MI: Whitmer signs bill with long-awaited changes to sex offender law

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Tuesday signed a bill that would eliminate school safety zones and certain appearance requirements in Michigan’s Sex Offender Registration Act. Full ArticleFull Article

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After a few shots i feel a slight bit better, I hope this judge swings on them, This is so unjust . They have done nothing too address the fact that peoples sentences are still “LIFE” retroactively applied to thousands of us, years after a conviction, They still are plastering everyone’s pictures all over the internet, That wasnt addressed in the new law , Reporting every 3 months was ruled unconstitutional to apply retroactively , Do not see that changed in the new law. I know when i was sentenced and retroactively applied to the registry it was under the 1995 statue , That statue states clear as day your info is for law enforcement use only & could NOT be shared with anyone else or it was a crime ?????? Plastering it all over the internet is a CRIME by the state, That was the statues own words , So how can this type of punitive punishment not be struck down by a judge ? Lets just hope he does whats right, Everyone knows the state pulled another fast one .

I got the letter too, and I knew it would be BS so I didn’t even open it. Threw it right in the trash. No registry existed when I was sentenced and I was placed on it anyway. Then I got the life sentence letter in the mail years later. Judge Cleland ruled so many things about sora are unconstitutional, yet the only change made was I don’t have to provide internet IDs or emails? I had stuff like that before and never reported any so how does that make things better for me? The only change I want is for my life sentence to be changed back to 25 years, which would immediately remove me from the registry. That is the only change I will accept. MSP can kiss my ***. Germany is sounding like a really nice place to live.

@ Disgusted. I was with my old PO for eight years and we built up a pretty good relationship. On one of his visits to me at the house. I mentioned about he should of chosen his vocation well. Says that in the bible. Yes when he retired or transfered or whatever he mentioned that to me. One wonders do we all choice or vocation unwisely. Sure my PO had to visit me but he also had a lot of others he had to visit and yes we all have different views.

I even mentioned if we are ever in court on this issue I would have to say he was good in my years of PO. Myself I wouldn’t want that type of vocation. Sure I studied a bit of CJ in college but the facts remain that much of this government is vain and needs refreshing or rebuffed in many constutional law issues or matters. As I mentioned on here I can’t force anyone to do anything or pressure one or who’s the thief in government today.

Actually I have learned more from Janice’s site than any of the others and yes government is a bit much in many blind area’s.

Im so lost here on what is up and I dont trust the police to know for the last time I went in they had no clue they had to stop enforcement of it till the end of the covid stuff they told me we dont care and have not been informed by the state police ( mind you is like 500ft from there front door) and im a tier 1 i have 2 fail to have a home ie I was homeless and would eat shower and shave ones a week at my parents place. But still homeless charges. 1 in 08 and one in 19 and yes the one in 19 was waitting on the rulling. Any help would be nice.

I have read a majority of the comments here.
I was convicted in 1989, for a crime committed in 1987.
I was placed on the registry because I was incarcerated in 1995.
Ex-Post Facto my behind. I am re sentenced for this crime so many times now. Shake my head.
Not many cases are older than mine on the registry.
I am a very successful Business Owner, raised my kid, raised my Fiances kids.
I guess I can attend my grandkids school events now…
Someone, please refer me to an attorney that truly knows what they are doing to get me off of MISORA.
I perceive that I am now screwed due to this class action, and will be barred from litigation.

We were told we did not have to report because of the pandemic. How come we have to report now when the pandemic is still going? Whatever happened to the class action lawsuit that was filed and what happened with the ruling that you can not be charged retroactively which I still am. Does anybody know a good lawyer that could get me off that list? Thanks.

Oliver law group is a 5000.00 dollar retainer to get people off of the registries they have never turned me down and have actually offered me advice without paying a dime they really do care but slamming the state is gonna cost us all a fortune in court costs like they told me they are not going to take it easy on us but rember guys the attorneys don’t get payed for a class action unless they win and Oliver law group has been fighting right along side of the ACLU so I’d go with these guys they know the system but they are also weighting to here from judge Cleland on the matter

Ty, Barberjoe & Josh for keeping us informed with all the important info. I was just as confused as most here, over do we start again or not ? Was the judgment finalized or not ? You brought clarity , where even calling the local Precinct did not clear it up . Ty again for the updates .

I feel bad for all the pre 2006 and 2011 registrants, I really do. I was lucky enough to be removed when the new law took effect. I won’t go over the punishment aspect of the registry, it’s been covered to death. What’s the point of having something removed or expunged from your record just for you imagine and info to be blasted to the public? It was a mess. My thoughts are this, for those of you still calling Judge Cleland’s court, I’d stop and I’d stop really quickly. You’re pissing off the only person that has judged in your favor that has the power to do something about it. Other comments I’ve read is that Judge Cleland is going to blast the state for not following his orders. While it’s possible, it’s highly improbable. He’s not sitting up at night feeling wronged by the state. He knows this is all part of the legal game. The state was smart for what they wanted to accomplish, they’re not dumb. They knew exactly what they were doing when they passed this. They know it throws the ball out of their court and now the ACLU will have to refile basically. They’re going to drag this out for as long as they can, and with the state that’s probably indefinitely. They didn’t misinterpret what his ruling was, they passed the bare minimum in their eyes and got the heat off of them. The only thing that will really make them act is if the judge decides that the registry is unenforceable and removes it totally. Not just temporarily, if he throws it out as unconstitutional and gets rid of it all together, then they’d have to act and act fast. But they did enough that they can make a legal argument that they covered various aspects of the ruling. I just don’t think that any of the players in this game care about this is the slightest. It’s important to the people on here because it’s your lives, but, as I was considered on for years, the sex Offender Registrants are sex offenders. Do you think they’re really rushing to give sex offenders justice? Do you really think a judge is super excited about getting rid of a list of people convicted of one of the worst crimes possible? Especially when most of society isn’t up to speed on the injustices that have happened to people on the registry, all they hear is “a federal judge did what? Oh my God, I can’t believe they’re going to be living in my area and I won’t know who or where they are!” They judge told the state they had 90 days to change it or it was being thrown out. Did that ever come to about? Sure they use Covid as an excuse, but the state was still functioning, the legislature wasn’t off for a year. His court wasn’t closed for a year. He let them have way more time then needed, now it’s become a law and I haven’t heard word one on a “final judgement.” I keep hearing about this final judgement and Judge Cleland is going to get his revenge against the state for not listening to him. I hate to say it I just don’t think it will happen. The state can do whatever they want. Just like they’ve done. This Does 2 case was years ago now and barely anything has changed except letting some people off that realistically should’ve never been on. So 17 years of punishment, some way more in other cases, finally got righted. But the state could careless if everyone is on this list until their dying day. They begrudgingly let some people off, but the ones they have, they’re going to do everything they can to keep them on. I’m not trying to be a downer, but this is what I came to realize over these last few years. There are a few people that care, but unfortunately it’s the wrong ones. Not the ones who make the decisions. None of these politicians want to be known as the one who was easy on the sex offenders. The one who lets them all go. That’s political suicide. Look at Whitmer, she acted like the registry was a miscarriage of justice before she took office, but how much help has she offered since she took office? Lord knows she loves getting that plastic looking face of hers plastered all over news shows and whatever media she can get. You think she wants to answer questions about letting sex offenders go or getting a rep for being light on sex offenses? No way. I feel bad because it’s going to take a miracle for them to do anything that is actually right. While the ACLU has been awesome during this whole thing, even their “wins” have been small and basically ignored by the state. I wish you luck, I really do, but if you keep getting yourselves worked up over something you have no control over, it’s going to drive you mental. Try your best to live the best life you can, expect the worst in this situation and hope for the best. It’s not lost on me that I’m incredibly lucky and do have the ACLU to thank for that. This whole thing has just shown me how irrelevant me and my opinions are in this world. How just because something is right, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. Until someone has the b@££$ to step up and make changes in government, we’re going to get the same results. You all know the definition of insanity don’t you?

My Anxiety Sucks ! These Highs and Lows throughout this whole thing have been very hard to even live.

44,000 + on the Michigan sora,
I just counted 30 +/- commenters on this posting,and some of them are out of state…
When I see that ratio, it is depressing, then I realized in fact it showed me 44k+ Probably do not have access to the site !

@Michigan, So does anyone know if there has been any word from Judge Cleland yet concerning Does ll, not that I am holding my breathe on good news on our behalf. Though Judge Cleland knows ethically morally and constitutionally what the right thing to do is but the question is will he do the right thing. Fingers crossed he does or did, but don’t count on it.

So we don’t have to start registering yet right thank you if anyone can answer

Now Scooter, Josh and many more. Look we can all be lead away. Even women can try to get over on another person. And actually it doesn’t have to even involve sex. Sure my sister don’t always agree but we all try. Now when one can’t trustr government who ya gonna trust or why do you think myself even brought up the Hatfirld and McCoy feud or the Logan County Five.

Government can be a bit nasty in many ways and cover up a lot of things. Sure the old saying one can say what goes around comes around but don’t we all have a defense mechinism to safegard one’s family or individual self. Hey I pled guilty and yes I am going thru 10 yrs probation and yes I have gotten tickets maybe a ticket or two. Even once about being on facebook which I didn’t actually sign up for face book but wanted to understand why people wanted to vote for Trump. Now Janice doesn’t have to post this if she doesn’t want too

The main point is government is just as guilty with this greenlight internet saga or to overcome another in this devilish way. Marriage things or things of that nature I don’t know anything about those episode’s. But safeguarding and helping others whether in prison or not are good for all. Who wants their conscience singed. Even one guy talks about Drunk drivers in many ways kill. And yes in many ways sex offender issues can kill when one is enticed in this house of cards dirty dealing. Doesn’t make a court system of Justice any better and true Justice is what its all about.

@HYTA Guy:

Great summary. I completely agree.

It doesn’t make any sense to have me listed on the Hit Lists and not millions of others (e.g. people who have shot people with a gun). I have been listed for over 2 decades for a crime where I was offered a plea bargain with no jail time at all. It’s insane.

Listing me has absolutely protected no one. But it has made me really not care about other people and want to hurt them. The Hit Lists have made me dangerous.

The Hit Lists have given me carte blanche to be as bad a citizen as I’d like. Very, very few people care. People living in America rarely care until it affects them directly.

The Hit Lists are permission to hate and burn everything to the ground. I’ll do that but I’ll also continue living a great life, better than most.

So today is this last day I can register this mouth. So do I go in or not

This is the last Paragraph in the Opinion Of Does One Ended With ………..

We conclude that Michigan’s SORA imposes punishment. And while many (certainly not all) sex offenses involve abominable, almost unspeakable, conduct that deserves severe legal penalties, punishment may never be retroactively imposed or increased. Indeed, the fact that sex offenders are so widely feared and disdained by the general public implicates the core countermajoritarian principle embodied in the Ex Post Facto clause. As the founders rightly perceived, as dangerous as it may be not to punish someone, it is far more dangerous to permit the government under guise of civil regulation to punish people without prior notice. Such lawmaking has “been, in all ages, [a] favorite and most formidable instrument[] of tyranny.” The Federalist No. 84, supra at 444 (Alexander Hamilton). It is, as Justice Chase argued, incompatible with both the words of the Constitution and the underlying first principles of “our free republican governments.” Calder, 3 U.S. at 388–89; accord The Federalist No. 44, supra at 232 (James Madison) (“[E]x post facto laws . . . are contrary to the first principles of the social compact, and to every principle of sound legislation.”). The retroactive application of SORA’s 2006 and 2011 amendments to Plaintiffs is unconstitutional, and it must therefore cease. As we have explained, this case involves far more than an Ex Post Facto challenge. And as the district court’s detailed opinions make evident, Plaintiffs’ arguments on these other issues are far from frivolous and involve matters of great public importance. These questions, however, will have to wait for another day because none of the contested provisions may now be applied to the plaintiffs in this lawsuit, and anything we would say on those other matters would be dicta.

So how can they not rule in our favor ???? They didnt fix the unconstitutional retroactive amendments ( Aka Punishment )

I believe there will be 44,000 law suits filed, times each violation of the constitution, unless,,,,

I also was told to wait on sueing the state of michigan. Attorney said wait for aclu to see what happens.

Thank you all….!
If this feasible,
Might I suggest looking yourself up, ,then setting the search on the 5 mile radius , that will show you the people in your Area that might be interested in this case, at least let them know that this website exists.
I have shared this site with some and I found that most don’t want to talk,,,, but all took the website I wrote down on a piece of paper,
Half had no phone/ internet, and did not want anything to do with the internet,,,, trying to explain to someone that you can look at the internet/website without signing in,
( library, Mickey d, type restaurants) ….is a bit difficult.
My hope is that after I left, they might check it out on their own or ask someone to check it out for them……
I might add, I have no idea if any have.

Is there a spellcheck here ?

@Michigan, So just curious does anyone think Cleland will make his final ruling today. My take on it is he will continue to wait on his ruling. My question is even if he ruled in our favor as far as ,pre- 2006 and 2011 go, would Michigan have to revise the registry again even with this so called new law which is obviously still unconstitutional. If it is in our favor ( wishful thinking) then all pre 2006 and 2011 should be removed ASAP, just like HYTA people were removed. Wishful thinking of course. I just hope Cleland does the right thing.

Have you had a chance to read this?
SADO MichiganState Appellate Defender Officeand Criminal Defense Resource Center

Sorry, you have to type sora in the search box, my bad .

There’s a status conference for Does 2 on the morning of the 8th.

I just read the summary, that sounded like a plea deal to me,