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Newsom signed a new bill today that would allow some prison inmates to petition for basically a 1203.4 (probably something new but like that) so that they could then become firefighters. So that’s great! But, to no one’s surprise, RC’s are completely left out of this as they are from being able to volunteer to fight the fires in the first place.
Hopefully, this continued, blanket, exclusion of our group can be used in future cases, to show how strongly laws are forcing the segregation of RC’s from society.
Pa Court found that the registry violated the due process rights of an offender by establishing an irrebuttable presumption of dangerousness.
California AB 1869 is now sitting on the governor’s desk. One of the things it will do is erase some criminal justice fees like the cost of electronic monitoring. It is a large bill that I find difficult to follow, so I’m just going to post the link to my local newspaper:
We should be contacting the Governor’s office in support.
Another inmate killed in jail for FTR. Now there’s websites selling kill your local pedophile causing more violence. How this isn’t punishment? I guess death either in or out of prison, violent or natural causes is our punishment.
The courts are a way behind , because of the Virus . I bet we will be put on the bottom of the list when we file to get off the registery
Do All States have a public website like CA’s, listing RSO’s?
OK, Newsom has taken the first step to do something about sex crimes. How about going back and declaring all NON Contact crimes that were the result of a LEO Sting are now to be erased and all RSO are to get full pardons? If LGBT can get reduced crimes what about those of use DUPED (like Pelosi) into committing a NON contact crime?
@ David I think someone is using a bit of wisdom and understanding on that answer. I have to aplaude you on that one. One wonders today who sways to far from wisdom today or what should of Job taught us all in the bible. Those that follow the bible as best they can.
Oh yes counselors are good but who is the great counselor. Actually its a shame that many have to go thru all this sex offender ordeal. Myself I could of went to prison myself. Could of had to retake sex classes all over again but I didn’t. I can’t bragg as I’ve had my ups and downs even without being prison. Their is an old saying I’m sure we all learned in high school.
“Stone walls a prison make no iron bars a cage”. Are we all tested in this way.
Some on her here mentioning about this Harris lady and she does have spunk and of course she is thinking about others in this sex offender issue. May I ask you a question? who traps or attacks without warning or why do you think a lot of people were against the War in Vietnam, or if are we all trying to solve a puzzle even the riddle of the sphinx. Maybe we should go to the lady that was caught in adultry or sexual folly and find out if they stoned her.
So who is badgering today in this America today in all this game in much of this ordeal. Now don’t quote me on that as I put my pants on the same as anyone else but even words of wisdom are good.
Justice gone wrong in internet sex sting operation
or is Justice blind?
@ all I believe many of you all might be interested in this article I received a few years ago. I just found it among some of my paperwork I’ve collect over the years. Honestly I don’t’ know who sent it to me as it has been a long time ago so I welcome your views. Who knows some may want to see if they can get it printed in some of your major newspapers. Course I don’t know how that permission would go but take out the picture and I’m sure this will explain much if not all.
Justice is never served with a plea deal and especially with these internet sex sting operations? Question: Would a servant or minister of God be so deceptive in these so called operations?
There are thousands of people all over the United States being deceived or duped by these same Minister’s of God. Law enforcement would rather snag a would be person into this trap rather than preventing these encounter.
Are police actually protecting a real person or are they predicting just like someone buying a gun. Of course there is no real victim in these sting operations. It is just a deceitful game of cat and mouse drummed up by cops all in the name of protecting some imaginary teen..
Law enforcement get thousands of dollars each year from these sting operations thru fines, property, and funding from grants. What these stings don’t tell the public as most all of these are done in an adult chat room. I’m sure if one was looking for a teenager to chat with they would go to a teenage chat room. Real time situations are real time and internet situations are more of a con game and yes the government does make a concerted effort to lure one into all this.
Yes, law enforcement pose as teenagers on adult chat sites and sometimes bend the rules to get federal grant money and at times go a bit to far all in the name of protecting a fictitious teenager. They will tell you that teenager’s go in adult chat rooms but that is rare at best.
Those that have actually been caught up in all this will tell you that police will bait you to bring alcohol, condom’s, send dirty pictures, etc. all in the name of adding more charges to the person. Even if one ask to back out they will pressure and persuade one into meeting them. What’s wrong with these operations? Its time for people to stand up people.
Oh the picture in the article is a picture of Monty Hall of his game show “Lets make a deal” that I’m sure everyone watched. I will copy it and send it with a small donation to help. Right now I’m looking for Biden to press on in this grave election for President.
So, I found something interesting. In 2010 the Utah Court of Appeals declared the registry a civil “penalty.” In 2014 the Utah Supreme Court quoted that case and repeated the same.
I think the Court is confused on the Kennedy factors used in Smith v. Doe. If the intent of the law is to create a penalty for a past crime, whether codified as civil or not, it is still ex post facto (See, Does v. Snyder). But, furthermore, they gloss over that intent is not dispositive when determining if a law is ex post facto, what is dispositive is the effect of the law. (See, Weaver v. Graham, SCOTUS)
Utah has never itself evaluated the registry using the Kennedy factors, it has always summarily ruled using the findings of other courts. But, what do you all think of this Court admitting that the law is a penalty?
Well, looks like Trump gets to appoint another SCOTUS justice soon. God Help Us!
Here comes our roller coaster ride: Justice RUTH BADER GINSBURG just died.
Rest in Peace Justice Ginsburg, you’ll be missed on SCOTUS. Passed away today according to SCOTUS announcement.
This still happens after probation parole? I won’t even let them on my property. In my house? Crazy
@TS its all interesting. Even Tim in WI with his servitude comment . When all of the kids were growing up we had a black maid. One of my litte sisters actually spent the night with her. Her son went to Moundsville which was the state prison in WVA and back in the 60’s it wasn’t no picnic.
Guys use to tell me about proonytown when I was in jail and told me I never wanted to get in their at that time. See we seem to live in a culture of machines that seem to want to think for everyone, punch out data just like on the jetsons. Sure my dad had some people that lived out in the west so were’s the dividing line in government status with this registry or does one bring a smut magazine to church on Sunday for the pastor to endorse. And yes their have been a few pastors get repreminded for this. One of my studies when I was taking my course was Probation and parole. A lots changed believe me.
Now you all might not agree with me but Biden actually seems the better of the bunch and Ms. Harris also.
Many of my people I use to go to church with Once, Him and his wife owns a tire dealership and car service. I got a chance to talk to him and he said him and his wife are out of church for a while because it seems most churches are so different from what the bible understanding is all about. This is coming from a baptist view.
So actually much of whats going on today is sort of the pitfall from taking pray out of school. Protests shouldn’t be a problem if its a clean one. Sure the BLM thing was an irritation. The white cop had no business doing what he did and that set off a chain of events.
Many are upset with gun laws, and Virginia is going thru it also even Wisconsin and those great lake states have their problems. Much of this sex registry is way out of line in many area’s. My brother was a big gun collector.
Truly concerning. If this becomes common place and allowed to stand we should reserve our portion of the Consitution for wiping the floor. There was a story on either CNN or Yahoo! about an congressional hopeful that thinks that the right to have a lawyer when accused is not a real right especially when being questioned in connection with a crime. Normally I’d think he would lose but the article said he won the primary and is favored to win the election. Now this? How much will the Bill of Rights mean soon?
You know what really sucks? It’s when a repeat offender is busted for another sex offense. The guy, and it usually a guy, just doesn’t care. It brings all the heat on us law abiding one time offenders that are trying every possible means to move forward. The media keys on them as representing the whole “offender society”. It is what started this whole crappy registrant system to begin with. Once and I will hope for an epiphany or at least an effort. But twice and I say let other registrants have this guy for 10 minutes alone. I think we might hate those offenders worse than the rest of society does. Because it affects us more directly with stiffer penalties and more restrictions. I say to those people…WAKE ……….THE F*** …….UP! ( Maybe too much coffee tonight! )
A.D.A.T. you are right on that one. You know I finely found out why things were a bit different for me when I use to get in jail but this sex registry is a whole different story. And yes I did get caught for a bag of hash but that’s another story.
Sure I was put in a swet box for disipline when I was back in school doing dui’s things of that nature but this was in my hometown. I found out that dad was doing the books and tax returns for the jailor.
Yes there were some times for me but than dad told me I’m not gonna bail you out anymore. See the jailor owned a gas station. I knew his son vaguely but dads at times can say teach that son of mine a lesson. Sure I had to straighen up my bunk was in lockup with many guys of all ages and even the otis campbells if you would like to call them that.
This sex offender thing is not a free ride or a road trip and many of you all know that. This P.O. I have now I have never met him and this last call in I ask him about my release date , hadn’t even mentioned to him that I had applied for pardon or early release, they have their ways to know these things.
My application for removal would take up to two years to investigate which is to me a coy in many ways. So if you can’t fight city hall on a parking ticket whos’ murdering who with this sex offender ordeal. There’s were your constutional rights come in and yes their are many good constutional lawyers that also practice in other area’s also but Janice and her team have a unique insight to this ordeal. Why do you think W.A.R. teamed up with them in many ways.
Course we all have to also do our part, or should we all stay silent. See when I was in my Criminal Justice I was with the same people that arrested me. Sort of wild isn’t it I wonder how that would be today in a sex offender situation.
Actually many that go thru this registry should get that chip off their shoulder. Sure I wish it was all different. And yes they let my uncle out of prison to go fight the war in ww I. way back when. I myself wonder what the difference was. People can get killed in war.
Question. I took a plea for one count PC288.4(b)-F, at the time my attorney said: it’s a wobbler offense meaning after probation we can get it reduced to a misdemeanor. So I went through with it for that and other personal reasons. So fast forward, I see that SB 384, it’s Tier 3 but as PC288.4(b)-M it’s a Tier 1. I spoke with four different Attorneys and they’ve all stated that I was misinformed and that PC288.4-F is a straight felony, and not a wobbler. Yet, I spoke with a different Attorney yesterday and he stated it can be reduced to a misdemeanor. Has another had a similar experience with this? Thank you for your input. Stay Safe!
Friends, better be prepared: If you were convicted of a 288 charge (lewd and lascivious with a minor) – as we’re 40, 000 California registrants – the newly proposed federal SORNA rules will require you to register four times each year for the rest of your life (regardless of any state requirements).
Now is the time to fight!!
Please make donations to ACSOL if you are able to do so.
We must fight this NOW before it becomes permanent!!!
So is the democracy of Justice or plight of the sex offender tarnish or unrepairable? Yes Nancy Polosi had a good speech tonight. I admit that this registry issue is a bit of a wash out to America democracy and I’m sure we can also understand Nancy’s position in this Ginsburg lady and her salute to her.
Sure we are all not to say anything good or bad about leaders but we can give opinions. Nothing wrong with women in government but seems men want to over power in many ways in issues. Look at the way this registry is. Sure myself I never registered to vote but I am donating to this and also the campaign with what limited income I can mustar .
Women as VP don’t know if that would of went in JFK’s day and today I see nothing wrong with it. This registry everyone is going thru is a bit nerve ending for many and promotes parnoia if one lets it. Sure bringing back true government is good and nothing wrong with Biden even if some sex offenders can still vote and I don’t know about that since I never registered to vote in the first place but one can still contribute. This Justice needs to turn around in may ways, view’s of true liberty and justice.
Myself, and I’m sure all, look for the positive things to come out of bad things or do we all get off track in many ways even with keeping one’s car repaired at times. So full steam ahead and lets all help in tetting much of this registry abolished.
G4Change I give you credit for that one. see I’m a tier III if one looks at it right. So yes knowledge goes a long ways in understanding this and I still don’t understand much of anything. Maybe do need to understand my bible more or maybe we all do.
If computers guide our destiny than American Govenment might as well get rid of the red book as its old fashion.
KM you do have something their and so do many. The word is justify. Can a man justify his or her actions? See its not only justification but its the Revelation of the action in many respects. Now I used an example of Paul from the bible on here and I said Why did Jesus chose Paul to preach to the churches.
Sure many of you all are not content in your situations and I don’t blame you one bit for standing up for the truth in this effect & cause to cure in monitoring, so Janice and many are looking for cures to all this ordeal or should we put all this info into a brain machine or uni-vac machine or whatever they called it, and one hopes it comes out with no punches or holes in the card.
Hey people have gotten on me to get a spell checker but doesn’t everyone on here say the government should have a spell checker as well in this and many government view of Jurist prudence, or should we go with Montani Semper Liberi or Will’s slogan …. Don’t tread on me. I believe that’s Virginia’s slogan as I see it on many license plates here today. I don’t know what the state slogan’s is out in California and the other states. I into the tutorial states. Many of the other states were bad enough. We all at times have to look over many things but when it comes to government law Janice and Chance and many others are on the ball.
So yes standing up is very commendable in many of these ordeals or were is the birthplace of Democracy today in America.