UK: Shanklin sex offender had cartoon-porn depicting child sex abuse

[ – 4/4/21]

A REGISTERED sex offender who had cartoon-pornography depicting child abuse on his hard drive has appeared in court.

Hilary _______, 79, of Grange Road, Shanklin, appeared before the Isle of Wight Crown Court on Thursday.

At a previous hearing at the Isle of Wight Magistrates’ Court on February 9, he admitted possession of a prohibited image of a child.

Prosecutor, Kelly Brocklehurst, told the court Hilary _______,’ case was an unusual one, in that the images found were cartoon-like ­— pseudo images.

He said Hilary _______,, subject to an indefinite sexual harm prevention order since 2016, was not permitted to use a device capable of accessing the internet unless inspected by police.

Mr Brocklehurst said 15 images were found on a hard disk drive belonging to Hilary _______,.

He said no one else had access to it, he did not recall downloading them, but said they may have been part of a bulk download.

Mr Brocklehurst said Hilary _______ admitted to police he had occasional sexual fantasies involving children, but knew the difference between fantasy and real life.

Hilary _______, representing himself, told the court the images had been buried inside a game.

He said it was one of as many as 100 games, and the directory was created in 2015 ­— before he was sentenced for making indecent images of a child.

He said he had no idea the images were there ­— the computer was returned to him by police and he was under the impression there was nothing prohibited on it.

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This article as it serves as a warning that even though police inspect and return your electronics you could still be charged with a crime much later for something on that device. Also, don’t assume CP not involving actual people won’t end you up in prison.

Shall we redefine the term child porno now that King George has a database?

My God, what a joke. How do they define cartoon images of children?
I mean, what if it’s Boss Baby gettin’ it on with the Powder Puff Girls? How do we know how old they actually are? Maybe they look young for their age.

And I love that the ad at the bottom of the article is for a video game based on Loony Tunes cartoon characters. No doubt, the game is embedded with tantalizing imagery of cartoon children engaged in cartoon sex with Bugs Bunny, Wile E, Coyote and that obvious sexual deviant, Elmer Fudd. And let’s not forget Porky Pig and Donald Duck who are allowed to perform in front of our children while not wearing any pants! What a sick world we live in.

“Th-th-th-that’s all folks!”


I guess I’ll need to destroy my pictures of Jessica Rabbit since I have not verified her age. Especially since nudity is not a requirement for pornography. Her version of Patty-Cake with Rodger Rabbit is clearly sexual.

Will childbirth become illegal because babies are born naked?

It boggles the mind how drawn cp can ever be considered a crime. Cp is illegal because there’s a victim, but where is the victim in a case like this?

I thought the Supreme Court decided that possession of cartoons constituted a thought crime only, because there is no victim?

You don’t see this kind if foolishness in non-registry countries. The insanity is unreal. If the hackers in the world really wanted to ruin the US political system, forget about election fraud, now all they would have to do is plant some cartoon CP on every target incumbent and notify the proper authorities.

We are settings ourselves up to be the undisputed laughingstock of the world, if that hasn’t already happened.

Would the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, where Marie sculpts something that resembles part of the female body? Might as well ban Family Guy and The Simpsons when characters say a little some, some or get some action.

On a different note–why is this in the newspaper? Has he been found guilty? If he is found innocent, will most people still think he is guilty.

In my opinion, newspapers should not be allowed to report on crimes until there has been a resolution.