Janice’s Journal: High Risk COVID-19 Registrants Required to Register in Person

As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the nation and the world, local law enforcement agencies continue to require all registrants – even those with multiple high-risk factors – to register in person.  This requirement places in extreme danger “high risk” registrants as well as everyone who comes into contact with them.

This requirement must be stopped immediately!

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), high risk factors include older than 65 and/or suffering from one or more chronic health problems including heart disease, diabetes, asthma, COPD, hypertension and cancer.  The CDC recommends that every person with just one of these high-risk factors self-isolate including but not limited to not going to public places such as police stations.

The requirement that a person with one or more high risk factors register in person with local law enforcement defies CDC’s recommendations.  Who knows more about the dangers of COVID-19 – the CDC or local law enforcement?  That is a rhetorical question for we all know the answer is CDC.

The requirement to register in person puts all people with one or more high risk factors in a very dangerous place.  Should they refuse to register in person and face the possibility of going to jail?  Or should they register in person and potentially expose themselves to COVID-19?

At this moment, these questions can only be answered individually by the registrants who have one or more high risk factors.

Speaking only hypothetically, if I were a registrant with one or more high risk factors, I would not register in person.  Instead, I would contact the Registration Officer at the local law enforcement office where I register and identify myself as high risk.  I would tell that person that I am willing to register by phone, by mail, by email, by FAX or by any other method including a “compliance check” at my home.  I would remind the Registration Officer that the CDC, an arm of the federal government, has told me to self-isolate.

ACSOL has started and will continue to work with national, state and local law enforcement organizations toward protection of registrants with one or more high-risk factors.  That protection could include the ability to register using a method that does not require a personal visit.

If you are a registrant with one or more high risk factors or a family member of such a person, and you are able and willing to join this effort, please let us know by emailing the details to us at the following email address we created just for this emergency:


Just clicking on this link won’t necessarily create an email. You may have to type this address when you compose an email in your usual way.

Please include all your contact information and as many details about the situation as you can think of. We are getting many requests, so please be patient.

We will contact you, not in person, but by phone or another safe method.  Thank you.

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Or at least let the high risk registrants be accorded special precautions to decrease their possible exposure such as private accommodations, gloves and masks and etc.
Otherwise, their families might win large lawsuits and contribute to the demise of registration period.

As always Janice you have our back and we are eternally indebted to you. Acsol is awesome and so are you thank you so much. I do appreciate you looking out for us.

Once again, Janice has sprung into action for us. Thank you!
For registrants who happen to be on probation or parole, there is a further problem beyond having to do their registration in person, during this pandemic. Many registrants have special parole conditions prohibiting access to computers or the internet. Yet the federal government announced March 17 that it was going to set up a telemedicine system (via Skype) to diagnose (and test?) people exhibiting symptoms of the coronaviris crisis. Telemed is safer for everyone (including police and parole agents!) because it keeps infected people in their homes. Yet people on parole with an internet restriction cannot utilize this system. This is insane. It jeopardizes the safety of everyone, and violates registrant-parolees’ constitutional rights to protect their lives and health.
I am sure the parole (and probation) authorities never thought of this problem when they came up with their draconian ideas of parole conditions that prohibit computer or internet use, but it is a problem that now squarely confronts them. I hope Janice can address this with CDCR, County Probation authorities, and, if necessary, the courts. As a former practicing attorney myself, I am more than willing to offer my help in this regard.

I happened to call my 290 registration office earlier today, prior to reading the above message from Janice. (We are all on the same page, it seems). I am (was) scheduled to update at the end of the month. I am over the age of 65 and have pre-existing conditions.

Not only did the officer agree that I would not have to come in personally, but he also agreed that it would be wise for ALL REGISTERING OFFICERS BE TESTED and CLEARED prior to conducting personal registration protocols, AND then have the necessary masks, etc. in place after clearance. He was very appreciative of the call and was glad that I had chosen to just not show up, etc.

I had him make a notation in his computer that I had ‘checked in’ WHILE I WAS ON THE PHONE WITH HIM. I am also making contact with my probation officer to keep her informed. She may need to confirm with the officer. I asked the officer for his name and identifying badge #. He was very cooperative and provided the information readily. He did not ask any other questions, such as update info (there was nothing new anyway). If there was, I would have made it a point to provide that info and have him enter that into the computer.

Finally, I wrote a memo to my ‘290 registration file’ that I keep at home to memorialize this call, making note of all the particulars. I know this may be overkill, but I am thinking of sending a copy of the memo to my lawyer in the event that any dispute arises going forward. Trust but verify, CYA, etc.

For those who are homeless: perhaps a social worker, a relative, friend, pastor, or shelter worker can be helpful.

Hope this is helpful.

Is there any way an emergency injunction can be sought for this? This is beyond evil that the state/local government is requiring registrants to defy the shelter order.

I think they should shut down the website at least temporarily before registered people become targets of a panicked public

When I read high risk, it reminded me of the static99R baloney. But Corona Virus risk factors are based on legit science, not like that scumbag “high risk” label thrown around by Casomb, cdcr, etc., cause of the scam99R.

Anyway, keep safe everyone. This too shall pass.

In fresno we go to this very small building with a even smaller room. Usually standing room always full
We have to share pen to sign up.

I think anyone who is required to register, cough, cough, needs to go in and register and let then know, cough, cough, how they aren’t feeling well. You know, cough, cough, the fever and dry cough. They will come to their senses soon. Does the Sheriff really want to expose their staff to a group that often has medical problems and poor resources for proper hygiene protection?

This is saddening news.

Again, the State is revealing the systematic biased against registrants that we are second class citizens. Also, this exposes that we are still under custody as if we do not comply to the compelled action, then under penalty of law we will be punished. This registry is rigid and doesn’t see us as equal free beings b/c we’re not. We’re still under custody like probation/parole and treated like so with in-person reporting after supposedly no longer under custody.

How is this lecherous act be considered within the statutory means of public safety when the scheme itself is putting registrants into public harm? Not only are the high factors of age comes into play, but also anyone infected with COVID-19 can have their respiratory system wrecked for the rest of their lives because we truly don’t know the true effects of the virus.

There are concessions for the rest of the world save registrants. I take issue with the age factor alone and being crammed into a small edifice when emergency state rules states a 6-ft distance or not more than 10-people within a confined space, iirc.

This act alone goes beyond the statutory means of monitoring and into the realm of “cruel and unusual” punishment as the state is willfully subjecting us to potentially be infected with the virus.

I’m in MA, and had to register this month. I called and made my appointment with my local officer (who is a great guy by the way. He has never given me any issues, has been sympathetic, etc.).

Got to the station, and instead of going into a back room, he just took my paperwork through the small slat at the front desk window. Came back 5 minutes later and said all set, see you next year. They said all contact from anyone in the community is now done this way at the station.

Granted, I live in a small town, and have no underlying conditions, but it was still a quick and relatively painless experience.

I’m certain the record in Alaska v DOE 03, specifically stated the was no requirement for in person reporting! In person reporting IS the big trigger in habeas corpus petitions discussing typical custody scenario. Repeated in person reporting is clearly abridged liberty.

I always figured in person reporting was mainly for the purpose of updating our photo. Everybody has changes in appearance and I’m pretty certain the registry regime periodically wants to know, so they can give out accurate info to law enforcement and soccer moms, but I could be wrong.

I am wondering how many registrants will become homeless because of the government’s and business’s actions. Many of us are living on that edge and this could well be the thing that does it. How is law enforcement and the courts going to deal with a sudden increase in required monthly “check ins”. I myself feel so much stress already and don’t know if this addition to it will push me over the edge.

It would be easy enough for the DOJ or governor to issue a moratorium on registration for the duration of this crisis. The main purpose of re-registration is to confirm where we live (which is rather a waste of time and money for all concerned). I doubt that the police will be arresting for non-registration for now (although they could later), so, a moratorium would have little practical consequence for the purposes of registration.

Now Janice is right in her move about writing this article. I would take the position as she did before I put something in text altho I sometimes we can have type o’s in some of our text or even meanings. Do we all have type O’s in a lot of things in life? I talked about a two edged sword and yes it swings two ways, either for good or bad. Truth is truth in many forms.

Who really know’s about this convid-19 ordeal or who puts the rush to judgement on who. Who overlooks the commandments today or is justice really being served in this manner or many of these ordeals. Who is really shutting down America with this pandermic occurrence with much of this. One would sometimes go as far as to say Who is the author of confusion.
Should many get on with their business or is justice seeing its mistakes or is mankind seeing their error’s. Sure we can all try or test one’s spirit and yes we all have a spirit. Women and men may say whats that have to do with anything. If the truth doesn’t overshadow than we are all walking in the shadow of death or who monitors who’s call today or even tongue with many of these uncanny methods. One wonders today who is walking in the Spirt of truth?

Here in VA I send my registration by mail with fingerprints. My old PO use to come to the house and we would sit and talk but things change. Now I have another PO or just one that stands at the porch instead of coming in. So yes respect when respect is due and that also has meaning.

I have sent an email to the posted email address asking what info they desire. No response.

I’m in Texas. I had to register today in person. I asked the officer if there were any plans to change the in-person reporting requirement, he said no. We were seated across from each other at a desk in a small room about three feet apart. He told me that he was caring for his wife and children who were all sick with the flu. Needless to say, I did not feel comfortable. At least he did not cough. And the only thing we both touched was the form that I had to sign. I was careful not to touch anything else. When I got back to my car, I washed my hands with sanitizer.

I sure hope this policy changes before I have to register again in 3 months.

The pigs will arrest/violate you for any reason they can or think they can. Regardless if they are right or wrong, constitutional or not, they will, hoping the courts agree. Go down to wherever you go and try to register, take pictures, take videos, ask for names and paper copies, and demand to register. Do not believe a word they say; do as the law says. Sorry to be so crass and direct but I’ve been there.

If anyone in any state gets sick after having to register in person they should seek to pursue whatever civil and legal remedies they can against local law enforcement for putting lives at risk due to the virus.

It’s easy to hate cops and the system as a whole. They keep drinking from the same public safety poison well. Some are good people, and when people in general see each other AS people they understand each other better.

The current crisis would be a great opportunity to restore human compassion to the system but instead it has to become more complicated than it really should be. And THAT is the problem with these laws that really just “solutions seeking problems”.

Welp, the entire state is now on lockdown with no end date currently given. Let’s see if they change their mind on registering now. I personally am no worried for myself, but all the vulnerable RCs need to be given a pass. I just might pretend I’m a bit sick when going in. Maybe rub some chili in my nose or something lol

@ love, peace, happiness you answered your own question and yes I liked that view. I’m 65 but age is just a number in many respects. When I first got in jail at around the age of 16 or 17 one of my cell mates at the jocal jail stated to me ” In this world you have to learn to take the bitter with the sweet”.

While all of us can ask questions who is really the “Who”. Is the who factor a type of bias curiousity or is the “Who ” government demeaning mankind, or some act of nature or bias in civil matter cover-up. Sure many of us are against this registry ordeal, these stipulations, internet use, job discrimination and many other factors.

Yes we all as human’s let down our guard at times as in this sex registry ordeal or “Who” is enticing with this ordeals and “Who” is playing this game on mankind. Actually you make a lot of good sense with that comment.

With this convid-19 ordeal I’m not gonna even question the “Who” as mother nature has dominion over everything or should we all label a “who” on some black plaque. So “Who”is scrambling to emergency laws, causing confusion, telling people to stay home, off the streets, do their work at home for as long as need be.

We all are looking for answers to all this but in the end as I have said there’s always a silver linning to every dark cloud even with a lot of this sex registry kayos, so one has to have faith and that doesn’t even hurt in a lot of respects.

Prior to my legal issue, I was a healthcare professional. I just recovered from cancer last year. So, I’m clearly not supposed to be exposed to who knows what. I register in OC. Your clearly exposed to others/finger prints and. I must register by next week. I can just imagine showing up and the location being closed or they inform me to come back? I personally don’t trust the OC Sheriffs Department and I have no clue on how to contact them. Any advice? Clearly, going into a public location like this is potentially exposing me to who knows what. The Compliance people no longer even show up. They now just call my cell. Please advise. I have until W/Th of next week. Thanks

@ Janice… While I am glad to be on here and was a bit aprehensive to even start this journey about 8 yrs ago we all learn a lot from others view’s and viewpoints. To me this whole registry ordeal should be like a parking violation for those who had an internet encounter induced by law enforcement as this whole ordeal has presented confusion to many. And porn found on the computer is icing on the cake.

Yes Janice is gracious enough to listen, get view’s, and also feedback which is helpful in many ways for us and her legal team. I wasn’t even born at the time but Rosevelt made the best statement in his inauguration speech. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Today it seems quite different with the registry and I’m sure Janice and her team have seen a lot of challenges.

Sure input is good in much of this registry ordeal btu not whis convid-19 or virus has came up and many on the registry are a bit scared and fear the arm of the law. Hey Janice would probably say to some in a time of crisis … sometimes you have hang in their for your rights.. and yes worrying doesn’t bring another day onto your life.

We can all suffer in many ways unjustly or governments can play fair. Yes its Janices job and her team to see justice is done fairly as with many such as ACLU and others. Yes we can all be a sport about this injustice but its trying and trusting in the right wsay, and yes we all have goals and visions to be free from much of this registry business. I’m sure thats the goal of Janice’s team and yes education is good for those that happen to get involved in all this. so thank you Janice for me and the many commenting and giving views and opinions. The main thing is to be positive and yes keep writing letters constructively.

Janice would tell on her that also in many ordeals as this registry is effecting the whole USA as well as this virus today. ….Our hats and appreciation should go out to Janice and her team…