NJ: Man dies in Civil Commitment After Being Beaten by Officers

[floridaactioncommittee.org – 3/4/21]

The family of Darrell Smith is suing the state after he was beaten to a near comatose state by a group of correctional officers at the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Avenel. The center is New Jersey’s civil commitment center, where people are held indefinitely after completing their sentence.

The beating was described as “gang-style” and even after he was left in a catatonic state, officers at the facility waited five days before taking him to the hospital, where he died two days later.

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Prior to my sentencing in NJ I was instructed to go to the Adult Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Avenel for a psychiatric evaluation. After 4 to 5 hours of interrogation and questioning I was deemed safe to be tried and not locked up there. The questioning consisted of 5 to 6 hundred questions. Out of those 5 to 6 hundred question, only one answer seemed out of the normal/ordinary/questionable/whatever, I forget the exact wording. They still tried to use that against me but failed. The point is, I could have been imprisoned there and dealt the same death as this guy.

Truly sad and reckless. Give people a badge and a paycheck and they’ll believe they can get away with anything. Build a system that enables mistreatment and brutality and that’s what you’ll get. Keep playing this image that people in custody are merely cattle to be herded and processed…like nobody there had a life on the outside or a family that cared for them.

Let’s hear what BLM has to say on the matter…all violence should be condemned. All lives matter.

Cough up hundreds of millions Jersey for damages caused by your wannabe Nazis thugs. This is unacceptable and America is truly the land of the ignorant people. All states that have these laws need to be sued for violating human rights. I don’t care if it costs taxpayers hundreds of millions in lawsuits. Enough is enough of these practices rooted in pure hate and evil.

Those guards ought to die an excruciating horrific death . I am so enraged hearing about these monsters getting away with doing inhumane shit like this!!!!!! God help them when this crooked system collapses, cause boy are they in for a whirlwind of horrific incredible karmic consequences!!!! God help them If it was one of my loved ones!!!!! I am furious!! These pigs are out of control!!!

If your labeled a sex offender you wanna do any and everything you can to stay out of jail or prison because there death camps and
correctional officers have no respect for sex offenders I can only imagine the staff inside a psychiatric hospital they probably drugged this poor guy before and after they beat the hell out of him

Good luck