 staff and no more than 7 real peopl.

Mississippi needs to get sued.

David actually your right and many times we can or should we all say these are the best of times or the worst of times. While methods are good and this registry holds a lot of twists and turns and stipulations, cerfews, whether to suggest ankle monitoring, lable one violent or expend his or her registry requirements to life, that in itself presents a heavy load for one to carry.

Whether being married or single would carry a lot of burden on the individual we all strive. Sure we all get scared and this registry is very intense on people in different area’s of life but one still has to be of good cheer and strive to help others out to try and understand all this ordeal in a much better perspective.

Sure everyone wants to seek justice and thats what Janice and her team are all about as are the other advocates that are trying to shed light on all this registry ordeal or are we all born into trouble.

I hate many of these stipulations myself as I’m sure we all do. Going to sex registry classes, taking poly tests, finger printing updates and getting work can be hard for many and now this crisis one faces today.

I’ve had my share of DUI’s and many more ordeals or scrapes in life but my dad always taught me if you can’t learn something from those mistakes than one is just fooling oneself. Much of this sex offender ordeal to me wasn’t well thought out and it makes us all second class citizens or even outcast in many ways and yes it’s a trying ordeal on many.

I could even say I’m pissed at much of this and how it effects each person but we all have to carry on for truth and true understanding. Looking for solutions are good in any ordeal involving government ordeal or is law overbearing in a lot of ways in each persons encounter or are we all created equal.

David one of the reasons I never have hardly came on this site is I never felt I could fit in or contribute in an understanding way, but yes Janice and her team are making strides for good as many on here confirm.

This is interesting here,

For a judgment declaring that California Penal Code sections 290.11 and 290.12 and
other applicable law do not require persons required to register as a sex offender to
appear in person to complete periodic updates;

For a judgment declaring that Respondent has abused its discretion under California
Penal Code sections 290.11 and 290.12 and other applicable law by requiring persons
required to register as a sex offender to appear in person to complete periodic updates;