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This is from 2018. Hamilton was condescending and apparently didn’t persuade anyone in the audience at this debate.

I am curious as to why and how WAR just got around to posting this now…

While this is a very entertaining and informative video, it should be noted that the debate took place on Feb. 12, 2018, and has been previously posted on ACSOL. But it’s fun to watch it again. Prof. Horowitz kicked butt.

How unfortunate is it that almost immediately upon the discovery of the potential of an electronic database driven infrastructure a society humans began to indenture other humans to the maintenance for life? How is it one can be convinced database property should treated differently than any other machine or device? ONLY the purveyors of such would benefit!

As for me, I’ve always instinctively understood the issue was far more about the desire for unfettered use of the machine database rather than about a prophylactic against violence and human nature. Whether a database can be effective when used as a prophylactic against social nuisance is readily apparent and negative. In fact if anything the birth of the database driven infrastructure made the people substantively more vulnerable to attacks of every nature. LOVE IS BLIND.

Around the 47th minute in the video, a person asked a question if the registry violates the right to privacy.

Marcie, the pro registry person in the debate, said “the right to privacy” does not exist in the constitution and it isn’t deliberately detailed.

My ears perked up because California does specifically state “the right to privacy” within its constitution, which was amended in 1974. This is point is something I have been bringing up often.

All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.

(Sec. 1 added Nov. 5, 1974, by Proposition 7. Resolution Chapter 90, 1974.)”

“… pursuing and obtaining… privacy.”

1. The registry “must” give a pathway to re-attain privacy.
2. 1203.4 states if a person earns this case dismissal, then they also have the information/accusation against the defendant dismissed. Meaning that information can no longer be used, implying a direct path off the registry since the registry is only “sharing information”. 1203.4 gives the path and awards privacy once again.

If the registry is only sharing and collecting “private info” due to the conviction, it is in direct violation in extending the registration period for all those who earned the 1203.4 as “the right to privacy” is distinctly stated in the CA constitution.

Marci is only an expert at being a mouthpiece for the pro registry groups. Emily Horowitz is professional and actual uses facts for home run arguments.

Professor Marci Hamilton repeats the “frighting and high” recidivism rate over and over again, though that has been debunked over and over again.

How a 1986 Psychology Today article continues to make fools of Supreme Court justices

Marci sure was fascinated with Larry Nasar and Jerry Sandusky as they play on fear that all registrants have hundreds of victims.