CA Governor Extends Encouragement to Stop In-Person Registration

[ACSOL] California Governor Gavin Newsom has extended the provisions of an Executive Order that encourages local law enforcement organizations to forego in-person registration.  The original Order, issued on May 8, included a waiver from obtaining individuals’ fingerprints and photographs for a period of 60 days. The Governor’s revised Order was issued quietly on June 30 without a press release.  According to the revised Order, the provisions in the original Order are extended until the revised order is “modified or rescinded, or until the State of Emergency is terminated, whichever occurs…

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CA: COVID Cuts A Lethal Path Through San Quentin’s Death Row

[ – 7/8/20] The old men live in cramped spaces and breathe the same ventilated air. Many are frail, laboring with heart disease, liver and prostate cancer, tuberculosis, dementia. And now, with the coronavirus advancing through their ranks, they are falling one after the next. This is not a nursing home, not in any traditional sense. It is California’s death row at San Quentin State Prison, north of San Francisco. Its 670 residents are serial killers, child murderers, men who killed for money and drugs, or shot their victims as…

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