New ACSOL Challenge for Donations

There is a new ACSOL challenge for donations.  A registrant who asked to be called “Anonymous” is offering a 2-for-1 challenge up to $2,500.  That is, he is willing to donate $2 for each $1 donated by someone else.  Donations are to be used to oppose the recently proposed SORNA regulations.

“We greatly appreciate Anonymous and his offer to donate up to $2,500,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “We will not receive that donation, however, until and unless others donate a total of $1,250.”

The recently proposed SORNA regulations attempt to require all 50 states to adopt SORNA as their minimum requirement for registrants.

“If the proposed SORNA regulations are adopted, more than 40,000 people in California alone, that is, those convicted of a Penal Code 288 offense, will be required to register for a lifetime, not once, but four times a year,” stated Bellucci.  “If the regulations are adopted, those individuals will no longer be eligible to petition for removal under the Tiered Registry Law.”

Additional requirements under the proposed SORNA regulations include, but are not limited to, notifying local law enforcement if you will be away from your residence 7 days or longer, disclosure of all “remote communication identifiers,” identification of all professional licenses, and disclosure of all cars, boats and aircraft.

Responses to the proposed SORNA regulations are due no later than October 13.  ACSOL is leading a group of legal professional from multiple states to prepare a substantive response to those regulations.


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Kieth I liked that not only about the donation issue, but working with others. See working with others is very important. Did any of you all ever wonder about the Statue of Liberty or did you ever wonder about Lady Wisdom in the bible. The viewpoint might be interesting.
Sure we can all reason this issue out and yes there are many good people on here or does everybody judge a book by its cover as the saying goes. Now I like Janices inspiration and many others on here.

Yes we can all be a bit “crusty” at times but who gets upset , a bit angry at times and be bitter about this who issue. I have even noticed in some on here.

See this whole ordeal isn’t just about the sex offender but as I have picked up on here it effects all of true American Government. I mentioned I was a magician and did some events. Whats keeping me from working with kids today or even going to church by self even thou I have two chaprones and one is my sister. Its called responsiblity and moral ethics. See, you can’t force on another. So whos’ forcing many a lifetime issue on another with this sex offender in many issues?Even after some or many have served time in jails or prisons.

Does it come down to signing a misleading contract after Sex registry classes which I’m sure many states use that ruse, or who is understanding their bible today. Yes many can burn out brain cells with drugs or alcohol. Course I never mentioned to authorities I did a some magic for this small little community to authorities I figure they could of found that out by the letters from people that wanted me to entertain at parties and things of that nature or the pictures of some of my events.

And keith yes governments can be wrong in many of these ordeals in many ways but their not gonna come out and admit their mistakes. Who even likes to in government or should we talk about the status quo of America today. This sex offender issue is a big issue today.

Sure doing that D.A.R.E. program was a wonderful event for me and putting a smile on another is one of the best things. See when people upset ones consciense in these matters who’s doing the abuse? Whats that old saying that someone once said “It takes two to tango”. I’m just glad I found ACSOL.

So my spelling gets out of line many times but we all have feelings.

I’ve donated $300 to ACSOL this month. Janice needs our support to fight for our dignity and humanity. With the legislatures, government, law enforcement, and crazy radicals targeting SO’s, we are easy and comfortable prey, especially in an election year. I encourage you to donate AND vote. Lorena Gonzales is the democrat Assembly member who keeps fighting against SO’s. She plans on running for Secretary of State in 2022. She shouldn’t have any statewide office. Don’t let her or any of them win. Stand tall and make your voice heard.