FL: Summerfield sex offender jailed after showing up a day late to register

[villages-news.com – 4/6/21]

A Summerfield sex offender spent a night in jail last week after showing up a day late for his quarterly registration update.

Eric Samuel ____, 50, of 9445 SE 162nd St., was convicted in Orange County in October 1997 of sexual battery on a victim under 12 by an adult. As a result, he was required to register as a sex offender and must re-register four times a year, in the months of June, September, December and March.

On the morning of Thursday, April 1, Eric Samuel ____ reported to the sheriff’s office to register. After being read his Miranda warning, he told a deputy he forgot he was required to register in March. Eric Samuel ____ said he realized on March 31 he had forgotten and came to the sex offender unit office, but it was closed. Eric Samuel ____ has been provided with the unit’s office hours in the past and is aware the office is closed on Wednesdays, the report said.

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I put my registration alert in my calendar for a number of days before and after to ensure I don’t miss it. I try to register as soon as possible in case I get sick or something happens, which would be a disaster if were foolish enough to wait until the last possible day.

Our entire life centers around signing a peace of paper. We can go 20 yrs without so much as a jaywalking summons, but if we miss that one day, we get arrested and go to jail. Pathetic.

What was this guy thinking.
In reality he couldn’t handle it image registering 3 times a month nobody’s that perfect he was eventually going back to prison no matter what.

Good luck ✌😷

I thought the registry was just administrative? So, in that case a late reminder would be appropriate. It IS punishment! No Ifs and Buts…PUNISHMENT! If I am late registering my car, or late filing taxes, I might get a fee added, but I WON’T go to jail. Do these idiots not see the difference and call it what it is? PUNISHMENT! Over and over again!

This is the spot where the concepts of civil intent are overwhelmed by punitive outcome. Obviously this man didn’t intentionally avoid registration yet here he’s actually charged. This is precisely why the minority called the majority liars in Smith V03.

In many Florida countries registration offices are opened twice a week at a odd hours. If someone has completed their sentence regardless of jail, prison, probation, or parole the debt has been paid. No administration or civil bs and leave people alone without finding another loophole. Stop beating a dead horse and call the registry what it is: Punishment that’s punitive to the zillionth power * politicians obsession with sex.

I feel very sorry for this unfortunate PFR (person forced to register). His arrest is yet more evidence & ammunition in the argument that Registries ARE Punishment!! 😡(Anywhere else, I’d be curious how the judge would respond when this case appears in her/his courtroom. But it’s Florida, so there’s little doubt about what the judge’s attitude and response will be. 😡)

What does anyone want to bet that there was no change to this guy’s information from his previous registration?

Another example of the absurdity of registry law…

The “Price Club” Membership….It’s working exactly the way they want it to.