ACSOL Training for CA Tiered Registry Petitions Video Replay Is Now Available

Prior to viewing the training, it is recommended that you review the forms below, including the petition form as well as the forms to be completed by the District Attorney offices as well as judges:

DA Reply – July 2021

Petition – Instructions – July 2021

Petition – July 2021

Proof of Service – July 2021

Court Order – July 2021



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Y A Y ! Thanks for a Re-Try and may it be Noise Revenger FREE! THANK You So Much

We hope that many people will join the webinar on July 29 because there is a lot of important information to share. We apologize for the disruptions earlier this month and believe we have found a technology that cannot be interrupted. The limiting factor is that Chance and I will not be able to speak to you, however, we will be able to answer written questions. Hope you can join us on July 29!

I signed up with the public defender, but I am sure you can’t have too much information when going through this process. I look forward to learning as much as I can.

Honestly can’t see this helping since I have 3 yrs left. Based on past experience, the whole process will change at least a few times by then. Hell, they might even rescind the whole tiered system by then .

Thank you

I’m working with Lawanda Martinez at the riverside county public defenders office were preparing for a hearing in court after we file our petition she’s 99% sure the DA office is gonna demand a hearing in the name of public safety on ever case that comes through their office.

We have now finalized what technology we will use for this training. In order to participate in the training by computer or by phone, you will need to click on the link above and sign up. After you sign up, an access code will be sent to you. You must sign up ahead of time as you will not be able to sign up the day of the training.

Wow! I concur. The DUI isn’t serious, but why 2 failures to register? We knew this law was going into affect 2-3 years ago? Why haven’t you attempted to get your charges reduced to misdemeanors and expunged? Dui expunged? I killed it years ago and got my charge reduced pursuant to 17b/later expunged and I even did a 858.1 on my own. It wasn’t easy. I even filed a COR in OC and it was shot down! Then, after spending hours reviewing the new law and realizing we have a very liberal DA in LA and noting a COR would still get me off the registry up until June 30th of this year, I had my COR granted. Guys, you have to move fast. I’m off the registry/dodged a bullet and I didn’t have to deal with the asses in OC! I’m now free and clear and in the process of obtaining my professional license again. Get moving.

Does anyone have info on where Kern County stands on the petitions?

After I found out I have 5 more years on the registery I quit my job put in my 30 day notice selling my car buying a van or suv and leaving California my girlfriend is gonna be pissed but the situation is to complicated to even explain anymore I guess I’ll just be a vagabond.

I’m sure I missed this somewhere, but what happens if your tier assignment is still TBD? Also, it says that you have to serve the county DA in the county you were convicted in, what if it’s Federal Court? Does anyone know?

Would this session be recorded and be available later also? Or do we have to sign up to get a recording?

Unfortunately, I will be working during the meeting. Will there be any kind of a document or a recording available for those who cannot attend? A written summary with details in the right places would be enormously helpful to many, including those who arrive here after the meeting. Thank you for everything you are doing.

This DOJ Information Bulletin may or my not be helpful. Evidently one of the reasons, if not the sole reason, to submit the petition to LE in is for them to determine any tolling.

At about 45:00 minutes into it, are you suggesting the petition law should be changed to consider other non-sex crimes in the rap sheet?

It’s unfortunate that in California, we still have to “petition” off the registry. In some other states, if you are Tier I or Tier II, the registration obligation terminates automatically — usually at the 10, 15, or 20 year period. I feel that what’s going to complicate this further, at least for some of us, is the whole “risk-assessment” shenanigans. I’m talking about the Static-99R, SARATSO, etc.

I don’t know… the whole ‘petitioning’ process, “tiering,” with the pseudoscience ‘risk-assessment’ process, seems overwhelmingly scam-ish.

In fact, I’m just going to outright say that sex offender registration, and the process to get off Megan’s List, is 100% scam.

Last edited 3 years ago by REGISTERED GOAT

FYI: When I registered in Oakland California on the 23rd of July, the new form CJIS 8050 was given to me.

It was almost as if they don’t want to have to deal with me anymore.

my question i have been registering 27 years, 288a given a tier 2 form from sbpd on birth day in may. i live in san bernardino co have for 2o years , crime in riverside county 1998….where do i petion relief??off registry which county

I went to Van Nuys LAPD for my annual check in today. As I believe that I’m qualified for relief from 290 registration. I asked for the needed information. They told me 2 things that stand out and I want to share.
1st) If you serve LAPD with a copy of your CR-415 after you file with the court and it has the (tier to be determined on it), the officers told me it goes straight into the round file. 
2nd) I asked for a copy of Proof of Current Registration (CJLS 8050), and the officers told me that without a tier assignment, their computer system will’nt let them even access this form. My last name starts with a letter in the middle of the alphabet, so I’m thinking the DOJ willn’t get to me till sometime in the 2nd quarter next year if I’m lucky. ( note to self; the longer you have been registering, the longer it takes to get off)

Guys your getting me to think and I hate to think as it overloads my brain. I’m sure we all did enough of that in school to get into trouble right Will Allen. I’m a tier III and I never went to prison. My Attorney dropped out on me and I was up the creek without a paddle, or was I. I even got the person on the other end to tell me why they wanted me to come down their. It was to talk filthy to them. Dirty, Dirty, Dirty.
So who’s playing ball with Benny and the Jets out in California. or is it gonna take money. So a come on over to my house and lets talk dirty. What a one line come on..

I have lived in CA for 6 years I was convicted 20 years ago in Illinois. Can anyone advise a competent, knowledgable, effective attorney to file my documents

I went in to do my annual registration today (Fresno County Sherriff), and before I could even ask, they handed me a filled-out Proof of Registration form (CJIS8050), and attached to it was my tier assignment letter, and instructions about how to go about petitioning to get off the registry. I guess some registration agencies are more on top of things than others.
I only hope the actual petition process goes anywhere near as smoothly!

Is my understanding correct, my birthday is December 30, therefore l can file the petition in December?

Has Anyone applied for termination in Sonoma county?

Does anyone know if any investigative reports are filed with the opposition to the petition? I’m told my petition was opposed due to other criminal history so it must be a very old rap sheet issue. Is that the “Other” on the DA form? Would it be possible to get copies at the court? Or are they only filed for the hearing?

I am otherwise eligible.